Your Work is Your Worship

Your job is a way for you to show your love for God. You have been influenced by the way people used to worship. From the Davidic tradition, we get our idea of what worship is. She was singing a song of praise to the Lord. In the past, work was the main way to show your faith. King David used the expression “celebration” when he was worshipping God. Clap your hands, shout, praise him with high cymbals, and dance to show how much you love him. Music is just one way to show your faith.

If you think about this, Abraham didn’t do that, and he didn’t know anything about that. He never told his family, “Come together and raise your hands right now,” so we don’t know what he said.

Not at all. Abraham didn’t do any of that at all. In your Bible, there is a progression of ways to show how much you love God. People worshipped the patriarchs by giving gifts to their families’ altars. Moses set up a system for worship called the Levitical system, which focused on sacrifices instead of celebrations as a way to show God how much they cared. David made a sacrifice and added the element of celebration to his life, which made it even better. In the new covenant, we worship David because we see the tabernacle of David being built at this time, so we do so.

Once you’re doing it for God, it’s an act of worship and therefore it’s no longer secular. 

The worship style we have adapted is very celebratory.  However, the word “worship” doesn’t mean lift your hands and sing.  The word “worship” comes from an old English word, weorthscipe. The original act of worship occurs when you give something to God as an expression of gratitude and you give it to him as a reflection of His worth to you. Abel gave an offering and it was acceptable. Cain gave one and it wasn’t, because it was a statement of his worth.  It’s a gift.  

Your offering is your worship. An offering does not necessarily mean you only give in monetary value. If you give God a piece of your time, it is considered as an offering. When everything you do in your work is your offering to the Lord, then this is your worship. Then, your work becomes sacred. Once you’re doing it for God, it’s an act of worship and therefore it’s no longer secular. 

It is up to you whether you turn something into a secular or a spiritual act 

It is up to you whether you turn something into a secular or a spiritual act. You can worship from nine to five with your job every day. When Abraham said, “I’m going to worship,” when he went up Mount Moriah, he did not mean he was going to sing songs of praise on top of the mountain. He was going to sacrifice his son. He meant he was going to take the best of what he had and give it up to God, as an expression of His worth to him.  

What is the best part of who you are? There is a lot. This includes your time, your talents, and your treasure. What can you offer God? It does not have to be directly related to church ministry, but as long as you do it for God, it is an act of worship. It is sacred.  


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