Mastering Life

1“For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets” Amos 3:7

Life is about mastery—of your appetites, your passions, your fears and your ambitions. We are all faced with internal struggles. Do we surrender to our fears or conquer them? Do we give into our baser desires or strive for that which is noble and great? Do we live for next week or have a vision for twenty years from now? The power of prophecy can help you master your life through the guidance of the prophet.

To life’s constant drama of mastery, you can add self-mastery of your dreams. You are responsible for what you dream and how your dreams play out, because your dreams influence your waking life. Your dream body is your temple, and you should always be master of your temple. Once you begin to master your dreams, you will begin to master yourself, and that mastery will translate into the waking world.

Zoe Ministries can help you in mastering your life based on God’s purpose for you. Click here and become part of the ministry and start living your life for God.

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