Grow in Christ
A life in Christ is a life of restfulness. There may be no ecstasy of feeling, but there should be an abiding and peaceful trust. Our hope is not in ourself, it is in Christ. Our weakness is united to God strength, our ignorance to God’s wisdom, our frailty to God’s enduring might. We are not to look to ourself, not to let the mind dwell upon self, but look to Christ.
Let the mind dwell upon God’s love, upon the beauty, the perfection of God’s character. Christ in His self denial,Christ in His humiliation, Christ in His purity and holiness, Christ in His matchless love, this is the subject for the souls contemplation. It is by loving Him, copying God, depending wholly upon Him, that we are to be transformed into His likeness.
God is calling you to be proactive with your faith so you can grow and be mature. This requires you to be faithful which requires you to submit and to be humble. The result is respect, cooperation, unity, community and the power of His Fruit at work. The devil want to get a hold on you so he can attack to discourage and sway you away from Him and His ways. Your defense is simple you are to stand firm in Christ, pray and allow God’s work in you and not ours, what you would bring to the table is just a fuel for the devil and his ways.
“Every goog gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variables, neither shadow of turning.”(James 1:17)
Master Prophet believes that we are called to get our minds line up with God His way, His precepts, and His plan. You still have the old sinful nature residing with in you. He declares you clean, but you do not become completely clean.
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