The Book of Revelation and the “Spirit of Prophecy”

In Revelation 19:5, the Apostle John tells us that he heard a voice from the throne of God speaking to him. The same speaker, John heard in verses 9 and 10. From the throne of God, the Speaker spoke true words of God. With full authority, the Speaker says, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Based from this passage, we can take home four important points about the “spirit of prophecy.” Jesus proclaimed an authoritative testimony and we must take notice. The voice in John’s vision speaks about Christ’s testimony—which refers to the testimonies given by Jesus or the testimony of believers about him.


Mostly, we can observe how the “spirit of prophecy” causes believers to speak a word of testimony about Jesus.Jesus preached (Lk. 4:43) about the kingdom of God. During his ministry on earth, he dealt with many aspects of this subject. He spoke of both redemption and of judgment. Those who believed in Jesus would be redeemed, while those who did not believe would face the harsh judgment of spiritual death. In addition to what Christ said, the entire life, death, and resurrection of Jesus proclaimed the truth of God.The message of Jesus has an unmatched influence for humanity. Everyone everywhere must face the claims of the Son of God—it’s inevitable. Each of us has a choice to make, whether we accept or reject this message. The “spirit of prophecy” inspires us to make this significant choice, as we are called and pre-destined to be children of God.


Believers in Christ are witnesses of him. The “spirit of prophecy” causes us to proclaim the truth to people everywhere. It is this spirit that causes us to do this in a more powerful way, which is more intense and more effective than human capability. Every believer in Christ is called to witness. Our words and our lives tell the story of how Christ redeemed our lives. Our lives give evidence to the transforming work of the Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life. Sometimes, the witness of believers, triggers opposition and persecution. Many people, today, face persecution and death because of “the testimony of Jesus.” However, they keep proclaiming this by the power of the Holy Spirit. They can be bold and fearless in prophesying about the return of Christ because of this grace.


John proclaimed that the testimony of Jesus “is the spirit of prophecy.” The main function of the Holy Spirit is to bear witness to Jesus. The Spirit does this by empowering believers to speak.


The Spirit also empowered Jesus to testify, and he empowers all who believe in Christ.

When Jesus began his ministry on earth, according to Luke 4:14 “Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit.” The Spirit of God was upon his human body and mind, throughout his ministry. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he preached the Kingdom of God, performed his mighty works, and completed his redemptive work. As Jesus proclaimed the truth of God, the Spirit of prophecy was upon him. Being fully human, he needed the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to perform his ministry, like we need the Holy Spirit to perform ours.


The Spirit also empowered Jesus to testify, and he empowers all who believe in Christ.

When Jesus began his ministry on earth, according to Luke 4:14 “Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit.” The Spirit of God was upon his human body and mind, throughout his ministry. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he preached the Kingdom of God, performed his mighty works, and completed his redemptive work. As Jesus proclaimed the truth of God, the Spirit of prophecy was upon him. Being fully human, he needed the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to perform his ministry, like we need the Holy Spirit to perform ours.


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Ask the Holy Spirit to make you a powerful and spirit-led witness in sharing your testimony about Jesus this week.