Stop Living in Fear, Talk to a Prophet

11-3 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not terrors to good works, but to the evil…”

Romans 13:1-3

A ruler is a terror to evil work. If you fear your leader that may be a sign that there is evil in you, unresolved issues within yourself that you have not faced. These unresolved issues produce fear. For example, if you were driving on the highway doing the speed limit, you should not fear a police officer who is driving behind you. However, you may say to yourself, “My lights are on. I have my license and registration.” You are almost waiting for them to stop and check you; you know you were doing the speed limit because you had the cruise control. You think to yourself, “There is no way he can cite me for anything.” On the other hand, if you were speeding, you would have a problem with the officer stopping you. Now, you are fearful. If you serve your mentor out of fear, it reveals that evil is in your heart. It exposes the intent (Romans. 13: 3-4).

What is currently in your heart? Are you fearing something? Let the prophet help you get rid of this burden. Master Prophet Bernard Jordan and his school of prophets can reveal God’s plans for your life and encourage you to live a life without fear, without guilt, because you know you’re living accordingly to His purpose.

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