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Biblical Purpose

Biblical Purpose of Work

Biblical Purpose of Work:

As servants of Christ, we are called to offer God our professional time. To truly understand how to provide your work-time to God, you need to understand the biblical purpose of your work. The intrinsic purposes for work include working to give, working to grow, and working to guide.  

We talked about significance versus success in an earlier chapter. When you see your work as sacred, the goal shifts from finding importance rather than purpose. In finding meaning, you work to give. What can you give of yourself to your workplace? How can you add value to the life of the people around you? 

Joseph was placed in the palace to give advice. His wisdom saves Egypt from the famine. The best jobs allow you to provide the best of you. The best jobs will enable you to express yourself. You experience job satisfaction. 

Wherever you are, you must seek to give value to the industry you are in. When you are giving an expression of your highest, most creative, and intelligent faculties, then you are contributing to your workplace. No matter your position in your office, if you are giving your best, you are offering something valuable—something that God will find pleasure in. Your offering is a heart issue, more than a position issue.  

Growth and Giving

Some jobs are about your growth and not only about giving.  How many of you reading this hate your job right now? It will be difficult to hate your job once you have made your shift from sacred to secular, wouldn’t it? However, how many of you hated your job before you made that shift? 

Before God sent Moses to rescue Israel from slavery, Egyptians enslaved them. For four hundred years, they were very bitter. What was the picture? The children of Israel were crying from the bitterness of their work. When Moses came to deliver God’s message, the Pharaoh made it worse. He must have said, “Now you’re going to make bricks without straw, just because someone is around you talking about freedom.  Now I’m going to show you who’s in charge. You’re going to make bricks without straw.”  

Although not literally, the picture of the Israelite suffering can be related to how we suffered in our jobs. It was mental and physical exhaustion. Most people feel like they are trapped in this secular job. It felt as if we were limited and insignificant. 

But here’s what God said to them.  “When you come out, you will come out with great riches.  I will bring you out with great riches.”  And I know what most of us think that means.  We think it means it’s because they borrowed jewels from their Egyptian neighbors, and they took the jewels into the wilderness. If that’s how we are interpreting this Scripture, then we have missed the point.  The riches they came out with were the knowledge and the skillset for building an empire of their own.    

Building Skills

You see, what the Pharaoh did not realize is that he had inadvertently taught the art of mason building because they built his treasure cities. So while the Israelites were working at a job, they hated, they were learning a skill set that they could take into a job they would love.  So when you are in a toxic working environment that you’re hating, it’s not about, “God, get me out of here!” Instead, it is about “God, what can I learn here because I’m growing in this environment.” 

When you look at this job, you cannot help but hate and think about God’s purpose. What is the Boss’ purpose? Why am I here? Think about this: “I’m not going to be here the rest of my life. I am here for the learning, not the earning, but the transferrable skills.” 

What came out of Egypt was not a set of enslaved people but a skilled workforce, a task force who had been trained indirectly in the art of mason building.  The issue is that you can take the skills sets from this job into another career venture.  Sometimes, the purpose of the work is just for growth.   


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Biblical Purpose of Work


Your Work, Your Worship

You Were Made for Worship

Work is our form of worship as human beings. Our purpose is to worship God. However, how come when the world was perfect, and sin had not entered the world yet, there was no worship service mentioned? There was no music. What was there for man to do? There was work. 

15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 

20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. (Genesis 2:15,20)

Worship is an expression of adoration. Moreover, it reflects how much worth you attribute to someone. When Adam was created, how did he express his adoration for the Lord? What activity was present? There was work. After, God assigned Adam his “Career Mandate” and he worshipped God through his obedience. 

You’re now cutting against the grain of your very existence to not have something to work on. You are meant to serve. You are meant to be challenged. However, you were also created to take breaks from it. The Creator revealed to us your design. Resting is part of your career mandate. Plan, review, complete, and then rest. Then, go back to work. This is your nature. 

It’s Unnatural Not To Work

Sickness occurs when you go against your design. There is a connection between purpose and health. Moreover, you were not designed to be idle. Idleness causes you to abuse your design. 

My (Bishop Malcolm’s) mother worked in the national health service for 30 years as a nurse. When she came to retire, they called her in for counseling, in order to talk through the retirement process. She asked if I would go with her and I said, “Absolutely.” I went with my mother and we sat down. A lovely lady began to talk through the mechanics of retirement, the mechanics of the process, the pensioning, the forms, and all of that. I thought, “Yeah, this is really helpful because it helps you. You know what to do, you know what to expect.” 

Then the woman turned around and said, “So, tell me about yourself. How many children?” she said. “Do you have grandchildren?” 


“That’s really nice.” Then, the woman started to really lighten up. She said, “Are you a member of any club or society or a group?”  

Mother said, “Yes, yes. I’m an active member of my church.”  

“Oh, that’s wonderful. Do you do things in church?”  

“Oh, yes. Yes, I have roles. I run the prayer group, you know. I do all of these things.” 

 “Oh,” and I’m seeing this woman lightening up. She said, “Do you have any other hobbies? Do you garden? Do you have plants?” 

Statistical Proof of Life Expectancy

As my mother was saying stuff, the woman was getting ecstatic. I’m like, “Excuse me. Tell me why are you saying this?” The woman looked at me and she said, “Because we have statistical proof that if you have nothing to do with your life after you retire, you are going to die within the first few years.”  


“They said your life expectancy drops dramatically if you have nothing to do.” Then a phenomenon that I couldn’t explain suddenly made sense. The phenomenon is one that I observed in the sunny island of Jamaica. We would drive through some districts. This was Beverly Hills. This was Hollywood. These were beautiful houses that had been built by people who were working in this country. They sent their money back home to build their dream house in anticipation of retirement. They would build their dream house, retire, go back to Jamaica and within two years, they’re dead and the house is empty.  

Absolutely, it’s a sociological phenomenon. How do you spend your life building for a dream and when you get it, you’re dead? Our bodies are interconnected with our minds. They’re all part of the same system. If your mind loses purpose, the reason is, your body has no reason to continue living. There’s none. You simply start packing up and dying. The whole idea that I’m going to retire one day and spend the rest of my life on a beach is the formula for death because it’s a totally unnatural human state.  


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Challenge in Discipleship

Challenge in Discipleship:

Personal and Private

One major problem revealed by this research is that millions of Christians believe that discipleship is only a personal thing with only personal and private implications. This can be attributed to what the Christians experience in their churches. There is minimal emphasis on the communal and relational nature of spiritual growth. Only one-third of Christian adults report that their church recommends meeting with a spiritual mentor. Half of their churches publically endorse studying the Bible with a group. While half recommend studying the Bible independently. 

One of the compelling findings of the study is that developmental relationships are more common in large or megachurches. Seventy-eight percent or 8 out of 10 church leaders of 500+ member churches report being currently discipled by someone else. When asked about the most eective single method of discipleship. 52% of church leaders prefer small groups and 29% for discipleship by pairs. Therefore, small groups are the disciple-making approach favored by most of today’s church leaders. 

Structure vs. Heart

Aside from prayer and quiet time with God, the pastors believe that spiritual disciplines are also essential to discipleship. such as “personal commitment to grow in Christlikeness.” “Attending a local church,” and “a deep love for God.”

According to pastors, having “a comprehensive discipleship curriculum” is by far the least essential element of eective discipleship. Only 44% of pastors considered the curriculum as crucial.  

Furthermore, when asked how church pastors and leaders will improve their discipleship programs. Most say they would “develop a more clearly articulated plan or approach to discipleship.” Church leaders and congregants need better methods of discipleship approach. They evaluate the effectiveness of their discipleship eorts.

Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. Join our LIVE Conference Call!

1) Call 515-604-9266

2) Go to startmeeting.com, and use the login: BishopJordan


Free Prophecy for Everyone


The Church Caters to the People

The Diverse Church 

Megachurch leaders designed today’s church ministries to cater to the needs of the particular context they are in.  As a result, they have a variety of congregations. The preaching style and the genre of worship music already vary within churches in a city.  For example, if we flesh out the details of their congregation, we will find stark differences in every church. However, megachurches have an advantage over other churches. They can cater to a wide array of needs due to their very nature.  

Social observers have time and again likened the megachurch to a shopping mall. The consumer-driven ministries are viewed as seasonal offerings. Consequently, you can liken them to specialized boutiques. People come in and out of the mall depending on what they need. 

On the other hand, people can think of the core ministries as anchor stores. Their existence continues to draw people to enter the church even if the need for seasonal offerings falls. This structure provides members a continuous supply of activities to suit their needs and tastes. Meanwhile, it also gives active volunteers the option to choose which particular ministry they want to serve. Therefore, in the megachurch, there is something for everyone. 

Ministries in the Traditional Church

The traditional church has a limited number of ministries, and perhaps the only art-based ministry they have is the choir. However, in the megachurch, people are given more opportunities to use their natural talents in the arts.

Aside from the music team, most megachurches also have dance troupes, video presentations, and interpretative dancing. Those gifted in making visual arts can use their talent to create posters for the weekly sermon and special events, and the painters create backdrops for the stage. Several churches are even known to do elaborate stage plays and musical performances during special events and holidays, involving the children doing Sunday school as they do. 

The weekly worship services held by the megachurch further prove the variety. While local churches only commonly hold a weekly Sunday service, megachurches conduct various services throughout the week to cater to different people and leanings. For instance, there will be Wednesday services for working young professionals, Friday evening services catered to the youth, Saturday prayer meetings, and Sunday services are separated by language for multi-racial congregations.

Worship styles can also differ as the worship team adjusts this based on the crowd they are serving. Overall gives people the option to choose a particular service and time that works best for them.  

Targetting Specific Groups

This also helps the megachurch narrow down their statistics and connect with their target groups of audience.

The youth attending Friday services will find it easier to know their crowd and make friends. In contrast, the internationals attending language-specific Sunday services will immediately feel a sense of belonging, thus making it easier for the leaders to reach out to them.

The singles ministry won’t have too much difficulty gathering people for relationship-themed training and events as most people are already together in one service.

In contrast, those who joined the dance troupe have an automatic set of acquaintances they have something in common with. 

Family-centered events such as Mothers’ Day Outs and game nights provide both parents and children the avenue to build relationships with their own age groups and life stages. Since the megachurch is large, the narrowed audiences per service and ministry provide the avenue not to make people feel as if the large overall congregation swallows them up. 

Interestingly enough, even with the apparent segregation of different cultures and life-stages to make people feel more like they belong, megachurches also excel in integrating these people and blending different social statuses, races, and life groups. As such, a megachurch experiences higher involvement and participation rates from its members than other churches.

There is the value given to volunteerism and social activity. Because the structure itself needs hundreds if not thousands of workers to function, even the non-committed members find themselves helping out. And eventually, it is through their volunteering that they become planted in the church even more. 

Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. Join our LIVE Conference Call!

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Prayer in the Spirit 

By prayer in the Spirit, i.e. glossolalia or praying in tongues, you can find prophecy flowing more naturally (Acts 19:6).

By Prayer in the Spirit, the prophet also experiences edification or being personally built up (1 Cor. 14; Jude 1:20). You are filled so that you can also be a blessing to others.

Moreover, prayer in the spirit allows you to get involved in spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:18).  Through this practice of glossolalia, you can also give control of your tongue to the Holy Spirit (Jas. 3:2-5), thus facilitating prophecy.

The apostle Paul was able to thank God for being able to speak in tongues, even more than the Corinthians (1 Cor 14:18), so he evidently thought it a powerful exercise.

Through this practice of glossolalia, you can also give control of your tongue to the Holy Spirit (Jas. 3:2-5), thus facilitating prophecy.

Prayer partners

Find a prayer partner in the church community to stand with you in prayer for the following:

  1. The desire to grow your prophetic gift.
  2. The wisdom to be good stewards of your gift.

Why Is it Important?

Prayer in the Spirit is vibrant to our blessings, evolution in elegance, facts of Christ, in our moral reply to God in all parts of our life). Moreover, it changes us from the inner and modification and organized us and enthusiastic to prepare God’s will.

Intermediate school of prophets meditation

Dear Lord,

Thank You for blessing me with this prophetic gift. I pray that I grow as a faithful steward of this gift. I pray for the grace to be excellent as I partner with the Holy Spirit to receive a greater anointing for Your glory.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. Join our LIVE Conference Call!

1) Call 515-604-9266

2) Go to startmeeting.com, and use the login: BishopJordan 

Praying in the Spirit

Take a Risk
Taking Chances, Taking Risk

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Roman 12:2

If you want to shrink something, you must first allow it to expand. If you want to get rid of something, you must first allow it to flourish. If you want to take something, you must first allow it to be given. This is called the subtle perception of the way things are. This is by Tao Te Ching. When you have big shoes to fill there is no going back. I heard your name in the spirit, and the spirit told me to tell you that your choice matters, it is a word that allows yes and the word that makes things possible. Your choices means taking risk and taking a leap of faith on the things that you want to do. Your choices will always matter in your life that is why you have to make sure of the things that you have to make. There are choices that will lead you into greater things.

I hear the word of the Lord say to choose you this day. For I set before you an opportunity to make choices that will be a game changer in your life saith the Lord. You are coming into a season that your choices will lead you into a new life, and you will find yourself facing new opportunities in the days that lie ahead saith the Lord. You will have the right to stand on your own feet, and you will begin to discover that the power of choice was the gift that I gave to you the moment you set foot on the planet. You have not always used this power wisely or been aware of the gift that I have given unto you. However, this is the day that I open up your eyes and cause you to discover the opportunity that is in your possession, and I will cause you through the power of your tongue to begin to behold a new picture that you will begin to design for your life saith the spirit of Almighty God.

You have the right and the capability to transform your life through the choices that you make. No matter when and what the circumstances, you have the capability to take risk and grab the opportunities that come your way. Sometimes it is just hard for you to make decisions or to choose on the choices that you have because you are afraid to take risks. You are afraid to jump on something that you do not see. Life is about taking chances and making choices. To be able to make decisions even if the choice that you have is hard to choose, take time to think and do not be impulsive and what you are going to do. Take full responsibility and be in charge of your life.

I invite you today to do a faith act by receiving your personal prophecy. It is important that you respond promptly because I want to continue doing the prophetic work that I’ve started around your situation. It is not every day that a person gets to meet a prophet. You are blessed because you have a prophet today . This your next step so that I can start this colorful prophetic word all about your personal life.

Act now! Watch your future come alive now! God is transforming you completely. This will make you confident, full of belief and satisfied about the outcome to your situation. The word of the Lord boldly declares what will happen in your life when you simply believe the Prophet (II Chronicles 20:20).The power of prophecy will help you achieve the life you want when you follow the Prophet’s instructions. Go ahead and fill up the form at the right side of this page so that I can start prophesying for your life.

Proper Thinking

Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. John 8:58 KJV

“I am what I am, I’m doing very well in my life, and I am thankful to God for that.” These are the words of LL Cool J speaking into his life. I have discovered that he is thankful to God for the life that God has given him. You came across my mind today as I thought of these words from LL Cool J.

Your breakthrough is about to come as you embrace proper thinking. Proper thinking is important in declaring who you are. When you do not have proper thinking, or you do not think about your actions then you will have a bad declaration, and bad situations will occur to yourself. You must not forget that you have a mind to think. You must always think about your actions and how will it affect the people around you as well as yourself.

Proper thinking leads you into right decisions, and you will reap the consequences.I hear the Lord saying that this is the hour that I am realigning your thinking and causing you to see things from a perspective that you have never viewed them before saith the Lord. You are beginning to come through some hurdles, and some hurts but this is the time that I am lifting your faith and causing you to declare a new victory for your life.

Take time to observe yourself. If you feel that you are experiencing the same thing over and over again, then you must think of the things that you decide and do. You must think and observe the things that you do and take time to accept comments from people that will help you see the situation in a different perspective. Proper thinking can save you time and regrets about your decisions.

With proper thinking, you are able to see the decisions that made things easy for you. You will see the decisions that have bad results in your life. Take time to observe yourself and review your actions, with proper thinking you are likely to make right decisions. Proper thinking can save you from having regrets in your future, and you will see that you did not waste your time on something that will not bring good for you.

I am requesting that you get that most holy book and read this holy verse of Scripture. There is going to be a miracle if you will follow the prophet‘s instruction and you will begin to see
some things turn around in four to eight days in your thinking as you meditate on this verse of Scripture over the next several days. As you are doing this, I want you to meditate on this
verse of Scripture that you are now about to read.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just; whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 KJV

The miracle that awaits you is the miracle that is calling you into your next season. I plead with you now to receive your free written prophecy as your miracle is pleading to come into the next season for your faith to be demonstrated.I will be your guide and I will help your future to become born that has been lying dormant in this season of your life. I will speak a word into your life that will direct to your destiny.

Act now! Watch your future come alive now! God is transforming you completely. This will make you confident, full of belief and satisfied about the outcome to your situation. Let yourself experience the power of prophecy from the most trusted prophet.

Now click on this link now.

Mastering Life

1“For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets” Amos 3:7

Life is about mastery—of your appetites, your passions, your fears and your ambitions. We are all faced with internal struggles. Do we surrender to our fears or conquer them? Do we give into our baser desires or strive for that which is noble and great? Do we live for next week or have a vision for twenty years from now? The power of prophecy can help you master your life through the guidance of the prophet.

To life’s constant drama of mastery, you can add self-mastery of your dreams. You are responsible for what you dream and how your dreams play out, because your dreams influence your waking life. Your dream body is your temple, and you should always be master of your temple. Once you begin to master your dreams, you will begin to master yourself, and that mastery will translate into the waking world.

Zoe Ministries can help you in mastering your life based on God’s purpose for you. Click here and become part of the ministry and start living your life for God.

Appreciating God’s Time

1Man’s history shows how time was used. Time equates to progress. Long ago, man’s first means of transportation was his own two feet; the mode of transportation: walking. Man explored the world first by walking: either in solitude or in groups. Few miles and kilometers were traversed in days.

Now, more than ever, people are breathlessly rushing from one point to the other, from pursuit to pursuit, from one thing to another thing. People of today get so caught up with the activities and things that flood them on a daily basis that the urgency and pressure they experience can easily be felt and recognized, as words or phrases like ‘priority’ and ‘pressing matters’ frequently manifest even in their most casual conversations.

In Ecclesiastes 3, Solomon seems to contemplate on the dynamics of time. He started this chapter with the realization that ‘there is a time for everything’. This seemingly implies that no amount of ‘rushing’ can quicken the occurrence of things; that unless God determines it to be so, it will not be. Even the most coincidental is part of God’s plans; that everything has a purpose and every purpose has its own time.

Click here and learn about God’s timing through your free prophecy. Let the prophet teach you how you can appreciate the time you have on earth for His glory.

Seeing the Big Picture

1When God gives you your prophetic destiny, it doesn’t fulfill itself overnight. He reveals these to us according to His perfect timing. He is described to reveal chapters of our life story or a particular area of activity. God can speak about our ultimate ministry, but he will not tell about the process of the trials and the ministries that He will have, for the meantime.

Joseph experienced this. He had prophetic dreams; however, when he revealed these dreams to his brothers, they did not receive it well. The personal prophecy was that he would rule over his brothers.

However, Joseph did not foresee that he would be sold into slavery. God did not tell him the problems he will have with Potiphar’s wife, or that he would spend a significant period of time in prison. It would take a number of years to pass by before Joseph is able to see the bigger picture that God had intended for His life. The same is true for Abraham, David, and many others in the story.

See the bigger picture in God’s time and enjoy your journey with Him, receive God’s prophecy and speak to a prophet today. Click here for your free prophecy today.

Stop Living in Fear, Talk to a Prophet

11-3 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not terrors to good works, but to the evil…”

Romans 13:1-3

A ruler is a terror to evil work. If you fear your leader that may be a sign that there is evil in you, unresolved issues within yourself that you have not faced. These unresolved issues produce fear. For example, if you were driving on the highway doing the speed limit, you should not fear a police officer who is driving behind you. However, you may say to yourself, “My lights are on. I have my license and registration.” You are almost waiting for them to stop and check you; you know you were doing the speed limit because you had the cruise control. You think to yourself, “There is no way he can cite me for anything.” On the other hand, if you were speeding, you would have a problem with the officer stopping you. Now, you are fearful. If you serve your mentor out of fear, it reveals that evil is in your heart. It exposes the intent (Romans. 13: 3-4).

What is currently in your heart? Are you fearing something? Let the prophet help you get rid of this burden. Master Prophet Bernard Jordan and his school of prophets can reveal God’s plans for your life and encourage you to live a life without fear, without guilt, because you know you’re living accordingly to His purpose.

Click here to receive your free prophecy and experience the power of prophecy working in your life today.

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Living in God’s Image

1“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful…” (Genesis 1:26-28)

The image and likeness of God speaks of His visible representation, the exact likeness, having a striking appearance of God in manner and thought. We are in the image of God. We are heirs and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. This is what the power of prophecy reveals. Thus, the prophet is to be found in the brightness of His glory as the perfect imprint and representation of His Person. God has delegated His grace and authority unto His prophets, an innate ability to maintain, to guide and to propel the people of God by the prophetic word. God is the foundation of all prophets, being made in the similitude of God’s identity.

Image is very important. The image you portray is the outgrowth of the knowledge that you have accumulated and it streamlines your thought process. The image you portray determines the thoughts that reside in your mind. Exodus 20:4 says, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” God was against graven images because He already made you in His image and in His likeness.

How did God create you and how are you suppose to represent Him on earth? Find out by getting your personal prophecy today. Click here to get your prophetic reading from the prophet himself.