Entries by Bishop Jordan Blogs

God Teaches You to Profit

Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. If there is anything or anyone that does not teach you to profit, that teaching is not from God. Thus saith the Lord, […]

The Mother of Skill: Repetition

No matter which way you look at it, we are all in a business, and it is the business of getting rich. Some struggle along the way and never really learn how to master this system. Others become skilled at the art of increase, and seemingly everything they touch turns into gold. Then the most […]


Aren’t you so glad you are alive? I am so glad that I am in the land of the living. When I speak of the land of the living, I am not referring to 310 Riverside Drive, New York City, or the sidewalk outside your home. This, experience called life, is the land of the […]

Is God Obsessed?

God is obsessed for only one thing, and that is to be believed. If you do not believe him, He will not hear you. Even Jesus, who is the Son of God, could do no mighty works in Nazareth, because in Nazareth the people did not believe him. If you cannot believe me, I cannot […]

God is Moving – Can You Tell?

Someone may say, “Well, I’ve asked and I didn’t get it.” In all realness, you have never asked and not received. Perhaps what you thought was asking, was not asking at all. Maybe you were wishing, dreaming, hoping, or even desiring, but you never really asked. Every one that asks receives. There is a secret […]

Seek, Knock, and Ask

… seek, and ye shall find; … What you are seeking? Your honest answer to that question will reveal much about you. The secret is that .the same thing you are seeking, is also seeking you. Seek and ye shall find. So, as you are seeking, you are also finding, simultaneously. That is a divine […]

It’s Yours, Why Aren’t You Claiming It?

How do you claim it? It’s not really more on the name-it-claim-it philosophy the world is claiming. THAT’s not going to work. You need to ASK God, and claim it from HIM through prayer. Declaring something is yours does not make it yours. Declaring it according to the promises of Jesus, according to HIS NAME, […]

God is Moving – Can You Tell?

One of the major warnings of the ancient teachers is that one must never concern themselves with how spirit does a particular job.  How God does what He does, is never your business, that’s God’s business. One thing I do know is when God moves. And God always moves when there are no leftovers. Lets […]

Wealth is Passed Down

When you settle, you lack faith. When you have no faith, it’s a sin against God.   Also, since wealth takes so long to establish, the ones holding the wealth will make certain that whomever hands the wealth flows into are well educated on how to keep the wealth flowing and circulating for generations to […]

Why Can’t You Disciple the Poor

Poor people are always so focused on their need; they are not focused on future possibilities. Let me tell you this, you can have a million dollars in your account, but you are still poor. Poverty is not measured by your bank account. It is measured by where your treasure is. It is defined by […]