Entries by Bishop Jordan Blogs

Literal Pilgrimages

Literal Pilgrimages  “We are invited to make a pilgrimage – into the heart and life of God.”  Dallas Willard  POWER TRUTH  Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  John 14:6 NRSV  As a Literary Theme Pilgrimages  The subject of […]


The Exodus Pattern  The Exodus wasn’t the first biblical deliverance. Abram and Sarai traveled to Egypt during a famine, and the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his household for marrying Sarai. Pharaoh ordered Abram to leave when he realized Sarai was his wife, not his sister. This parallels the Ten Plagues God brought to convince Pharaoh […]

The Pilgrimage of Moses to Freedom 

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.  Nelson Mandela  POWER TRUTH  For freedom, Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.  Galatians 5:1 NRSV    Moses […]

A Prototype for Faith

An Example of Faith Abraham was told to leave what he knew best and trust that God would show him a different way. Everyone who comes to God in faith is called to turn away from old ways of living and follow God. God calls us to a commitment to leave sin behind and not […]

A Pilgrimage Requires Sacrifice

A Sacrifice Stepping out in faith carried its risks. Abraham had to leave everything safe and comfortable about his home in Haran. At 75 years old, he had to travel thousands of miles to a land where he would be known only as a foreigner—being a pilgrim required of Abraham a sacrifice: a sacrifice of […]

Journeying with a Purpose 

Pilgrim              “Pilgrim” comes from the Latin peregrinum, which means “wanderer” It’s a voyage to honor God. Christian pilgrimage is ancient. Once the temple was erected in Jerusalem (ca. 957 B.C. ), all Jewish men were required to attend it for the three major feasts: Pesach (Passover), Shavu’ot (Pentecost), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles, or […]

The True Pilgrimage

Misconception: a pilgrimage is a religious holiday. Pilgrims trek toward God. As we are, we come to God. We contribute our doubts, defects, crises, illnesses, curiosity, adventure, faith, thanksgiving, and Pilgrimage intentions and prayers. On a Pilgrimage, we meet God in His manifestations. If you want luxury, perfection, or a vacation, skip the pilgrimage. A […]

The Cost of Pilgrimages 

“A journey becomes a pilgrimage as we discover, day by day, that the distance traveled is less important than the experience gained.”  Ernest Kurtz  POWER TRUTH  Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to […]

Prophetic Pilgrimage Series

“Pilgrimage is a powerful metaphor for any journey with the purpose of finding something that matters deeply to the traveler.”  Phil Cousineau  POWER TRUTH  Happy are those whose strength is in you,     in whose heart are the highways to Zion.  Psalm 84:5 NRSV  Introduction Because we’re going into a new year, learning about spiritual pilgrimages […]

The Perfect Amphibian 

Each of us was created to be unique. Being an Insider does not mean you “pretend” to be something you are not. This is not what being an amphibian is. People can detect it when you are inauthentic. The perfect amphibian was Jesus Christ.  Jesus hung out with the sinners but never sinned. The crowd […]

The Amphibian 

This purpose is to connect with the world to win people over to follow Christ. To communicate with the world, we need to be people that other people want to connect with rather than people they want to avoid touching. There will be times when men will look up to us, and we will be […]