Your Conscience teaches you Obedience

Obedience is living a life with respect for the rules. The simplest rule God has for us is to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. However throughout your life you will be tempted to bend the rules. Your conscience is your moral compass that helps you avoid sin.

Doing Wrong

We can commit minor sins in life or major ones. No matter what we do, when we choose to do something wrong we will feel it. Your conscience is God’s inner tracking system and when you choose to sin you will feel it when your conscience begins to eat away at you. The closer you are to God the stronger that tracking system remains. The farther you live from God the more it fades. That is why for many it becomes easier and easier to walk down the path of sin. The less faith you have in God the easier it becomes to do wrong. Your conscience is missing its inner beacon which is faith.

Telling Your Self it’s Okay

It is also easy to convince yourself a small sin is okay. This makes it easier to live with your self. But your conscience is what helps you make the right choices and learn the importance of being obedient. Memorizing the 10 commandments can help you remember how God wants you to live and how living this way can make you happy. Peace of mind is easy when you are obedient. Once you convince your self it is okay to take a little money out of the till at work, or steal a kiss with your neighbor’s husband it becomes easier to take a lot of money out of the till or jump into bed with your neighbor’s husband. Telling your self a little sin is okay does nothing more than make it easier to commit more sin. Each sin takes you further from God, but God is always willing to offer his love when you want to make your way back to him. Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan can help you find your way back to God. He can provide you with a personal prophecy that shows you God knows you are good and wants you to follow a path that will bring you back to him with a conscience that wipes the slate clean to do good.cropped-banner9.png

Be kind to your neighbor

1How do you approach the people around you? Are you the type of person that greets everybody with a smile or are you a grumpy fellow that finds it difficult to throw out a compliment? Bringing positivity into your life is easier that you think. All you have to do is seek to be kind because in fact kindness does go a long way. Have you ever experienced having a bad day and having it brighten up with just a single smile from a stranger? Or did you ever wonder why simple acts of sharing had such an impact in the lives of people? The world today, with all its technology and all its distractions has somehow convinced itself that there is no time to do good when in fact it barely takes a minute.

Try and smile more when you meet strangers and see how they react to you. Being kind is free, simple and easy and the more kindness you release in the world the more you bring people towards a more human world. We see the status of current issues through Prophecy News. These news bits explain the world in terms of the prophetic and spiritual values.

Prophecy news reminds us that we must take care of the relationships that we form today. Inject kindness into your community and allow that culture to grow. When the world starts to think as one we can start to see real change. Go out and seek the words of a Prophet and get your life oriented towards your mission in Christ. Through Prophecy we can all begin to live the life that God has planned for us. The revolution stars with you. Spread the simple value of kindness and be an agent of good changes. Through Prophecy we can come together and realize the value of our everyday actions. That’s the Power of Prophecy. CLICK HERE!

Examine Yourself if You Are Really Worshipping God

The phrase ‘worship’ was first cited in the Book of Genesis section 22, when Abraham, the dad of numerous countries, was checked by God to offer Isaac, his only child as a scorched proposing to God. Most of us when instructed to manage certain thing that are contrary to our will, we are reluctant to pursue and we habitually answer, but Abraham did not deplore, rather than he brandished exhilaration when he increased early the next forenoon to forfeit his son.

The phrase adoration in this verse was characterized as obedience to God and remainder of it suggests a declaration of faith. Let us take a gaze on the 3 distinct modes that adoration was characterized and expounded
with carrying verses from the Scripture.

Bishop Bernard Jordan agrees that worship is obedience. Read 1 Samuel section 15 and let us take a peek on the article of Saul, the first monarch nominated to direct over Israel. In this section, God solidly instructed King Saul to swab out all the Amalekites and everything that pertains to them but Saul smashed the directions and supported himself that what they took will be suggested to God. Perhaps Saul considered that God will be satisfied with his offering. But that’s not what happened. God was not satisfied because
God needs total obedience.

Worship is answering to the call of the Lord. In Isaiah 6:1-8, adoration was attractively brandished in this story. When Isaiah glimpsed the Lord seated on His throne, he became cognizant of who God is and who he is before the Lord. He accepted himself as a sinner standing before a holy God. And God furthermore likes us to adoration in that way, understanding Him more in the attractiveness of His holiness. Bishop Bernard Jordan explains that God did not display Himself to belittle us and make us seem inferior because He is a large-scale God, but to notify us that even how little we are before Him, He can use us for His glory. And that is worship. It is saying ‘yes’ to the call of the Lord after comprehending His grace that acknowledged us and cleansed us even how filthy we have been. Worship makes altered lives.

Worship is a lifestyle. It’s our everyday life! When you manage the bowls and believe that you are managing it for the Lord, you are worshiping God. When you work and heal it as managing it for the Lord, it is worship. Singing the pieces of music as our entails of adoration should be as good as managing the laundry or complying our parents, or submitting to our husbands. Worship is more than vocalizing, more than clapping of hands, or promenading on our feet when the adoration group performances the devices, it is of dwelling our inhabits in obedience to God.

To flawlessly illustrate the factual significance of adoration, Jesus became a form for all of us when He completely complied the will of the Father. He dwelled a life on soil satisfying to His fantastic Father. He conveyed out the supreme forfeit by proposing Himself on the traverse for the atonement of our sins which has conveyed salvation to those who believed. Does it signify that we furthermore require passing away on the traverse to comply and really adoration God? No. Jesus completed the work. But Bishop Bernard Jordan shares with us that our aim is to convey Him respect in all that we manage which will appeal the unsaved spirits and win them for Christ. This is
the fragrant adoration that increases to the throne of God.



Live better today

1Some people equate a good life with riches, power or acclaim. It’s all well and good to have and earn that but for those things to be your main motivation is a misleading thought. Starting out on your journey and all throughout it your main goal should begin with God. When you put Christ in the center of your life you begin to put purpose behind each and every one of your actions. This purpose is something that positively affects the world and brings you to a deeper level of understanding with yourself.

Let’s say that you chose to become a writer because it paid good money. You would then be writing with the thought of earning money as your main motivation. On the other hand if you began your writing career because you knew that you could make a difference and bring people towards a better understanding of positive values then you are more likely to produce quality work. It is all about putting yourself in whatever you are doing sincerely. The type of mindset you attack your goals with is a choice. You don’t have to have all the riches in the world to say that you are living a better life. Living a better life can simply mean that you choose to now live your life in service of Christ. Allow the Lord to inspire you with His great message and touch your life through Prophecy.

The Power of Prophecy is immense. It is a revelation of the plan of God right before you. It can steer you into making better choices. Embrace the word of a Prophet and channel your mind into becoming more spiritually connected with the Word of God. You can live better and happier today by simply choosing to fulfill your mission in Christ above all things. CLICK HERE!

At The Troubles Waters

It takes true faith to trust that God is actually going to work our struggles out for our good. God never fails and He is faithful but the silence can be tormenting as us wait on His promises to be fulfilled. The enemy will taunt us to make us doubt God’s faithfulness, but the truth is that he is a defeated foe whose only weapon is his lies.

The purpose and plan of God for our life have been settled long before we were created. Every single detail was known by God and He provided a way through every one of them. All it takes is for us to keep our eyes on Him and trust Him, but so often we forget what He has done for us in the past. The devil always has a way to make we see the worst of each situation. For that reason, we are to take captive every thought and line them up to be obedient to the teachings of Christ. He has told us that He can rescue us from any situation.

God’s has already planned in advance to supply the power that is needed for his people to climb the hills and survive the valleys in this life. There is not a single struggle we endure that He has not seen long before the world was created.

Our hope is secure and the battle is won in every area of our lives. All that we must do is surrender our weaknesses to the one who can work them all out for our good. It means waiting and trusting while the battle rages on knowing that we are victors. There is no such thing as a defeated Christian. Stop carrying around burdens that are not ours. Worry is a tool that the enemy uses to deflect the truth from believers. He can’t steal our joy so don’t just hand it over to him when problems arise.

Master Prophet believe that the fact is that God will always take us to the edge of the water so that His power will be revealed as he makes a way to cross when there is none. We need to get to the end of our own strength before we can understand the immeasurable power that God has. Weary believers need to wake up and realize that God ‘s plan for our life cannot be hindered by our impossible situation. There is never a time when He leaves us to work things out on our own. It is for His good purpose that He allows the storms in our life. God is working out a perfect plan for us that has eternal rewards.

“Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck, I sink in the miry depths where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me, I am worn out calling for help.”( Psalm 69:1)

Are You Ready for Enlightenment?

Enlightenment can draw close in a time or it may take numerous life cycles. Few of us will be competent to present that on apply because we all have lifetimes of familiarity and assisting components that affirm we not adept to present it. So,Bishop Bernard Jordan concludes that we have to wrestle with all our recollections and the wisdom of other persons that we have sustained to obtain to a position where we can identify our innovative awareness.

Changing a way of life can be greeted with numerous difficulty and strive or uncultivated abandonment and joy. It is fundamentally another excursion or a course along a dissimilar street that has a choice purpose. It is not managed to be any more straightforward or more arduous than the one that you now chose and it will midpoint stop or eliminating is relying on how you address of it.

Bishop Bernard Jordan explains that because there will be a strong modification in you and your way of life you will mislay community along the way, surrounding aides and family. For one thing as you move along your innovative street you will study a dissimilar phrases and as you commence to guru this phrases your aides and family will no longer construe you; it not adept to be so not hard to familiarity with them, neither they with you.

One adjusts as before long as one has stood up his/her vibration crosswise so high that they sensibly go away and proceed into another realm of awareness. You will become imperceptible to all in the elderly realm.

If your feet are stringently cultivated in the whole body world and this is where you are toughly put agree to on, development may take a design drawing of lifetimes. Death is a human or whole body considered and in certainty you present not have to remove your whole body behind.

With this crosswise of acknowledgement sketches close rejection of all whole body piece and people. The certainty is we are all managed there anyways. Those that have a higher crosswise of enlightenment or acknowledgement fundamentally move quicker and with outlook missing any be dismayed of what is to come. It is the action for all piece to move behind to its lineage, it is a natural fairness of start and look or Karma.

Enlightenment should not ever be extracted gently but presumed as a natural course of familiarity that you have unquestionable serene of.Bishop Bernard Jordan assures you that enlightenment can draw close in a time or it may take numerous life recurring matters but frequently it is arrive close unrestrained of choose and unquestionable love.

Giving without Pay

When it comes to the mixing of gospel ministry and money, we who are leaders of churches or their ancillary ministries must have the fear of God struck into us. Heaven and hell are at stake in how we raise, spend, and reserve money, because the way we handle money either adorns or obscures the gospel.

The love of money really takes it on the chin in the New Testament. Christ and the apostles have mostly negative things to say about wealth, unless it is being given away. In the Gospels, Christ is relentlessly hard on wealth in both His teachings and His discipleship calls. In Acts and the Epistles, we are repeatedly warned against, and given sad examples of, the love of money, which is a root of all kinds of evils. It is also why when Jesus first sent out His disciples to proclaim the gospel, He instructed them not to charge money to either preach or mediate kingdom power. His purpose was not only to train the disciples to live by faith in God’s provision, but that their presentation of the gospel might be a reflection of the gospel to the people to whom they preached.

“For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.”(Romans 3:28)

Master Prophet believe that it is a wonderful work of the Spirit in our day that the message of the gospel is being clarified again and loved and defended. It is another glorious reforming of the church. And as this happens, let us pray and vigorously work to make sure that the role money plays in our presentations of this priceless message also points to the glorious free grace of God.

The Prophet of God

1The Lord assigned each and every one of the Prophets on earth to represent His guidance. It can be difficult for even the brightest scholars of today to look through scripture and find its meaning in the modern world. The Lord has thus blessed certain individuals to facilitate its reading into the lives of His people. Through the words of a Prophet you can begin to realize your place in the world. Prophets act as translators of the divine word of God.

Master Prophet Bishop Jordan was called to be one of these people. God has gifted him the power to give accurate prophecy and spread His word among those that are lost. Bishop Jordan’s mission on earth was to spread the Power of Prophecy among those that were given the gift and change the lives of those that sought his own power.

Bishop Jordan seeks to strengthen the spirit of people all over the world in Christ. He has even offered throughout his career a Free Prophecy reading for those that are only getting acquainted with God’s gift of Prophecy. The Master Prophet continues to bring good changes into the people that he touches. It is all about reading the signs that the Lord shows him. These signs are crucial in understanding the world that we live in and what we can do to make it better.

“When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it? Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:6-7, NIV) CLICK HERE!

Lord, Finish Our Work

With the new birth God has commenced the character of His people fashioning us in the likeness of His Son. No human mind could ever conceive or fully comprehend the full design of God’s infinite wisdom and love. We will have to wait until that day when Christ comes, or when we meet Him in death, to know His perfect character. We really are even right now now the children of God.

We are love by God and have been born again, we are now God’s children. But even now it has not been revealed clearly to us what we shall be. We know absolutely that whenever God comes we shall see Him just as He is. Everyone who has this hope continually set on Him is constantly purifying himself as God is pure. The present reality is we are God’s children because of the new birth and adaption into the family of God. God wants us to spend eternity with Christ knows what it means to be a child of God.Since we do not know the final outcome of our redemption, who are we to dictate to Him what we want to become? God is the Potter, we are the clay. Let’s God choose the outcome. Let’s the author of our salvation also be the Finisher.We were designed to be like Christ. It is our best interest to find out His word what God is like and yield to the divine Potter. Not man created in man’s selfish, depraved, sinful image, but in all the pure character and holiness of Christ.

Master Prophet believe that we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. Let Him finish His product. God does not make junk. God work is always perfect and it is always beautiful in His eyes.We are God’s workmanship and that always means God gives us His very best. Learn how God finish His work for you, through Master Prophet and get a free written prophecy now.

“For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Christ,. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” (Philippians 3:20-21)

Love is in the Air

Everyone talks about love. Just about everywhere we turn, someone is talking about love. In fact, it may very well be the most popular thing in our culture, we just love to talk about love, yet never before has love been more exploited, nor has it ever been more distorted. Love has become a meaningless word. And instead of standing firm in love, many Christians have been duped by the world’s definition of love, which proclaims self rather than sacrifice.

In His once-for-all sacrifice, Christ demonstrated true love, the true love of God. By this great demonstration of love, love has been defined, and no worldly deception can seduce it., we love because God first loved us. Whereas the world falls in love, God’s people are established in love. The love that we possess, however, is not a fleeting whim that comes and goes with every mood and circumstance; rather, it is a love that is beyond ourselves. Our love, true love, has meaning, meaning that cannot be stripped away by any thing, any one, or any feeling. Our love cannot be shaken because it is grounded not in self but in sacrifice.

Many of us have misunderstood God’s love. Whereas some believe that God loves everyone unconditionally, the Word of God teaches that God’s love has been poured out in the hearts of His people for whom Christ died, demonstrating His love. It is not that God’s love is limited. Indeed, His general love of benevolence is shown to all creation. His special love, however, is demonstrated to those He saves. His saving love is directly applied to His children, the sons and daughters of His kingdom.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his
friends.”(John 15:13)

Bishop Jordan believe that God is love; through Him, love is manifested, and by Him, love is defined. Therefore, before the face of God, we are confronted by the brilliance of God’s love for us, and we realize that God’s command to love Him with our entire being is not an option. On the contrary, we love Him precisely because He loves us.

Faith Stands

“For God alone. O my soul wait in silence, for my hope is from him.” (Psalm 62:5)

We will still have enemies to fight in this perishing world but they have no power to destroy us. All we will do is reveal that we have been declared a conquer through the power of our God. Because of what Christ has done for us, we have reason for hope knowing that our future is established in heaven. Victory over all of our trials comes when we can trust that God’s timing is right and that His will is perfect. Peace comes from knowing that God will never fail us no matter how impossible our situation seems.

God takes no pleasure in having us wait but each one of our struggles is a divine appointment with a merciful God who wants to reveal more of Himself to us. The testing of our faith produces a steadfastness that will have its complete effect that we may be perfect, complete and lacking in nothing. There is a purpose for our pain. It is working out a greater good. It is preparing us to be royalty, reigning with Christ in a kingdom that will never end. Though the days grow dark and filled with evil, believers have nothing to fear for their future is one of power.

Bishop Jordan believe that the lies of the enemy have no power to steal our joy so do not willingly give it us to Him. Hold on to the heritage that we have because of what Christ sacrificed for us. Stand strong to the end knowing that God’s plan for us will work out not only for today but for ten thousand years down the way when we shall still find ways to praise Him for all He has done. God’s faithfulness will never end. Learn more about how to stand your faith against the enemies, talk to Bishop Jordan and get a free prophecy now.

God’s Love is Amazing

We are living in unbelievably difficult days and it does not appear to be getting any better. Trying to hold on in faith while the darkness surrounds our situation can literally seem impossible In our finite minds, it does not make sense that God appears to wait so long to come to our rescue.

We are told in God’s word that then enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking to devour us. He is seeking to kill, steal and destroy all that we have. But, the truth is that the enemy cannot take anything from one whose faith is in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. All that he can do is convince us of a lie that his power to destroy us is bigger than God’s power to rescue us. We must remember that the tomb could not hold back the Holy Spirit’s power to raise Christ from the dead and that same power is living in us. For that reason, we cannot be defeated no matter how wounded we are in the battle you are fighting. Christ has conquered death and the power of evil. Though the enemy can wage war all around us, we will not be a casualty of a battle that has already been won.

Our weakness comes when we take our eyes off the source of the power. Christ
does not take cover in the attacks of the enemy. God is our fortress and a very
present help us. The weary can find in His shadow and experience peace in His
never ending love.

Bishop Jordan believe that by knowing and understanding the God we serve, we are able to rest and trust Him to get us through the storm. If Jesus tells us to take joy despite our problems, He must have a way for us to do so. We know by all that is true that God cannot lie. God’s love and power for you are real. If we are struggling it is because we are listening to the lies of the enemy and have taken our eyes from Christ. Let the amazing love that Christ has for you be your strength in the battle you are facing talk to Bishop Jordan and get your personal prophecy.

“For I am thee Lord, your God who takes hold of you right hand ans says to you, Do not fear; I will help you”( Isaiah 41:13)