Prophetic Culture

By “prophetic culture,” we refer to having a sense of anticipation among the attendees that God is going to manifest His presence and speak directly to His people, either through the preached Word of God or through the worship experience. The “spirit of prophecy” must be a consistent presence in our worship services and in our daily church life. It’s what we must desire for as a people of God. Here are some of the ways to develop this culture in the local church, which I will challenge you, dear readers, to apply

within the next six months:



  1.  Minister to the Lord, instead of entertaining men. Let go of any performance-orientation you have in your local worship services, and make it worship-centered. When the focus is on performance, the goal is to entertain attendees, rather than to minister to God. Acts 13:12 teaches us that the Antioch Church ministered to the Lord; this attitude will release a powerful prophetic culture in the congregation.



  1.  Hold regular times for corporate prayer and fasting. A weekly prayer meeting is a significant part of a prophetic culture. Usually, during these meetings the Lord can speak to the church in a prophetic sense. Moreover, setting aside two to three times a year for corporate fasting makes the local church more sensitive to God’s leading.



  1.  The gift of prophecy should function among the members. The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:1 to earnestly desire spiritual gifts, especially to prophesy. In 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20, he instructs the church neither to quench the Spirit nor to despise prophesying. Prophecy is the greatest gift when it comes to edifying the church, according to Paul. Prophecy can come forth through the anointed and authoritative preached Word, or it can be an anointed exhortation expressing the heart of God from any believer present in the congregation. Leaders must seek to receive the Gift of Prophecy.



  1.  Desire the prophetic. The desire to hear from God and the desire to be used by the Holy Spirit to declare God’s Word is significant. We are made to communicate with God. Boldly ask for this gift, both on a personal and a corporate level.


Studying the Word of God is about equipping yourself to live out in practical ways the standard of the Bible. Archbishop Jordan’s book, THE SPIRITUAL LANGUAGE OF MONEY —  now available exclusively via the Book of the Month Club.


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Pray for a prophetic culture to develop in your worship services.

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