Tag Archive for: Sheep

The Prophet’s Shepherd: Walking with God

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” – John 10:27-28

When you think about it, sheep aren’t the brightest of animals. They’re quite defenseless which is why they need a shepherd to take care of them. Shepherds protect them and know them intimately. They know which ones are prone to go astray and the ones who are obedient. The sheep also becomes familiar with the shepherd’s voice and even his smell. Despite the oddity of sheep, they have a very special relationship with their shepherd. They follow the shepherd’s voice and let him lead them into safe pastures.

Just like sheep, we tend to be lost and unknowing of what’s going on around us. We need utter wisdom and guidance from someone who knows more than we do. A faithful walk with God is a significant factor in the life of a prophet. Prophets need to have a heart that was willing to obey.

In order for us to truly know where we are going and how to live, we need to know what is prophesied for our lives. The power of prophecy will give us the knowledge that we need to live a life that God has intended for us.

It’s time to know the right path and be guided by the prophetic words. Get your free written prophecy today and see how God speaks to you. CLICK HERE.