Nothing can be done without the anointing of God. A believer cannot fulfill the work that God has given him to do without this anointing. As a prophet, when the Lord called you to do His work, the anointing is expected to be part of the parcel you received.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free. (Luke 4:18)


The anointing and calling you receive are a complete package. If you are called, you are anointed!

In the passage above, you’ll recognize that the Lord has called you to do a work. He has given you the power you need to fulfill it, as well. The Lord does not call people and leave them to their own resources to figure out what to do. People pray for anointing as if it is something the Lord would deliberately withhold from them. Anointing is already a given. There is a need to shift your mindset about anointing. The anointing and calling you receive are a complete package. If you are called, you are anointed! When this principle sinks in, you can spend less time asking God to anoint you and more time asking how to walk by faith according to His anointing. A change of focus takes place from the “missing” anointing, to finding ways to use the anointing that already exists. Don’t allow yourself to get sidetracked waiting for something that you already have.

Many also have the strange idea that anointing comes and goes. The Lord’s anointing is so powerful that when He anoints you once, you don’t need to qualify for it again and again. To a certain extent, this was true. Before Christ came, that was exactly how it was.

The Lord’s anointing is so powerful that when He anoints you once, you don’t need to qualify for it again and again.


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