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Your Spiritual Responsibility

God never chose who he wants to save. God wants us all to be saved. And once we are saved through our faith in Jesus we have the responsibility to preach the gospel to other people. Our salvation is not the end but only the beginning of our journey with Christ. Our journey with Christ is the living testimony that God is true, He exist and He loves us so much. How have you been living ever since you received God in your life? Have you been representing God in a good way?

God’s goodness and faithfulness in our lives is the living truth that we can share to other people to let them know and see that with God in our lives we can never go wrong. Yes, there are struggles and problems but He will never leave us. God may use a person to help us, but we must always remember that we must not serve the person but God. We must always bring back the glory to God.

Think how you can represent God in the best way you can. Have you been using the gifts and skills that God has given you? Maybe you haven’t discovered them yet and need guidance. Click here to speak to Bishop Jordan’s prophet and discover how you can truly serve God in your ministry. Zoe Ministries will help and guide you in your spiritual journey.

One Person At A Time

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest  of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and  birds come and make nests in its branches.” (Mathew 13:30-32)

The mustard seed is the smallest seed and yet it grows into a large tree. Likewise, Christianity had a very small beginning. The people of biblical times thought Jesus would come as a great king and leader. But Jesus’ Kingdom had small beginnings and yet it grows every day and is now a community of believers all over the world, producing great results.

Master Prophet believes that do not ever think your efforts to grow God’s Kingdom are insignificant, for it is the small things you do for others that reveal God’s great love. Your life is an example to others, and when you start even a small conversation with someone about God, you are planting a seed in someone’s heart that can produce great results when they are born into the Kingdom of God. One person brought into the Kingdom of Heaven is one more person saved from eternal hell, so every time someone is saved, that is a great result that brings the angels in heaven to rejoice. Even though you are one person, when we join with other believers we can accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God one person at a time.

As God Love Us

You must understand That He does not love you because you are lovely. God does not love you because you read the Bible, pay your tithes, go to church, or do our best to keep the command to love others as God love you The truth is that God love you without conditions.

“But look here: the Lord’s eyes watch all who honor him, all who wait for his faithful love, to deliver their lives from death and keep them alive during a famine, We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield.” (Psalm 33:18-20)

God show how much He love you by sending His only Son into the world so that you might have eternal life through Him. This is real love. It is not that you love Him, but that God love you and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away your sin. Since He love you that much, you surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen Him, But if you love each other, He lives in you, and God love has been brought to full expression through you.

God’s love has never been or ever will be conditional. God love us at our worst, and most church would agree with that initially. We believe we are save by grace through faith, no matter our history, but that is often where grace stops and religion starts. And religion always puts the emphasis on the external.

Bishop Jordan believes that as long as we believe with Him were judging us according to our performance, we will never fully receive God’s love. Love is a decision and He decided to love us even though we did not deserve it. There is nothing we can do to earn it or deserve it, just receive it as a free gift.

You Can Count On Christ

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrew 13:8)

It is hard to know who you can trust in this world. You look to the leaders of our country to do what is right by the people, but even they cannot keep the promises they make.And our friends too let us down sometimes when they make promises and then go back on their word. You are all just human,you make promises that you cannot keep, but if you de-friended someone every time they broke a promise or let us down then you would be very lonely people. There is however someone you can trust. Someone who stays the same, someone who always has been and always will be someone we can count on, Jesus Christ.

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan believes that Christ is our ultimate leader, the one we can trust to keep his word. He is our unchanging Lord in an ever-changing world. So whenever someone lets you down, you know you can always rely on Christ to say the right thing, to give you good honest advice. When we keep our eyes focused on Christ we will never be disappointed.

The God Inside of You

1The Bible says, “I have said ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” (Psalm 82:6) Everything that God is, you are. He has no hands but your hands, no eyes but your eyes, no feet but your feet, no mouth but your mouth, no ears but your ears. One of the great English poets, Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote “Closer is He than breathing, nearer than hands and feet.”

God lives on the inside of you. Once you begin to accept that fact, then all else means nothing, because now you have come to understand the true God as opposed to any outside gods. If you have a negative image of God, then you have a negative image of yourself.

You have not accepted something within you. You are caught up in the image as opposed to what is on the inside of you. You have to be able to go pass the image and know that God is on the inside of you.

Click here to receive your personal prophecy and learn more about Zoe Ministries and how you can be a part of it!

Judgment and the Love of God

The Christian servant must never forget that salvation is God’s idea, not man’s; therefore, it has an unfathomable depth. Salvation is the great thought of God, not an experience. Experience is simply the door through which salvation comes into the conscious level of our life so that we are aware of what has taken place on a much deeper level.

Never preach the experience, preach the great thought of God behind the experience. When we preach, we are not simply proclaiming how people can be saved from hell and be made moral and pure; we are conveying good news
about God.

In the teachings of Jesus Christ the element of judgment is always brought out, it is the sign of the love of God. Never sympathize with someone who finds it difficult to get to God; God is not to blame. It is not for us to figure out the reason for the difficulty, but only to present the truth of God so that the Spirit of God will reveal what is wrong. The greatest test of the quality of our preaching is whether or not it brings everyone to judgment. When the truth is preached, the Spirit of God brings each person face to face with God Himself.

If Jesus ever commanded us to do something that He was unable to equip us to accomplish, He would be a liar. And if we make our own inability a stumbling block or an excuse not to be obedient, it means that we are telling God that there is something which He has not yet taken into account. Every element of our own self-reliance must be put to death by the power of God. The moment we recognize our complete weakness and our dependence upon Him will be the very moment that the Spirit of God will exhibit His power. If you want to a Free Written Prophecy talk to Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan.

“The times has come for judgment to begin at the house of God.”(1 Peter 4:17)

Our Faith Journey

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Through their faith. the people in days of old earned a good reputation. By faith we understand that thee entire universe was formed at God’s command, that we now see did not come from anything that can bee seen.” (Hebrew 11:1-3)

The very foundation of Christianity is faith. It takes great faith to believe God, that we’ve never seen, sent his son, Jesus, to die on a cross for us. Our faith is what gives us the assurance that even though we cannot physically see God, he is with us. Our faith gives us the strength to push through the difficult times when it seems that everything on earth is caving down around us.

But as the Bible shares these amazing stories, we also find some “hiccups” in the road of their faith journey. Abraham lied on two different occasions about Sarah being his wife and even offered her over sexually to protect himself. David committed adultery, then murder, to cover up his sin.

Moses killed a man and ran to hide. Rahab was a prostitute. Noah got drunk and then was found naked. These are our heroes of faith. Why do you suppose God put this in the story? God can use us despite our pasts. He can use us in spite of ourselves. Praise God that nothing we could ever do would separate us from the love of our Father. God can and will still use you for great things.

Bishop Jordan believes that God has moved many mountains in our life through faith. In fact, He has moved many mountains in our life that we have failed to thank him for, even though we was on our knees begging for their removal in the moment.

Our God is a good, loving Father. We often struggle to believe that our faith is enough. We struggle to grasp that our faith plus nothing equals our salvation. We think if we work harder, pray harder, attend more church events, that God will somehow love us more and be more pleased with us.

Our Faith Journey

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Through their faith. the people in days of old earned a good reputation. By faith we understand that thee entire universe was formed at God’s command, that we now see did not come from anything that can bee seen.” (Hebrew 11:1-3)

The very foundation of Christianity is faith. It takes great faith to believe God, that we’v never seen, sent his son, Jesus, to die on a cross for us. Our faith is what gives us the assurance that even though we cannot physically see God, he is with us. Our faith gives us the strength to push through the difficult times when it seems that everything on earth is caving down around us.

But as the Bible shares these amazing stories, we also find some “hiccups” in the road of their faith journey. Abraham lied on two different occasions about Sarah being his wife and even offered her over sexually to protect himself. David committed adultery, then murder, to cover up his sin.

Moses killed a man and ran to hide. Rahab was a prostitute. Noah got drunk and then was found naked. These are our heroes of faith. Why do you suppose God put this in the story? God can use us despite our pasts. He can use us in spite of ourselves. Praise God that nothing we could ever do would separate us from the love of our Father. God can and will still use you for great things.

Bishop Jordan believes that God has moved many mountains in our life through faith. In fact, He has moved many mountains in our life that we have failed to thank him for, even though we was on our knees begging for their removal in the moment. Our God is a good, loving Father. We often struggle to believe that our faith is enough. We struggle to grasp that our faith plus nothing equals our salvation. We think if we work harder, pray harder, attend more church events, that God will somehow love us more and be more pleased with us.

How do We Response through Suffering

Romans 8:25-30
But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience. In the same  way, the Spirit also helps our weaknesses, for we don’t know how to pray as we ought. But the Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings which can’t be uttered.

27 He who searches the hearts knows what is on the Spirit’s mind, because he makes intercession for the saints according to God. We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. For whom he foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. Whom he predestined, those he also called. Whom he called, those he also justified. Whom he justified, those he also glorified.

How well you handle problems and difficulties usually measure how well you know and believe in God. For the people who have full knowledge on God will know how to handle things coming their way. They might feel that God has failed them in the times that they are having trials and difficulties. For the people who fully know the Word of God, they will see this as a blessing that God has given them. This is the main prophecy of Bishop Bernard Jordan. He can provide free prophecy for the people who seek knowledge about God.

Most of the time, we cannot see how good can come from evil. This is where the  power of faith comes that makes a great different. In some situations, there are things that defy human logic. It is very important for us to know that the Lord will not give us sufferings or trials. We are given blessings that come like problems and difficulties but it is our faith that will keep us going.

A Good Life

We have a responsibility to live well, and the importance of living well accounts for the value of having a critically good life. These are no doubt controversial ethical judgments. I also make controversial ethical judgments in any view I take about which lives are good or well-lived. In my own view, someone who leads a boring, conventional life without close friendships or challenges or achievements, marking time to his grave, has not had a good life, even if he thinks he has and even if he has thoroughly enjoyed the life he has had.

If you agree, we cannot explain why he should regret this simply by calling attention to pleasures missed: there may have been no pleasures missed, and in any case there is nothing to miss now. We must suppose that he has failed at something, failed in his responsibilities for living.

We value great art most fundamentally not because the art as product enhances our lives but because it embodies a performance, a rising to artistic challenge. We value human lives well lived not for the completed narrative, as if fiction would do as well, but because they too embody a performance: a rising to the challenge of having a life to lead.

The final value of our lives is adverbial, not adjectival—a matter of how we actually lived, not of a label applied to the final result. It is the value of the performance, not anything that is left when the performance is subtracted. It is the value of a brilliant dance or dive when the memories have faded and the ripples died away.

Find out how you can do this through your free written prophecy. Click here for your prophetic reading today.

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said. “ I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”(John 8:12)

Just When you Think No One Cares

Hebrew 2:10-11
The angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great  joy which will be to all the people. For there is born to you, this day, in the city of  David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

After the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph took Him for them to hide Him in Egypt for  about 2 yrs. They then went to Nazareth where Jesus grew up yrs. They then went to Nazareth where Jesus grew up. He went to the synagogue at the age of thirty at Nazareth and read a selection from Isaiah that says “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed, and to proclaim the acceptable year of  the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19

He did not study in a university but He knew people better than they knew themselves. He knows each and everyone of them and what they are doing in their lives. He healed the people who are sick with just Hid words. His words are so powerful that it can heal sickness that cannot be healed by any other medicine. He touched blind eyes and they were able to see. He opened ears that are deaf and they were able to hear. He continued to show miracle to the people and to those
who believe Him.

We can feel the power of prophecy through the glory of God. We may need to seek help from Bishop Jordan who is one of the people who gives encouraging words and inspiring touch. Having faith in the Lord will always get us to anywhere we should be. Just when we thought the Lord is not taking care of us. He will always be there for us.

God Always Provides

2 Kings 4:1-7
Now the wife of one of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord, but the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.” And Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me; what have you in the house?” And she said, “Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.” Then he said, “Go outside, borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels and not too few. Then go in and shut the door behind yourself and your sons and pour into all these vessels. And when one is full, set it aside.” So she went from him and shut the door behind herself and her sons. And as she poured they brought the vessels to her. …

Was there a time in your life when you felt doubtful that the Lord will provide your needs? There might be some circumstances that can make you lose hope and loosen your faith. It has been said that God has full responsibility for what we might need when we don’t forget to obey His commandments and live His words. There was a time when the Israelites were stranded in the dessert and they were thinking  of no hope and their food had already run They were worried and they have started complaining but the Lord did not allow them to perish.

Our Lord loves us so much that is why he sent and us people as instruments to guide and direct us in our daily lives. They can give us prophetic insights that we can use in our lives. Bishop Bernard Jordan is one of the instruments that God sent for our guidance. He will never leave us empty handed.