What is God Doing? Part 2
Calling you to intimacy with Him
Sometimes God uses these testing times to remind us of what we are supposed to be doing with our lives. Are we going off track? Are we focusing on something or someone different? Have idols been established in our lives? We may be distracted by ministry that we lose track of our relationship with God. Perhaps, barrenness or dryness can draw us near to Him. It is in God’s heart to reveal His love to us in a fresh way when we find ourselves in a spiritual desert.
Awaiting the right timing
God can also teach you patience and faith during this time. You might feel like you are barely surviving. However, God is moving to change the landscape of your faith. He is positioning circumstances, people, and emotions for what is to come. God is the Director of our lives, and He will make sure you have a plot that is better than what you can imagine for yourself.
David went on the run from Saul in the wilderness. He was destined to become a king, but it was not an easy transition. He even became an outlaw first. He stayed in the wilderness while God worked things out on his behalf. Saul died and eventually the people called for David to be their new king. If David insisted on his own way, there would have been a war, and it would have been a very different outcome. Yet, he chose to obey God and he chose not to touch God’s anointed one.
Strengthening your faith
Abraham is the “Father of Faith.” God promised he would be the Father of All Nations. It was 25 years before Isaac was born to fulfill God’s promise. Most of the time, when God promises something, He doesn’t give a timeline. Interestingly, God waited until it was physically impossible for the couple to have a baby to make the promise, and even waited decades after before fulfilling
- He built Abraham’s faith throughout those years.
Abraham did not become weak in his faith. He
accepted the fact that he was past the time when
he could have children. At that time Abraham was
about 100 years old. He also realized that Sarah
was too old to have children. But Abraham kept
believing in God’s promise. He became strong in
his faith. He gave glory to God. (Romans 4:19-20)
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What do you think is God’s purpose for your current season of testing?
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