The Two Masters
God says, “You cannot serve God and mammon.” He put mammon on the same level as himself. He called it a master and says you cannot serve two masters. Just think about that for a minute. Why would God call money a master, unless money was himself? Worshipping or having money, apart from God, is twisted, doing God upside-down. Remember this, you cannot worship God and mammon, but you must worship God with
mammon. You are probably thinking, “Money is evil!” So many people have been falsely taught that.And when you have been given wrong information throughout the course of your entire life, it takes a whole lot of deprogramming and inner cleansing to be able to receive new workable information. Let’s face it, if mammon were evil, God would never have told you to make friends with it. He would never have told you to have money. The real deal is that God just wants you to put money in its proper perspective. He wants you put the power in perspective.
No man can rise to his greatest possible height and talent, or soul development, unless she or she has plenty of money.
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What is your greatest talent or dream in life? If you had an abundance of money, what would you be doing to enrich the life of others in your community?
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