THE PRIMARY CAUSE For every effect, there must first be a cause, and for every need, there is a solution. The seed is a primary cause, the nucleus that uses its energy to send forth roots to draw in nutrients. Need is the same thing, the nucleus that drives action — a need for a promotion, car, a house, a spouse, children, etc. First there is need, and then there is the satisfaction of the need. You must feel the loss before you can be inspired to move toward the gain.

Your destiny, just like that of the tree seed, is to fulfill your great potential.

God gave you a seed, and it’s trying to manifest the blessing that came with it. It may be a house, a car, a new business, or even a more general entrepreneurial style. But you have to know there is something out there to reach for and that you’ll be able to grasp it, if you’re to be like the sprout whose roots extend far beyond the rocks. It all starts with giving, with sending a message in the spiritual realm —presenting the need and the faith you have that you will receive—something more or it may lead to the primary cause.


Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom, for with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you (Luke 6:38).


Unless you are ready to operate according to the Kingdom of God’s rules, you will continue to operate according to the world’s system — you will continue to become limited and finite.

Sow goodness into the lives of others. It is truly more blessed to give than to receive. As you give to others, you are emptying yourself out to be blessed more. God wants you to get how His economy works.

As you begin to move in light of eternity, you will notice your mindset, your thoughts, your actions, and your words change. Align your life with God’s economy, and it will be according to God’s economy that you will sow and be blessed.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

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