
The Body Of Christ
God Wants to Give You Freedom

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36 NIV).

The world defines freedom as a life without any restraint—“Do anything I want to do; say anything I want to say, without anybody telling me ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’” Like the song “My Way”: “Everybody got burned by me, but I did it my way!” “I left five marriages behind but I did it my way!” Total selfishness! “I had my freedom!” Yet, the Bible says the only way to true freedom is through Jesus: “If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free” (John 8:36 TEV).

Real freedom is freedom from fear, where you’re truly free from guilt, from worry, from bitterness, and from death. You’re free to quit pretending because you’re free to be yourself.

How do you get rid of those kinds of fears? By letting God love you! The apostle John teaches that, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:18 NIV).

When you realize how much God loves you, you’ll begin to live in true freedom. In fact, you worship God when you recognize that “God is love.” It is an act of worship to agree that he is a loving, caring, generous God and that we can “rely on the love God has for us” (1 John 4:16 NIV).

If you want to know more about Biblical Prophecies, talk to Master Prophet Bishop Bernard Jordan and get your Free Written Prophecies and know God’s will for you.

Spreading God’s Love

1“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16, NIV

Don’t you feel good when you are helping other people? You do not know how happy other people could be when they are being helped. It does not make less of you if you extend a helping hand to other people. Be compassionate and kind to all people around you—family, friends, acquaintances, and even the people that you do not know.

Make it a habit to do random acts of kindness. Let that gentleness revolve around the world. If everyone will be inspired in what you are doing, don’t you think that the world will be a much happier place to live?

God wants you to be a blessing to other people. You can make God smile by touching other people’s lives.Help the poor; help the needy. Volunteer and participate in different kinds of outreach programs. You can also spend time in helping people with physical disabilities. Joining Zoe Ministries will help you realize the goodness and love of God working in your life and it will make you want to share it others. Wouldn’t you want other people to experience the same thing?

Support world awareness about certain health disease. Feed the hungry. Donate to institutions that provide shelter for the homeless. Help the sick; give assistance to people who are mentally challenged. Teach orphans more about God. Click here to join Bishop Jordan and the rest of Zoe Ministry in spreading God’s love.

Being Positive in Spite of Your Problems

“Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of  anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way” (James 1:2–4 MSG).

So you think you’ve got problems? Consider Brian Hise: He had more than his share of bad luck a few years ago in July. When his apartment in Provo, Utah, became flooded from a broken pipe in the apartment above his, the manager told him to go out and rent a wet/dry vacuum.

That’s when Brian discovered that his car had a flat tire. He changed the tire and went inside again to phone a friend for help. But the electric shock he got from the phone so startled him that he inadvertently ripped the instrument off the wall! Before he could leave his apartment a second time, a neighbor had to kick his door down because by now water damage had jammed it too tight to open.

While all this was going on, someone stole Brian’s car! But since it was almost out of gas, Brian found it just a few blocks away. He then had to push it to a gas station where he filled up the tank.

That evening Brian attended a military ceremony at the university he was attending. He injured himself severely when he somehow sat on his bayonet, which had been tossed in the front seat of his car!

Doctors were able to stitch up Brian’s wound but, in the meantime, no one was able to resuscitate four of his canaries who were crushed to death from the wet, falling plaster in his apartment. He discovered their deaths after arriving home and then slipping on the wet carpet in his apartment, badly injuring his tailbone.

Brian said he began to wonder if (and I quote), “God wanted me dead, but just kept missing!”

The Bible says, “Is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems.

For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete” (James 1:2–4 LB).

If you want to know more about Biblical Prophecies, talk to Master Prophet Bishop Bernard Jordan and get your Free Written Prophecies and know God’s will for you

Obeying His Word

1The bible has presented us about the things that God desires as well as the things that He dislikes. The bible must be taken seriously as it is meant to talk to us. The bible has offered us ways on how to live our life righteously, which are all according to God’s will. God’s teachings and commandments do not only talk about your friends, neighbor, family, but it always talks about you.

Do not just be hearers where you will just focus and pay attention to God’s words but be doers as well. God wants you to obey what are written in the bible. You have to know and understand God’s words by heart and do what He is asking you to do.

You have to apply His teachings in your life. He has stated in the bible things like how to serve and love Him, how to obey our parents, and how to have a positive relationship with other people. You must obey these words by evidently applying it in our life.

You will be more blessed by God if you know how to obey His words. Zoe Ministries can guide and help you understand His words.When you focus on fixing your eyes on God, you will feel that everything in your life seem to be in the right order.On the other hand, God will also show you the path when you seem lost and confused.When you do what God desires you to do, you will feel that you are somehow removing the excess burden that you may be carrying which may be making life appear to be more difficult. Obeying what is being told by God will make things a lot easier for you.

Join Bishop Jordan and his ministry in learning more about God by clicking here.


Let Love Be A Part of Your Life

1“Love God with your heart, with your soul, with your strength, and your mind.”

Never forget to love yourself and love others. Be always willing to share your love with other people most especially to those who do not seem to feel this before. Fill in the emptiness in their hearts. Make them feel that they have a part in this world.

Make them feel a sense of belongingness. Nurture them with your love and care. Most importantly, you have to love God. He deserves our love.

As it was written in the Scriptures, “Love God with your heart, with your soul, with your strength, and your mind.” God desires us to love like this. Hence, we must consider this as our main responsibility in life. Make God as your number one priority in your life.

Love is a wonderful feeling any person could ever experience. With this, everything may seem right; everything may appear to be perfect. Be always ready to love and receive love. Be always willing to let someone experience its magic. The power of prophecy can help you experience this kind of love.

Do not hinder love to be part of your life and to be part of other people’s life. Spread the love in the world. Be a part in making everyone happy with the miracle of love. Nothing can ever go wrong with this feeling. Let Bishop Jordan and Zoe Ministries let you feel the love that God has been wanting to give you by clicking here.

Learning to give into your Faith

Bishop Jordan is blessed as he knows he walks with God. When you choose to follow in the footsteps of Jesus you are given a gift that is worth more than any other gift in the world. You have the gift of faith. It can be hard to completely surrender yourself to your faith as it is hard to imagine relinquishing control. However your spirit will be free and your heart will be full and only then will you understand the joy that faith can bring to your life.

imagesYou might be familiar with the song “Jesus Take the Wheel”. This is a perfect example of giving into your faith. Of course it is meant as a metaphor, not actually taking your hands off the driving wheel. It means that you have given into your faith and have realized it is your faith that can ultimately guide you along the right path.

Jesus lived his life with love in his heart. By living with love in your heart you are showing others the way of God. You do not have to preach the word of God. Instead you must live it. How hard it must seem at first. Deciding that you will not live passing judgement, but instead living with tolerance. Deciding that you will not live with jealousy, but instead admiration. Deciding you will not live with hate, but instead with love.

Love is the strongest and most powerful tool in your emotional arsenal. When you love you become stronger. Unconditional love of your children teaches them to grow up to love purely and honestly. When you love friends you show them they are good and deserving of your support. When you love another and commit to spend your life with them you show them they are worthy and deserving of happiness.

Knowing that love contains such power allows you to see what strength faith must have. Faith is believing in God’s love which is unconditional. Love that comes without any strings attached and where nothing is asked for in return does not exist in any other place than the hearts of those with faith. Bishop Jordan wants you to know that pure love allows you to give into your faith and reap the rewards of God’s Love.

You Are Different

1“All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

You are different from others, stop comparing yourself. How you do and learn things is in a different phase from others. Comparing yourself to others will just bring pressure to you and how you do things. Enjoy the process of learning, and you’ll be amazed how you accomplish things on your own terms.

You are valuable as an individual. Society has taught us that if we do not measure with the most talented people then we are not good enough, and that is wrong. We are valuable, who we are, and our talents are different from each other. When you compare to others because you want to improve then that is a good motivation.

Everyone is different; we all have our strengths and individual value. You just have to figure out your own strength to be able to excel in what you are doing. So you can still improve yourself and master it. To be able to master the skill, you need to do it many times, to practice and have patience to do it.

When you join Zoe Ministries, your individual skills and talents may be used for God’s glory. Click here and be part of Bishop Jordan’s ministry today.

Gaining Fulfillment

1Manifesting what you desire in your life requires that you become that desire in your mind, your emotions, your personality, the statements of your mouth and the actions of your body. Whatever you want, you must feel it to get it. Until you feel it, you won’t fill it. Fulfillment could also be spelled “full-feel-ment.”

Every blessing you come into is a look; you must look like the blessing you receive. God is not looking at your externals, but at your heart—your consciousness. Does the blessing exist in your consciousness? Do you walk around like you already have the house you want? Do you thank God for giving you the money to make the mortgage payments on that house?

Until you can do that—act and feel and believe as if what you desire has already become manifest in your experience—you will be frustrated. Do you feel like Jesus? That is what it means to pray in Jesus’ name.

Let Zoe Ministries and Bishop Jordan’s Company of Prophets help you in manifesting your desires. Click here now and receive your free prophecy.


Temptation comes in many forms. You think being tempted as being enticed to do things like stealing, murdering or committing adultery. Most often we were to be impatient, stingy, jealous, greedy or any number of other things that you consider lesser sins. Satan strikes at your points of weakness.

Temptation or giving in to temptation has been a serious problem since the beginning of time and it is still a very real part of our life until now. Whether we like it or not we all have to deal with it. Most of us may not really understand temptation and its purpose.

“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)

Everyone are facing temptation. But the truth is very of us deal with it effectively. It should not be the case and it does not have to be the case for believers. There is some ways of dealing with temptation that we should know and if we put them intpractice. It is also important to understand that all temptation is rooted in selfishness is really Satan’s beachhead. To develop spiritual strength, you must pass all kinds of test of temptation both large and small.

You find that Satan also tempted Christ, hoping to find an area of weakness to invade. But Christ stood strong and defeated the enemy. We believe He knew ahead of time that Christ would pass the test ans we believe that God has confidence on us that we will pass many of our test too.

Master Prophet believes that we cannot be tempted unless we have first thought about it. All temptation are link to what we think on. Control our thoughts and we will control temptation. This is simple but profound truth. It is the reason most of us fall into temptation.

Don’t Fear

1Has God been calling you to do something for Him? How have you responded to His call? Have you been hiding or been doubting yourself? There is absolutely no reason for you to feel this way. God has always wanted the best for His children.

When God is telling you to do something, you must do it, not be fearful. Sacrifice is a popular, dramatic idea, but God would rather have obedience to His Word. Not blind, slavish obedience, but a knowing obedience, an understanding that He has limitless wisdom and is not bound by Time, so He can see the course of action that will best guide you to growth and glory and the fulfillment of your potential.

When you are in that state of mind, when He shares information with you in your dreams, you will act on it with joy and confidence and without hesitation, knowing the outcome will be greater blessing. That is obedience. Are you ready to answer His call? Bishop Jordan and Zoe Ministries help you with that by clicking here.

Discussing Problems and Goals

1The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Proverbs 21:5, NIV

Goal setting in any endeavor is crucial to determine specifically where the efforts will be channeled to. Steven Covey said in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, begin with the end in mind. When having discussions with your mentor, a goal must be kept establish to limit what the expectations of each side are.

When a student goes into class, he decides that he wants to take the course so he can use the information he learns and apply it to his future career. Same thing goes with discussing problems or seeking advice from mentors: you go in and acknowledge that you want to get out of a rut or have someone guide you so you can avoid any mistakes as much as possible.

Are problems that you would like to be discussed? Are there goals that you would like to accomplish but don’t know how? Let Zoe Ministries help you with your life goals. Bishop Jordan and his company of prophets will give you the guidance that you need. Click here and learn more about the ministry.


Only a relationship with Christ can give us the good life that He has designed us to crave. Placing our hope in anything less even if it is something good that He has created, turns into idolatry that interferes with our relationship with Christ and actually leads us away from the good life that God wants us to enjoy.

Idolatry happens whenever we look to something that does not have His power to give us what only He has the power and authority to give us. Reflect on our life right now and honestly consider whether or not we were hoping to derive fulfillment from things like material possessions, a successful career, an exciting romantic relationship, or close relationship with family and friends. Ask Him to show us if we have wandered away from Christ and towards idols and what type of idols is God biggest rival in our life right now. Clues what we spend time thinking about, and what we invest the most energy and money into pursuing. Anything that we are devoting ourself to more that we are to Christ is an idol in our life.

Bishop Jordan believe that we may struggle with financial idolatry if we look to money to give us security, peace, or happiness or if we were often anxious about getting more money or holding onto the money we already have rather than being content and generous as He want to be. Christ said that we can not serve both God and money because trying to do so will divide our mind, and we need to devote ourself to Him with single minded focus so we can become the person that God has design us to become. Choose to trust Him completely with our finances, following biblical principle to manage our money as a tool to accomplish His purpose for our

If you want to know how to live a good life through God’s will, talk to Master Prophet. And get your Free Prophecy.

“For i know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”(Jeremiah 29:11)