The Bonsai Tree

A bonsai has the capability to grow into a magnificent tree. In the Japanese art of bonsai, the plant is placed in a small container to restrict its growth. It is a miniature of what it can be. The potential and the DNA of a bonsai exists for growth, but enlargement does not take place because it is restricted. This concept can be related to the prophetic ministry. There is tremendous capacity hidden within us, however, for some reason, our gift is not growing in the way we would like to. There can be several reasons, such as our church environment, our pastor or leader, a spouse or a family member, the lack of opportunities, or the lack of available mentors.

We can give a lot of reasons why we are limited. However, in reality, is it possible that the real limitation is actually in our own thinking? The mindset—that someone or something external to you is holding back your gift and ministry—can actually disempower you. Whatever it is, no one can truly hold you back.

External environment cannot truly hold you back. Your spouse, family member, leader, or pastor cannot hold you back. God is faithful and sovereign over your prophetic gift.



Here are the words of Jesus, who is holy and true.

He holds the key of David. No one can shut what

he opens. And no one can open what he shuts.

(Revelations 3:7)


You are not a victim, and you don’t need to be. You do not need to remain in a stuck cycle. The only one who can neglect or limit your gift is you.



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If you honestly evaluate your prophetic life right now, is it as powerful as before?

Declaration for the Week!

Strongman assigned to limit my life, die in the name of Jesus.

Owners of limitations, carry your load in the name of Jesus.

I shall not be detained in the name of Jesus.

Wall of Jericho, blocking my promise land, break in the name of Jesus.


Choose to take ownership for the growth and development of your prophetic gift and you will be amazed at what takes place.

Don’t fail to use the gift the Holy Spirit gave you.

He gave it to you through a prophecy from God.

It was given when the elders placed their hands on you.

Keep on doing these things. Give them your complete

attention. Then everyone will see how you are coming along.

(1 Timothy 4:14-15)


This is why I remind you to help God’s gift grow, just as a small spark grows into a fire.

God put his gift in you when I placed my hands on you.

God gave us his Spirit. And the Spirit doesn’t make us weak and fearful.

Instead, the Spirit gives us power and love. He helps us control ourselves. (2 Timothy 1:6-7)


God is giving me a prophetic vision. It’s time to remove the things that obstruct your view of who God is, and all that He has made available to you by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is time to experience enlargement in the Kingdom of God. It’s time for blessings to be released.

Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

Face Limitations

Limitations will not just disappear. You have to deal with them. If you do not work to remove them, they can remain. You must be intentional about removing them in your life. Unfortunately, limitations are powerful because they can be as personal and internal, as they are external. Limitations have no respect for any person; this means everyone has a limitation he must face.

It’s a matter of how the person deals with limitations that would determine how he is affected by it. As a prophet of God, as His mouthpiece, the enemy will not simply allow you to do your job.

He will oppose you every step of the way. But the power of the name of Jesus is more powerful. Intermediate School of Prophets Secret # 236 The power of God will break the power of limitation in your life. Limitation limits one’s effectiveness. They hinder you from becoming fruitful. They also bring retrogression. Unfortunately, limitations have frustrating powers. They wage war against advancements. Remember, as a believer in general, you are already in a spiritual warfare. However, as a prophet of God, as His mouthpiece, the enemy will not simply allow you to do your job. He will oppose you every step of the way. But the power of the name of Jesus is more powerful.


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Declare the limitation to be powerless in the Name of Jesus.

Name the limitation, because you cannot master what you

cannot name.

Breaking Out of Your Prophetic Limitations

In order to overcome a limitation, we must first define it. A limitation is an area of weakness or an area of insufficiency. It is also an area for obstacles. Limitations are the things that keeps you

down. A limitation can also be a line beyond which one cannot pass. It is the boundary surrounding a specific area. When you put something inside a cage, it becomes your limitation. A limitation is anything or anyone that hinders you to reach your maximum potential, or something that makes your life difficult.

Limitations are also satanically arranged to limit a person. They are wicked boundaries set by the enemy in the realm of the spirit manifesting in the physical. They are anything that suppresses you. They are anything that says “no” to the promotion God has for you. Any yoke that is keeping you down and in bondage. It is something that scatters anything you arranged. It is any power that battles you at the edge of the breakthrough. A limitation detains you. They are barriers; they are barricades on your way to progress. A limitation is an invisible rope tied around your waist to control and regulate you.


The power of the limitation is one of the greatest enemies of a man’s destiny. As a child of God, you have a great destiny. Your ability as a child of God is also God’s ability, but there is a power that limits one’s destiny. Remember, Saul was limited. Samson was limited. Abraham was limited. Blind Bartimaeus was limited. Any power assigned to limit your potential destiny in the name of Jesus Christ is a limitation.



Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

What limitations are you facing right now?

Being Hurt in the Prophetic Ministry: Disappointment


Disappointment happens when our prophetic ministry has not been listened to, encouraged, or appreciated. Moreover, leaders who have not recognized our gift or have not made room for us to exercise or grow can also make us feel disappointment. We tend to make it personal.


What other ways can we experience disappointment in the ministry? Sometimes, mentors or people we look up to in the ministry let us down. There are also times when ministry opportunities have been taken from us. If you have experienced these disappoints over the years you have been in ministry or if you are only experiencing this now, do not worry. You are not alone. Imagine how Joseph went through a lot of challenges with regard to his gift of prophetic dreams and interpretation. He was also criticized, rejected, misunderstood, and passed over for many years before God raised him up and released him in his call.  Joseph was not bitter. He took each time as an opportunity to see God’s favor and faithfulness. God may allow us to go through tests as part of our development and growth in the Lord, but as we overcome, God can use us in greater ways.

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Being Hurt in the Prophetic Ministry: Criticism

There are different ways a person can be hurt or wounded in connection to the prophetic gift or ministry. The two most common ways that this can happen is criticism and disappointed. Have you ever been criticized or disappointed in your gift or ministry?




Criticism can occur in several ways. The most common one is from genuine mistakes in the use of our gift. However, the leadership in the situation handled it badly. Maybe you were publicly shamed or maybe you were not guided or restored as you should have been. Criticism can sometimes be aimed at the level of maturity a person has in his gift. We do not criticize or judge babies who are

learning to crawl or walk. We don’t hold it against toddlers if they cannot control their emotions or if they cannot do complicated math problems. However, it’s amazing how quickly believers are judged because they are still stumbling through the learning stages in their spiritual gifts. In the School of Prophets I have established, I respect the level of maturity where a person is at, but I also help them to grow into the next level of maturity. The balance between respect and guidance must be present so as to avoid causing unnecessary pain in the ministry.


Accusation and judgment are also related to criticism. People have been accused of being like Jezebel. This accusation causes a deep wound in someone with a prophetic gift. Whatever we do, we must do it out of love. People can be hurt in the process of such careless words.


Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. Join our LIVE Conference Call!

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Hurt: A Common Blockage for the Prophetic Flow

An unforgiven hurt or disappointment will not only affect your ability to prophesy or to grow your gift of prophecy, it will hold you back in different areas of your life as well. When you can trace the blockage of a prophetic ministry to a hurtful even that took place in your past, then you are sustaining an old wound.


You can also see this in how you hold back because you are afraid of being criticized, hurt, or rejected. You may find it difficult to trust leaders or other people in the church to recognize or to release you in your gift. You are going through cycles, and you might move from one church or ministry to another, and yet you never get recognized or released to the degree you desire to be. You may also experience the same pattern of stepping out in the prophetic ministry, and then getting hurt or disappointed. It may seem to happen repeatedly.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

The Power of Identifying Limitations

Identifying a potential barrier to the growth of your gift is good news—for it is the first step to overcoming these limitations. If you can identify these limitations, then there is hope and the Holy Spirit is truly at work in your life, even in this prophetic “dry spell” you’re going through. As much as possible, the enemy does not want you to know about this barrier, and so that you’ll end up in frustration and self-doubt. Being courageous to identify this barrier is an empowering step towards breaking free and entering into more of God’s presence, as well as claiming His abundance for your life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can turn whatever obstacle or hindrance you are facing into a stepping stone to greater growth and faithfulness in the prophetic ministry.



Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

Is Your Prophetic Gift Being Held Back?

Believers would share with us that they believe they possess the gift of prophecy, but they are unsure of how to use it or to develop it further. The modern-day school of prophets I’ve set in motion over the years is intended to help individuals in this situation. Let us focus specifically on identifying if your prophetic gift is being held back. How do you know if you are gifted and being held back, versus not being gifted in this area after all?


I’ve encountered believers who expressed fear and embarrassment about stepping out in faith with a prophetic word. Most of these prophets lacked the confidence for their word, their gifting, and unfortunately, sometimes even for the Holy Spirit. Prophetic people can flow in the gift of prophecy, but feel blocked or closed down in the current, compared to how it used to be. What do you think blocks the flow over time? These Christians reminisce about the better days in the prophetic ministry, when they newly received their gifts and saw miracles as a result. How come these prophetic occurrences slowed or ceased?


Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. Join our LIVE Conference Call!

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If you honestly evaluate your prophetic life right now, is it as powerful as before?


The seventh and last river in which the Spirit of prophecy flows is of course, the Body of Christ, the church of Jesus Christ. Being a member of the church of God allows you to flow in the prophetic. In the church, there are apostles and prophets who hold a special office and a more intense anointing in the prophetic realm. It is the Body of Christ, the believers, who can truly access the prophetic realm because the Spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. The testimony of Jesus is the only reason why the church exists.


The body of Christ, if it moves corporately, can powerfully move into that seventh powerful river of the river of prophecy. The last two rivers were not available in the Old Testament. The seventh river is reserved for the family of God on earth, the church of Jesus Christ.


So if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues, and inquirers or unbelievers come in, will they not say that you are out of your mind?


But if an unbeliever or an inquirer comes in

while everyone is prophesying, they are convicted

of sin and are brought under judgment by all, as

the secrets of their hearts are laid bare. So they will

fall down and worship God, exclaiming, “God is

really among you!” (1 Corinthians 14:24-25)


The whole church can move into the river of prophecy. Paul was talking about the rivers of prophecy, flowing as a church, is corporately united together. All would be sensitive to God and to each other. When each member of the body is doing whatever God wants him or her to flow in the things of God, there can be such a strong prophetic element that when an unbelieving person comes, his heart is revealed, and he is convicted to give his life to Jesus.In the local church, there are usually prophetic presbyteries that allow this river of the body of Christ to flow. It is not about a single person’s ministry; it is about a corporate prophetic ministry (1 Tim. 4:14) that we want to establish in the church.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.


How can the church keep the prophetic river of the Body of Christ flowing?


In the New Testament, we see in the Book of Acts, a prophetic flow through the sixth river—outpouring. It is not really considered a river because it is too powerful to be just a river. But it does initiate a prophetic flow, so we can classify it here. This outpouring in the New Testament is also called as the baptism in the Holy Spirit. In other cases, the outpouring of the baptism in the Spirit is so intense that the anointing is immediately manifested, and people begin to flow into the prophetic anointing too.


“‘In the last days, God says,

 I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

 your young men will see visions,

 your old men will dream dreams. (Acts 2:17)


The word “prophesy” is spoken in numerous accounts. Every time there is an outpouring, there is a significant move. You know a move of God can begin and then it can end and then it can flow into another move. The flow is not supposed to end; it is supposed to flow and prepare for the next move during what I call significant times.


In Exodus 40, when Moses dedicated the tabernacle of Moses, we see the glory of God filling the place—a special move to usher a new way when God was going to do a new thing in their midst. With each move, there are new ways that God does something. Thus, when we experience a new season, we can also experience a prophetic outpouring and a fresh impartation in the ministry.


Before the tabernacle of Moses existed, God manifested Himself in the pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire. But when Moses made the tabernacle, which took them about a year to make, anyone who wanted to commune with God now went to the tabernacle. It is the same God, who has changed the way or manifestation by which you can relate with Him.


Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. Join our LIVE Conference Call!

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Are you prepared to receive an outpouring of the prophetic

flow? Are you ready to experience a new season in your midst?