The Power to Create Breakthroughs
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever effective as a rightly timed pause.
-Mark Twain
Scripture says,
“Suppose someone wants to love life and see good days. Then they must keep their tongues from speaking evil. They must keep their lips from telling lies.
1 Peter 3:10 NIRV
Breakthroughs are possible in every area of life imaginable. Breakthroughs are possible in complex things like engineering or medicine and even trivial things like hammering a nail into a table. Breakthroughs are needed in every area of our lives. Sadly, there are many people are still stuck at the same level that they were years ago. They have not been able to get themselves out of their bondage into liberty or to enjoy a better life than they have been living before now.
Breakthroughs are needed in every area of our lives.
Breakthroughs require effort, hard work, and consistency. Without this, breakthroughs may just be an illusion. From the political aspirant, the astronaut, the scientist, and the inventor, every one of these categories of people are able to achieve such unimaginable feats because they stuck to the process until they got the breakthrough they always dreamed about. It was said that Thomas Edison failed over a thousand times in trying to invent the light bulb.
He kept on trying and failing until he eventually got the one that really worked. All the trials that failed only taught him the many ways that the light bulb could not be created. In a way, the knowledge was still very useful to him despite the failure and frustration he must have suffered in the first place.
Many people abandon things quickly because they could not hold on to see the results.
Albert Einstein, the famous scientist and also considered a genius, once said that there was nothing really special about him. He believed he was just a person who loved to be curious and stay long on a problem until he cracked open a viable solution. Many people abandon things quickly because they could not hold on to see the results. They expect results to come like magic. It is important that people learn how to walk in faith and to embrace the process that is needed to accomplish a remarkable feat. Remarkable feats require time, effort, and a great deal of patience.
Breakthroughs are only possible if there has already been some prior effort involved. For instance, when boiling water, the water starts from zero degrees and then boils to the required temperature. Immediately, it boils, and it starts giving signals. This means that it has reached its limit. When you look at this critically, this is also what a breakthrough means. It means focusing on something for a long time, giving the required effort so that you accomplish that which your heart purposes.
People who accomplish great things in life do not doubt themselves. Rather, they believe in their own ability to create change and to make profound things happen in their lives and in their environment too. God doesn’t want us to live mediocre lives. He has loaded us with treasures, gifts, and potentials to ensure that we live up to the dream that God has written before we were ever formed in our mother’s belly. Those who are conscious of their gifts and abilities are able to step out do more and achieve more than others who do not.
People who accomplish great things in life do not doubt themselves. Rather, they believe in their own ability to create change and to make profound things happen in their lives and in their environment too.
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