
the Magi 

The Pilgrimage of the Magi 

The Pilgrimage of the Magi :

“Pilgrimage to the place of the wise is to find escape from the flame of separateness.” 



Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 

Matthew 18:18 NRSV 

 Three Kings

The biblical Magi, also known as the Three Wise Men or Three Kings, were famous foreigners who visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These are according to the Gospel of Matthew and Christian tradition. They appear frequently in traditional narratives of Christmas nativity festivities and are vital to Christian tradition. The Magi are only mentioned in Matthew, one of the four canonical gospels. According to Matthew, they came “from the east” to worship the “king of the Jews.” The number of Magi is never mentioned in the gospel, but most western Christian denominations have generally concluded they were three, based on the assertion that they brought three presents. The Magi are frequently twelve in Eastern Christianity, particularly in Syriac churches. Their recognition as kings in later Christian writings is most likely related to Psalm 72:11, “May all kings fall down before him.”

Traditional nativity scenes show three “Wise Men” visiting the infant Jesus in a manger on the night of his birth, accompanied by shepherds and angels. But this should be interpreted as an artistic convention that allows the two separate scenes of the Adoration of the Shepherds on the birth night. And the later Adoration of the Magi to be combined for convenience.

The Three Wise Men

The Magi are popularly referred to as wise men and kings. The word magi is the plural of Latin magus, borrowed from the Greek magos, as used in the original Greek text of the Gospel of Matthew (in the plural: magoi). Greek magos is derived from Old Persian maguŝ from the Avestan magâunô, i.e., the religious caste Zoroaster was born into. The term refers to the Persian priestly caste of Zoroastrianism.

            As part of their faith, these priests paid special attention to the stars and established an international reputation for astrology, considered science at the time. Because of their religious activities and use of astrology, derivatives of the term Magi were used for the occult in general, giving rise to the English term magic. Even though Zoroastrianism was firmly opposed to sorcery. Although the Magi are usually referred to as “kings,” there is nothing in Matthew’s story that suggests they were rulers of any kind. Early readers understood Matthew in light of these prophecies, elevating the Magi to the status of kings. By AD 500, all commentators had accepted the widely held belief that the three were monarchs.


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the Magi 


The Pilgrimage of Moses to Freedom 

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. 

Nelson Mandela 


For freedom, Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. 

Galatians 5:1 NRSV 


Moses is famous in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, so many of us know his story. For discussion’s sake, though, and especially in the context of Prophetic Pilgrimages, it would be good to review the Exodus in a general way.

The Book of Exodus says that Moses was born at a time when his people, the Israelites, who were a small group of slaves, were growing in number, and the Egyptian Pharaoh was worried that they might join with Egypt’s enemies. No one cared about Joseph’s actions to save Egypt from the great famine. When the Pharaoh told all newborn Hebrew boys to be killed, Moses’ Hebrew mother, Jochebed, hid him. He did this because the Pharaoh wanted to reduce the number of Israelites.

Through the Pharaoh’s daughter, who the Midrash calls Queen Bithia, the child was taken in after being found in the Nile river and raised as part of the Egyptian royal family. She named the baby Moses, which means “drawn out of the water” in Hebrew and “son” in Egyptian. This was the first step in God’s plan to end 400 years of slavery for these people. Moses grew up in the palace of the pharaoh. There, he learned to read and write, which prepared him to write the first five books of the Bible. Even though he was happy in the palace, he longed to see his own people as he got older. When he saw an Egyptian overseer beating a Hebrew slave, he hit the Egyptian and killed him.

The Start of Moses’ Journey

When the pharaoh found out that Moses had killed the man, he ordered to have Moses killed. Moses ran across the Red Sea to the land of Midian. When he got there, he found seven daughters coming to a well to get water for their father’s flock. Shepherds tried to get them to leave, but Moses stood up for them. After his daughters told him what had happened, he invited Moses to dinner and married off his daughter Zipporah. They had a son, and they named him Gershom, which means “stranger in a foreign land.” Moses became a shepherd in Midian.

One day, as he was taking care of his sheep on Mount Horeb, he met the Angel of the Lord, who spoke to him from a burning bush (which he regarded as the Mountain of God). He told Moses to go back to Egypt and lead his people there. Moses asked God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and get the Israelites out of Egypt?” God replied, “I AM what I AM. “I AM has sent me to you,” tell the Israelites.

Going Back to Egypt

God told Moses to return to Egypt and ask for the Israelites to be freed from slavery. Moses said he couldn’t speak well, so God gave Moses’s brother Aaron the job of speaking for him. He returned to Egypt to do what God told him to do, but God made the Pharaoh say no. The Pharaoh finally gave in after God sent ten plagues to Egypt. Moreover, Moses led the Israelites to the border of Egypt, but once they were there, God hardened the Pharaoh’s heart again so that he could destroy the Pharaoh and his army at the Red Sea Crossing as a sign of his power to Israel and the rest of the world.

No one in Pharaoh’s army made it out alive. When the Israelites saw the dead Egyptian soldiers on the beach and saw how powerful the Lord was against Egypt, they feared the Lord. They had faith in God and in Moses, who was his servant.

The Longest Journey

Finally, after Moses led the Israelites to victory over the Amalekites, who were thought to be the descendants of Esau, Jacob’s brother, Moses led the Israelites on the Exodus, a forty-year journey to freedom. This was to be the end of Abraham’s long journey to the Promised Land, which had begun many years before. During the Exodus, the Lord made it clear that He was the God of the Israelites. He said, “I will make you my own people, and I will be your God.” Then you will know that I am your God, the Lord, who saved you from slavery in Egypt.”


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Your Work, Your Worship

You Were Made for Worship

Work is our form of worship as human beings. Our purpose is to worship God. However, how come when the world was perfect, and sin had not entered the world yet, there was no worship service mentioned? There was no music. What was there for man to do? There was work. 

15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 

20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. (Genesis 2:15,20)

Worship is an expression of adoration. Moreover, it reflects how much worth you attribute to someone. When Adam was created, how did he express his adoration for the Lord? What activity was present? There was work. After, God assigned Adam his “Career Mandate” and he worshipped God through his obedience. 

You’re now cutting against the grain of your very existence to not have something to work on. You are meant to serve. You are meant to be challenged. However, you were also created to take breaks from it. The Creator revealed to us your design. Resting is part of your career mandate. Plan, review, complete, and then rest. Then, go back to work. This is your nature. 

It’s Unnatural Not To Work

Sickness occurs when you go against your design. There is a connection between purpose and health. Moreover, you were not designed to be idle. Idleness causes you to abuse your design. 

My (Bishop Malcolm’s) mother worked in the national health service for 30 years as a nurse. When she came to retire, they called her in for counseling, in order to talk through the retirement process. She asked if I would go with her and I said, “Absolutely.” I went with my mother and we sat down. A lovely lady began to talk through the mechanics of retirement, the mechanics of the process, the pensioning, the forms, and all of that. I thought, “Yeah, this is really helpful because it helps you. You know what to do, you know what to expect.” 

Then the woman turned around and said, “So, tell me about yourself. How many children?” she said. “Do you have grandchildren?” 


“That’s really nice.” Then, the woman started to really lighten up. She said, “Are you a member of any club or society or a group?”  

Mother said, “Yes, yes. I’m an active member of my church.”  

“Oh, that’s wonderful. Do you do things in church?”  

“Oh, yes. Yes, I have roles. I run the prayer group, you know. I do all of these things.” 

 “Oh,” and I’m seeing this woman lightening up. She said, “Do you have any other hobbies? Do you garden? Do you have plants?” 

Statistical Proof of Life Expectancy

As my mother was saying stuff, the woman was getting ecstatic. I’m like, “Excuse me. Tell me why are you saying this?” The woman looked at me and she said, “Because we have statistical proof that if you have nothing to do with your life after you retire, you are going to die within the first few years.”  


“They said your life expectancy drops dramatically if you have nothing to do.” Then a phenomenon that I couldn’t explain suddenly made sense. The phenomenon is one that I observed in the sunny island of Jamaica. We would drive through some districts. This was Beverly Hills. This was Hollywood. These were beautiful houses that had been built by people who were working in this country. They sent their money back home to build their dream house in anticipation of retirement. They would build their dream house, retire, go back to Jamaica and within two years, they’re dead and the house is empty.  

Absolutely, it’s a sociological phenomenon. How do you spend your life building for a dream and when you get it, you’re dead? Our bodies are interconnected with our minds. They’re all part of the same system. If your mind loses purpose, the reason is, your body has no reason to continue living. There’s none. You simply start packing up and dying. The whole idea that I’m going to retire one day and spend the rest of my life on a beach is the formula for death because it’s a totally unnatural human state.  


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Challenge in Discipleship

Challenge in Discipleship:

Personal and Private

One major problem revealed by this research is that millions of Christians believe that discipleship is only a personal thing with only personal and private implications. This can be attributed to what the Christians experience in their churches. There is minimal emphasis on the communal and relational nature of spiritual growth. Only one-third of Christian adults report that their church recommends meeting with a spiritual mentor. Half of their churches publically endorse studying the Bible with a group. While half recommend studying the Bible independently. 

One of the compelling findings of the study is that developmental relationships are more common in large or megachurches. Seventy-eight percent or 8 out of 10 church leaders of 500+ member churches report being currently discipled by someone else. When asked about the most eective single method of discipleship. 52% of church leaders prefer small groups and 29% for discipleship by pairs. Therefore, small groups are the disciple-making approach favored by most of today’s church leaders. 

Structure vs. Heart

Aside from prayer and quiet time with God, the pastors believe that spiritual disciplines are also essential to discipleship. such as “personal commitment to grow in Christlikeness.” “Attending a local church,” and “a deep love for God.”

According to pastors, having “a comprehensive discipleship curriculum” is by far the least essential element of eective discipleship. Only 44% of pastors considered the curriculum as crucial.  

Furthermore, when asked how church pastors and leaders will improve their discipleship programs. Most say they would “develop a more clearly articulated plan or approach to discipleship.” Church leaders and congregants need better methods of discipleship approach. They evaluate the effectiveness of their discipleship eorts.

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Free Prophecy for Everyone


Appreciating God’s Time

1Man’s history shows how time was used. Time equates to progress. Long ago, man’s first means of transportation was his own two feet; the mode of transportation: walking. Man explored the world first by walking: either in solitude or in groups. Few miles and kilometers were traversed in days.

Now, more than ever, people are breathlessly rushing from one point to the other, from pursuit to pursuit, from one thing to another thing. People of today get so caught up with the activities and things that flood them on a daily basis that the urgency and pressure they experience can easily be felt and recognized, as words or phrases like ‘priority’ and ‘pressing matters’ frequently manifest even in their most casual conversations.

In Ecclesiastes 3, Solomon seems to contemplate on the dynamics of time. He started this chapter with the realization that ‘there is a time for everything’. This seemingly implies that no amount of ‘rushing’ can quicken the occurrence of things; that unless God determines it to be so, it will not be. Even the most coincidental is part of God’s plans; that everything has a purpose and every purpose has its own time.

Click here and learn about God’s timing through your free prophecy. Let the prophet teach you how you can appreciate the time you have on earth for His glory.

You Are a Piece of the Puzzle

1You have to remember that you were here from the very beginning of time. Have you ever put a jigsaw puzzle together and got to the end and discovered there was a piece missing? You had this beautiful picture, yet there was a piece missing that would make it complete.

That is what God created when he created you, a perfect piece of the puzzle. Your little piece is so important to the overall plan of God. In order for a person to transform his/her negative image of God, he/she must first develop self-acceptance. Once you understand that you were here from the very beginning, the transformation process begins. Let your personal prophecy reveal the beauty that is within you.

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee…” God knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, and while you were in there He ordained you to be a prophet, a teacher, an engineer, etc. The divine order is always in order. It is never out of order.

Want to know what your purpose is? Click here and speak to a prophet about your free prophecy today.

Play Your Part

part“But speaking the truth in love, grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ : From whom the whole body fitly jointed together and compacted by that which every joint together, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:15

If you are a part of the body of Christ, there is an effective measure in you to bring you into the potential that God has ordained for the whole body. You have something to contribute. Oneness comes from Christ’s filling all things. He fills each one of us; therefore we each have a part of Him to give one another. Your Biblical prophecy lets you know which part you are in the body of Christ. Let the power of prophecy guide you.

When we look at the body of Christ, we are reminded that it is not just the body parts that are important; the joints are also vital. What is a joint? It is any place in your body where two parts come together — the knees, the elbows, the knuckles. Individual members of a body don’t mean much.

They need to be jointed together and working as part of the whole body in order for them — and for the body — to function properly. Members in the body of Christ are the same way; in order to function properly they must be brought into relationship with the rest of the body. And without them, the body will not be as effective.

Sometimes we may feel that our part is not important. Yet the Lord has placed each member of the body there for a purpose. And woe to us if we feel that we, or anyone else, is not a vital part of the body; we are then doubting God’s wisdom.

Know your purpose and start playing your part. Receive your free written prophecy today and act upon what God has purposed for you to do. Speak to a prophet today by clicking here.

The Prophet as God’s Instrument

God's instrumentThe word “prophets” has been mentioned 8 times in the final end- time event in the book of Revelation. Prophets were used by God to move His people and bring repentance, reformation, and restoration. Prophets are also described as “channels of Spiritual revelations”. They also serve as the instruments of God to execute judgment among nations in the future (Revelation 11:3-6, NIV).

Over the ages, God has made His self and His message revealed to the nations through the prophets. All throughout the bible, prophets have been present to voice out God’s word and to bring God’s people to repentance and revival. Among the many prophets in the bible, there are eleven famous prophets tested to have their perspectives aligned to that of God. They serve a specific purpose here on earth, one of which is to reveal your purpose specifically designed by God.

What’s amazing about it, is that you can talk to a prophet today and get your free written prophecy. It is a blessing that you can have your prophetic reading at this very moment. Have the prophet reveal God’s purpose for you today.


What’s Your Future?

Bishop JordanHow different do you think our life could be if we only knew what lies ahead for our future? As the observer seems to have the biggest role, the prophet encompasses a huge variety of roles. A prophet literally means one who speaks for another, especially for a deity. A prophet communicates the divine will. A prophet is an intermediary, a spokesperson, one sent by God to act and speak on behalf of God.

Prophets are not fortune-tellers as they are more concerned with God’s message for us today and encourage people to respond to Him. The prophet teaches the person as he or she is able to know what is in God’s mind and heart. The prophet encourages everyone to draw closer to God (Ephesians 3:16-19, NIV). Based on the scriptures, prophets truly have a divine purpose here on earth. When you speak to a prophet, many things will be revealed to you and about you.

You might just be surprised at how little you know about yourself. God knows you from the inside out. Let the prophet reveal the truths about you and God’s plans for your life. Get your prophetic reading today.


What Do You Love?

i love money“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

Our world is very material-oriented. You are judged by what you wear, what you eat, where you live and how much money you get from your job. Everything revolves around money. But the Bible says that you should love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. It doesn’t say anything about money or riches. It focuses on your love for God.

Are you loving God with everything you have? Or is it divided? When you receive your personal prophecy, you will realize how much God loves YOU and the things that he has planned for your life. There are so many things He has in store for you.

Speak to a prophet today on how you can give your undivided attention to God and how you can serve Him to your full capacity. Receive your prophetic reading and discover God’s prophetic destiny for your life. By knowing your purpose and destiny, you will realize that these material things don’t even matter anymore. It will help you love God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength. Receive your free written prophecy by clicking here.

What is Your Inheritance?

what is your inheritance

“In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will” Ephesians 1:11

Inheritances are obtained when a person dies. He or she creates a will and declares what property goes to whom. So when we hear this word, we often associate it with death or a grandmother who has passed her most prized possession. But what you have to realize is that God’s inheritance is completely different. His inheritance is His purpose for your life. The power of prophecy reveals this inheritance to you and guides you on how you can fulfill it.

Before you entered into your mother’s belly God knew thee and formed you. You had a life before you came into the earth realm. It was predetermined. It was already predestined. This is God’s gift to you. How amazing is that? Getting an inheritance even before you were born! This is how much God has thought about you.

When you speak to a prophet your purpose will be revealed to you. God has already set a prophetic destiny for your life. All you have to do is receive your written prophecy and all things will be revealed to you.

Your Life Plan

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

How are things doing in your life? Are things coming together as planned? We usually make our life plan as early as high school. We think of which college we want to be in, what major to take and then we see ourselves being part of our dream company. Not only do we think about our career, but our future family as well. And then we realize that we have so many bills to pay, mortgage to take care of. We lose track of our dreams and eventually end up in a rut and work the rest of our lives trying to get out of it.

Some people might panic and react extremely badly about this situation. But when you have God in you, and you know how much He loves you, you’ll find peace in the midst of the chaos. This is why most Christians don’t seem too worried when they encounter struggles in their lives, you often hear them say that God will take care of them. They say this in confidence because they love and know God so deeply that they know He has a purpose for them. They know that there is a reason behind the struggles.

How are you handling your life plan? It is going according to how you thought it would go? The power of prophecy can help you in getting out of that rut that you’ve created. Speak to a prophet today and realize how much God loves you and wants you to be happy in life. Let things work according to His purpose.
