When Your Life is Stuck

As long as you can live with today, today will become tomorrow. The moment you say, “This is it, enough is enough,” then today is thrown in the oven. Your today could be the tomb or the womb. You choose. Your today could be the day you bury that thing, or cause the thing to become resurrected. If you are learning to live with it, then you are negotiating with life. “How you can keep this baby alive? When you have had enough, you will say, “Bury this baby,” knowing that it was really never a baby in need of sustenance but rather a blood-sucking parasite. It’s up to you to know the difference.


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How are you going to make today a WOMB for a new tomorrow?

Who is Your Neighbor Mentor?

Every mentor has to be discerning. Everything that is hanging is not hanging on for life. Some people are just sucking, but not doing it for the purpose of living. They are sucking for the same reason that a full baby sucks, just to be pacified and lulled off to sleep.  Not only should you discern that one whom you will mentor in life, but you also must watch out for individuals that will show up in your life in the name of volunteerism.


So many people will come into your life saying, “I’m here to help you.” Often those relationships end up in failure and much hurt. Why?  It is because parasitical people do not bring anything to add to your life, but when you add up the sum total at the end of the year, they just took, took, took, and took! You, no one else is responsible to get those parasites out of your house and out of your life.  Like vampires, these takers come out at night when they cannot see any daylight. They live off your life because they do not have a life. Get a life! And make sure that you only hang out with people that have a life too.

This is your wake up call. Honestly ask this question. Am I a parasite or do I have parasites in my life?  If your neighbor is a parasite, it they will suck the life out of you and leave you dead. Perhaps you might be a bit perturbed by my frankness. Go ahead get mad.  I want to provoke you to take action.  Unless you get angry about your present, you will not come into a new future. Your future only comes, and is based upon the condition of your anger today.


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Know Thy Neighbor

. .you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 19:18

I  am in the business of being, getting, multiplying, and just being rich. I am in the neighborhood of the rich. Understand that just because a person lives next door to you, does not mean they are your neighbors. A next-door neighbor is a person that is next door in consciousness. Everyone that is around you is not your next-door neighbor. There are a lot of people that I have rubbed next to today, but we are not in the same neighborhood, because we are not vibrating at the same frequency. My neighbors vibrate at the same frequency as I do. Therefore, it is important for you understand what a neighborhood is.

You used to think that neighborhood was, because a person lived right next door to you. In one way that was true. As you evolve in conscious- ness, you will begin to notice that your zip code will start to change. When you evolve in consciousness, and become more filled with the principles of God’s work, your zip code will have to change. Your housing situation will change. No longer will you be able to live at just any address. Conscious- ness will choose the right place for you to live, the place you are supposed to be.

Your workstation will change. And those people vibrating around you will change. As a matter of fact, you will have a grieving period, a postpartum depression, because you have someone on you right now that is tied to you with an umbilical cord, that God is about to sever. God is about to get someone off your breast that has been nursing on you and have become a parasite. You have to watch out for parasitical relationships. Neighbors are there to be a blessing not a curse. Relationships that drain you are not worth having. That is why there is a fine line between mentor, or mentoring someone and a parasite.



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Who is your neighbor?

Create Your Reality

Start to draw it into your realm of reality. I will lead you into a meditation. As you are seated right now, lift your eyes slightly upward, about twenty degrees. You are going to bring that which is; up in the heavens, the heavens of your mind. Right now you see it on your mental screen, see Jesus holding it, ready to present it into your realm of matter. God is taking what is in the realm of the invisible and bringing it into the visible.

Now, your imagination is creation. What is the finished product that you are looking to see manifest? Give yourself permission to have it, by your eyes beholding it. Feel it become more and more real in your experience. Feel the joy of having; the joy of knowing, feel the joy of understanding this is your divine right. Feel the joy! Now that all of these things have become real in your experience, feel it as if it happening now! Whatever was in the past is no longer in the picture. This new found feeling is in the picture, for it is set within your life.


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What can your imagination create?

Be The First to Give

Relationships are destroyed when others cannot give back to you the way the universe demands for them to give back. They walk away mad with you, because they refuse to be the channel to harvest back what is supposed to come to them by divine law. That is where you get envy, jealousy, strife, and stress, and people getting upset. So always know that in any relationship, be the first one to give. When you are the first one to give that means you are guaranteed a harvest out of the relationship.


With every person I do business with, I try to get their birthdays. Why do I do that? I want to remember them. I’ve created a system to remember people on his or her birthday and give something to them. It might just be a box of candy that cost $4.00. You should try this with your boss. That gift can generate a five percent or a ten percent increase in your raise. Other employees may not give anything to their boss; they are only trying to take from them.


Relationships are destroyed when others cannot give back to you the way the universe demands for them to give back. They walk away mad with you, because they refuse to be the channel to harvest back what is supposed to come to them by divine law. That is where you get envy, jealousy, strife, and stress, and people getting upset. So always know that in any relationship, be the first one to give. When you are the first one to give that means you are guaranteed a harvest out of the relationship.


With every person I do business with, I try to get their birthdays. Why do I do that? I want to remember them. I’ve created a system to remember people on his or her birthday and give something to them. It might just be a box of candy that cost $4.00. You should try this with your boss. That gift can generate a five percent or a ten percent increase in your raise. Other employees may not give anything to their boss; they are only trying to take from them.


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Lift your eyes upwardslightlyandimagineright now what you want. Write

it down here



Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse,

that there may be meat in mine house, and

prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of

hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heav-

en, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall

not be room enough to receive it.

Malachi 3:10


Think about it, you go and get your nails manicured. You go and get your hair treated and even cut off the dead ends. In less than a week’s time, you have to get it done all over again. Life is always growing in you. Nature is always giving you more. Your cells in your body rejuvenate. Your blood keeps pumping. Nature keeps giving you more oxygen, so you can give up more carbon dioxide. Nature is always giving more.


You cannot beat God’s giving. The more you give the more God gives back to you. When you give you force the universe to give back to you, and the universe can never give back to you what you gave to it. That is why the one that gives first in the relationship controls the relationship, because the seed always controls the harvest. So when you enter into a relationship, make a vow to be the first one to give. When you are the first giver, the other person can never give back to you exactly the way you gave to them.  The Lord always demands a harvest.



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What form of harvest can you request from the Lord?

You Were Not Born for Tears

Does your tears move God? Tears alone will not move God.  God is not really moved by your tears. That is why I am not so thrilled about altar calls. A lot of people crying at the altar are crying because they got caught doing something they shouldn’t have been doing. You have to understand, tears have never moved God, and tears should not move you either. When someone uses tears to provoke you to action, they are manipulating your humanity.

I do not trust anything with tears, because so many people are full-time actors and actresses. Do not become moved by people’s tears. It is all a part of acting class. Man cries because he or she has become out of alignment with God. As long as you are in alignment with God you will never have a need to cry about anything. You will know most intuitively that everything is already all right because you and God are at oneness. God wants you to be at peace with Him and humanity.  Being at peace, and at oneness with God will only happen when you are in right consciousness, a right frame of mind.


People cry when they are hurting and they seemingly cannot do anything about it. They cry when they have exhausted all of their efforts and perhaps resources and now they are left with nothing much with which to move forward. This leads them to desperate measures.  Why do people rob banks, do drugs, violate women, abuse children, neglect their families, or just commit to a lifestyle of crime? They do it because they are desperate!

Early in life they learned those skills from their mother.  Since manipulation does not control God and you are god, it should neither control you. Many people use manipulation to get what they want in life.  This may work for a while, but it like other coercive tactics will soon come to an end. There is no way you can live a lifestyle of manipulation and have faith in God at the same time. You don’t have to manipulate your way into something that God has promised to freely give you. Subconsciously, many of us do not have a real trust in God. It is going to take a changing of the mind, in order to effectuate lasting change in the area of trust.



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What are the things you were unaware you were manipulating God with?

The Distinction of a “Multidunous Harvest”

When giving becomes a habitual practice very mysterious things will begin to happen in your life. You will suddenly notice you went through a whole year without a head cold; you will not be able to remember the last time you bought medication. You will notice that your children no longer get ill. You will start going through three years and four years and you will notice that you’ve not even received a doctor’s bill. You’ll have to force yourself to go to the doctors just for a checkup. Suddenly, you will begin to notice that in the fifth or sixth year someone is sending you a letter stating your child’s education has been paid in full.


Understand this, the harvest comes in so many different ways and directions, but sometimes we do not know how to identify a harvest when it shows up. You need to be trained to recognize the harvest when it comes. It may not always show up in money. But it will always have a value equal to or far greater than money. Harvests show up in all kinds of different packages. When giving becomes a way of life for you, then you have no problem with getting or shall I say, receiving.


Receiving will become a way of life for you. Lay not treasures up. Do not lay treasures up on this plain. Your heavenly bank account far excels what your earthly bank account can demonstrate. Givers enjoy a level of harvest that most people cannot explain. It’s called the harvest of God’s favor. Another way of looking at it is as the multitudinous harvest—consisting of many parts. The level and quality of the life that I live, I am only living because of my giving.


No man is responsible for my lifestyle. It is not because of you that I am living the way I do.  My harvest is only in sequential order with the laws of the universe.  I am going to ask you, how are you living? Your answer should be, I am living because of my giving. If you are not giving, you are not living. There are so many people that want to get more in life, but in order for getting to be a way of life, you have to commit to a lifestyle of giving. Begin the journey of giving a witness the amazing return of joy, peace, happiness, and unlimited supply coming toward you from every direction.


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How can you increase your level of giving and living this week?

Stop Hanging Around the Past

You only go back to a place if something has been left undone at that place. When you master the place, then you move on from that level of glory to the next. Stop hanging around first principles when it is time to move on to the next season. I am the Lord thy God, which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. You could be led by a way that you should go, which also means that there is a way you should not go. If ye be willing and obedient, … If ye be willing and obedient. Some of you are willing but you are saying the hell with obedience. Some of you are obedient, but you are saying, the hell with willingness.


That means, you cannot just be obedient and pay tithes, you have to be willing to pay tithes. There is a difference. Some people pay tithes out of fear of going to hell so they pay out of obedience. However, if they found out that they should pay tithes, and there was not any punishment for not paying them, they’d probably stop.  They would become unwilling. Don’t do things in life out of fear. Think about the benefits. You cannot pay tithes and give under protest. What you give, you keep; what you hold onto, you lose. In Alcoholics Anonymous or drug anonymous programs, they tell you that, in order to keep your sobriety, you have to give it away. That is why they tell people to make meetings and talk about what they have been through, because they have to give their testimony away. In order to keep their sobriety, they have to remember.


Do you remember Israel? That is why they kept the Passover, to remember. Why? They remembered so that they wouldn’t go back into the bondage of Egypt. Therefore, you do not keep your victory until you give away what you have had concerning your victory. You only keep what you share; you lose what you withhold. Therefore, if I want to keep hundreds of dollars in my pocket, I have to keep giving hundreds of dollars. I can’t hoard it. Here’s a miracle— because you kept participating in the law of giving, you kept activating the law of getting. If you keep doing it, eventually you are going to start to notice the accumulation factor.


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What do you think are you hesitant to LOSE? Why are you holding on to this “thing”?

Lay it Up or Give It Up

Have you ever heard a gospel that taught you to do without?  First off, that was not the Lord thy God and neither was it good news. I am the lord thy God, which teacheth thee to profit. Someone may ask, “What do you have to say when people talk about the fact that you are into money, and the Bible says that it is wrong to lay up treasures on this earth?” Great question! “I tell them that is why when I preach I tell them not to “lay it up”

and “give it up.” Give it to me!

The people that have the most problems with giving are those that are laying it up.  You will only keep what you give away, but you lose what you hold onto. Well, “What do you have to say about Jesus, who was seemingly poor?”  I say, “Oh, no, Jesus was not poor.” He called twelve men off their job and said, “Follow me.” Most men cannot call their woman off her job. In most American household, if the woman stopped working none of the bills would get paid. Jesus was far from poor. Jesus fed 5,000 men, not counting women and children, and most have to save up money just to feed a wedding party at a reception without a problem.

Jesus clothing were commensurate to the Versace, Brioni, and the Armani of his day. He had tailor made garments. Even at the crucifixion they were casting lots for his garment.  Your garments have to be extremely costly for people to gamble for them. And Jesus said, get me an ass, which a man never sat on. Jesus was riding into Jerusalem on the Rolls Royce of his day. He did not want a used one, he said, “Get me one which a man never sat on.”


“Why was he born in a manager?” Jesus was born in a manger, to show you that you too can overcome any odds. I do not care what you are born in, you could be homeless today, but you could be calling men off their jobs tomorrow. You could be homeless today, but you could be wearing fine garments tomorrow. You could be homeless today, but telling people, “Get me a Rolls Royce that a man never sat on.” I want you to know that, where you are today, does not speak to your tomorrow. You can overcome the odds!


In this hour, people want more than teaching. People want to see demonstration. People hate to take tests. Most churches do not give you any tests. You could sit there for 50 years, and they will keep you in kindergarten. You will never get a GED there. They keep giving you building blocks to play with. They will keep you “at the cross.” There is nothing wrong with the cross, but Jesus did not hang around the cross. He did not even  hang around the tomb. Even when He was resurrected, He folded up His napkin, got it accurately arranged, so that he would not have to come back to it again.



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What are the odds God is calling you to overcome?

Willingness and Obedience : The Key to Being Rich

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.

Isaiah 1:19

If you are not eating the good of the land, it is because of one of two reasons. You are either not willing or you are not obedient. Even a fool can understand the simplicity of this text. Your blessings rely on your willingness and obedience. There is not a delay factor in this God idea. As soon as you become willing and obedient, you immediately eat the good. The inverse of this is that if you are not willing and not obedient, then you eat the bad of the land. What are you eating? What is your diet? Your diet is

totally contingent upon your corresponding action.


There are times when you are obedient. You are walking in obedience yet you do not see the return of favor and increase in your life. That is because you have to have a willingness to receive. Some people do not mind giving with a pure heart. However, they close up and go into a clamshell when it is time for God to begin pouring out blessings on their life. You, not God regulates and controls the amount of increase and favor that comes into your life. If you are willing to receive then you will have an unlimited supply. If you are not then your supply will be clogged, like a sink dirty drain.

There are a lot of people that go to work for the check, but ask them if they are willing to work. Their willingness does not match their obedience. That is why the never eat the good of the land. When you are not willing, you are not submissive. You do not have the right action, or attitude of heart. You have the right outward action, but you do not have the right consciousness. Have you ever had somebody do something for you and as they went to do it, you said never mind, I’ll do it. Why did you do that? Okay, you may be saying the old adage, “If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.”


But if someone is willing to do it, then allow him or her to do so. You may say, “Just because someone is willing to do something for me doesn’t mean that they are going to do it with the right spirit or with the right heart.”  It is interesting to see that people typically do not want others doing things for them under the false guise of willingness, when deep down inside they really would rather not be bothered at all.  It is not about doing something because of a feeling of obligation. It is all about doing what you do from the heart.  And others can definitely feel what is in your heart.

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What areas in your life lack obedience and willingness in the Lord?

The Feeling Matters

Have you ever thrown out a suggestion to someone and they said, “I’m not really feeling that idea?” What were they actually confessing? They were saying that they could not align themselves with the idea until they felt it within. Before people can give anything of themselves they must first fee. A woman does not give a man herself in marriage, and vice versa until first there is an exchange of feeling. You have never made a purchase for a car, a home, clothing, until you first felt that purchase. You felt the thing that you were purchasing.

Nothing happens in the universe until it is first felt. Jesus could not die a sacrificial death for humanity until He first felt it.

 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities . . .

Hebrews 4:15

Feeling is the motivation to get things accomplished in the earth realm. And your feeling has to be mix with faith. You have to believe!

In the same way that you have to feel your friends, your family, a salesperson, a theory, or a new teaching before you buy into it, God also must feel your feeling towards the thing you desire before He can fund your vision.

God has to be able to say, “I’m feeling that, so I can invest into it.”  To invest into something that you don’t feel make you and God a bad stewards and a waster of resources. Only sow into that which you are feeling. And only feel that which requires