Tag Archive for: prophetic reading

Love is in the Air

Everyone talks about love. Just about everywhere we turn, someone is talking about love. In fact, it may very well be the most popular thing in our culture, we just love to talk about love, yet never before has love been more exploited, nor has it ever been more distorted. Love has become a meaningless word. And instead of standing firm in love, many Christians have been duped by the world’s definition of love, which proclaims self rather than sacrifice.

In His once-for-all sacrifice, Christ demonstrated true love, the true love of God. By this great demonstration of love, love has been defined, and no worldly deception can seduce it., we love because God first loved us. Whereas the world falls in love, God’s people are established in love. The love that we possess, however, is not a fleeting whim that comes and goes with every mood and circumstance; rather, it is a love that is beyond ourselves. Our love, true love, has meaning, meaning that cannot be stripped away by any thing, any one, or any feeling. Our love cannot be shaken because it is grounded not in self but in sacrifice.

Many of us have misunderstood God’s love. Whereas some believe that God loves everyone unconditionally, the Word of God teaches that God’s love has been poured out in the hearts of His people for whom Christ died, demonstrating His love. It is not that God’s love is limited. Indeed, His general love of benevolence is shown to all creation. His special love, however, is demonstrated to those He saves. His saving love is directly applied to His children, the sons and daughters of His kingdom.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his
friends.”(John 15:13)

Bishop Jordan believe that God is love; through Him, love is manifested, and by Him, love is defined. Therefore, before the face of God, we are confronted by the brilliance of God’s love for us, and we realize that God’s command to love Him with our entire being is not an option. On the contrary, we love Him precisely because He loves us.

Faith Stands

“For God alone. O my soul wait in silence, for my hope is from him.” (Psalm 62:5)

We will still have enemies to fight in this perishing world but they have no power to destroy us. All we will do is reveal that we have been declared a conquer through the power of our God. Because of what Christ has done for us, we have reason for hope knowing that our future is established in heaven. Victory over all of our trials comes when we can trust that God’s timing is right and that His will is perfect. Peace comes from knowing that God will never fail us no matter how impossible our situation seems.

God takes no pleasure in having us wait but each one of our struggles is a divine appointment with a merciful God who wants to reveal more of Himself to us. The testing of our faith produces a steadfastness that will have its complete effect that we may be perfect, complete and lacking in nothing. There is a purpose for our pain. It is working out a greater good. It is preparing us to be royalty, reigning with Christ in a kingdom that will never end. Though the days grow dark and filled with evil, believers have nothing to fear for their future is one of power.

Bishop Jordan believe that the lies of the enemy have no power to steal our joy so do not willingly give it us to Him. Hold on to the heritage that we have because of what Christ sacrificed for us. Stand strong to the end knowing that God’s plan for us will work out not only for today but for ten thousand years down the way when we shall still find ways to praise Him for all He has done. God’s faithfulness will never end. Learn more about how to stand your faith against the enemies, talk to Bishop Jordan and get a free prophecy now.

God’s Love is Amazing

We are living in unbelievably difficult days and it does not appear to be getting any better. Trying to hold on in faith while the darkness surrounds our situation can literally seem impossible In our finite minds, it does not make sense that God appears to wait so long to come to our rescue.

We are told in God’s word that then enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking to devour us. He is seeking to kill, steal and destroy all that we have. But, the truth is that the enemy cannot take anything from one whose faith is in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. All that he can do is convince us of a lie that his power to destroy us is bigger than God’s power to rescue us. We must remember that the tomb could not hold back the Holy Spirit’s power to raise Christ from the dead and that same power is living in us. For that reason, we cannot be defeated no matter how wounded we are in the battle you are fighting. Christ has conquered death and the power of evil. Though the enemy can wage war all around us, we will not be a casualty of a battle that has already been won.

Our weakness comes when we take our eyes off the source of the power. Christ
does not take cover in the attacks of the enemy. God is our fortress and a very
present help us. The weary can find in His shadow and experience peace in His
never ending love.

Bishop Jordan believe that by knowing and understanding the God we serve, we are able to rest and trust Him to get us through the storm. If Jesus tells us to take joy despite our problems, He must have a way for us to do so. We know by all that is true that God cannot lie. God’s love and power for you are real. If we are struggling it is because we are listening to the lies of the enemy and have taken our eyes from Christ. Let the amazing love that Christ has for you be your strength in the battle you are facing talk to Bishop Jordan and get your personal prophecy.

“For I am thee Lord, your God who takes hold of you right hand ans says to you, Do not fear; I will help you”( Isaiah 41:13)

Those Who Become Enemies of God

“But this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sin forever, sat down at the right hand of God, from the time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” (Hebrew 10:11-13)

God will not judge them for now. But on the day of the second coming of Christ, they will be judged and condemned to hell forever. God tolerates them until that day in hopes that they will repent and become righteous through redemption.

Christ took away all our sins and died for us who believes all those who believe in Him. He will come on the second time to take the sinless to live with Him forever in the kingdom of Heaven.

Those who insist that they are sinners when God returns will find no place in
Heaven. On the last day, they will be judged and thrown into the fires of hell. This punishment awaits those who refuse to believe in being born again of water and the Spirit.

Bishop Jordan believes that Christ regards those who believe in untruth as His enemies. That is why we have to fight against this untruth. That is why we have to believe in the blessed gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit. Know more about your personal prophecy through God’s will, by taking to one of the prophets.

The Complete Deliverance From All Sins

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do walk according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1-2)

We heard and believe the gospel of the redemption of the water and the Spirit in Christ and were forgiven for all our sins. But sinners who believe that they were only forgiven for original sin cannot truly be saved. In order to sanctified for sins that they commit after they come to believe in Christ, they feel that they should repent every day.

Their misguided faith leads them to hell. Their mistaken beliefs cause them to
repent every day so as to free themselves from all their iniquities. That is not the true faith that saves us from hell.

If they had believed in Christ and been redeemed once for all time, they would
have become righteous and children of God. True redemption makes believers
righteous and transform them into children of God once and for all.

Even though believers are delivered from all the sins of the world, their flesh does not change until the day they die. But their hearts are soaked with the righteous of God. We must never misunderstand this fact.

Bishop Jordan believes that to be completely sanctified, all of us have to believe in the redemption of the water and the Spirit that Chris gave us. If you want to know more the complete deliverance of your sin. Talk to Bishop Jordan and your free prophecy.

Learnings Through Life’s Trials

The trials of this life will ultimately lead to joy if we patiently trust in God’s plan and discover how to use adversity to grow stronger. We have learn that the way we respond to trials can have a great effect on whether we become roadblock in our life or expressways to learning growth.

When we anguish over difficulties the experiences only serve to weigh us down. But remember that these trials are part of the great plan of happiness, help us to see them as opportunities to grow and learn. As children of a loving God we accepted our Fathers plan to obtain a physical body against earthly experience and qualify to return to His presence and enjoyed eternal life, here on earth there is a lot of joy but there are also times of trials, misfortune and grief.

Bishop Jordan believes that the common misunderstanding among members of the church is that if we strive with all our might to live the commandments, nothing bad happen to us. We may believe if we are married in the temple, our marriage will automatically be heaven on earth, if we live the word of wisdom we will never get sick. But the truth is that bad things happen to the best people. Much suffering comes as direct result of our sins. When we use our agency to disregard the commandments of God, we allow Satan’s plan of misery rather than God’s plan of happiness.

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: But God
faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will the temptation also make a way escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

The Foundation of Faith

The more we know His goodness, the more we trust God. The more trust Him, the easier it is for us to put our life into God’s hands. Only by placing our life in God’s hands we can open the way for Him to save us, bless us and work through us, so that God’s wonderful will can be done on earth as it done in heaven.

Once our heart grasps the goodness of Him, we will be confident that God will never hurt us, abandon us or let us down. As long as we follow God. He will always be there, ,loving, helping and blessing us.

He has figured out what is good for us and what is not. God know it is good when we have more than enough natural provision in our life. God know if we plant crops, it is good to reap big harvest. God knows if we have livestock, it is good for them to increase. God knows it is good for our children to be blessed and for us to be physically healthy and whole.

The more we understand the goodness of Him and the more we see that goodness operating in our life, the more victories we will have to remember. The more victories we remember, the harder it is for the devil to talk us into letting him run over us.

“He who did not withhold or spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will not also with Him freely and graciously give us all things.” (Romans 8:32)

Master Prophet believes that God’s desire is for us to feel so good when we get up in the morning that we can not help but be grateful for a well body that functions faithfully and feels so good. Every time we look at our children and see the peace they enjoy, we praise God. His desire is that every direction we turn, we experience God’s goodness. If you want to know how to build the foundation of your faith, talk to Master Prophet and get your free written prophecy now

Grow in Christ

A life in Christ is a life of restfulness. There may be no ecstasy of feeling, but there should be an abiding and peaceful trust. Our hope is not in ourself, it is in Christ. Our weakness is united to God strength, our ignorance to God’s wisdom, our frailty to God’s enduring might. We are not to look to ourself, not to let the mind dwell upon self, but look to Christ.

Let the mind dwell upon God’s love, upon the beauty, the perfection of God’s character. Christ in His self denial,Christ in His humiliation, Christ in His purity and holiness, Christ in His matchless love, this is the subject for the souls contemplation. It is by loving Him, copying God, depending wholly upon Him, that we are to be transformed into His likeness.

God is calling you to be proactive with your faith so you can grow and be mature. This requires you to be faithful which requires you to submit and to be humble. The result is respect, cooperation, unity, community and the power of His Fruit at work. The devil want to get a hold on you so he can attack to discourage and sway you away from Him and His ways. Your defense is simple you are to stand firm in Christ, pray and allow God’s work in you and not ours, what you would bring to the table is just a fuel for the devil and his ways.

“Every goog gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variables, neither shadow of turning.”(James 1:17)

Master Prophet believes that we are called to get our minds line up with God His way, His precepts, and His plan. You still have the old sinful nature residing with in you. He declares you clean, but you do not become completely clean.

One Person At A Time

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest  of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and  birds come and make nests in its branches.” (Mathew 13:30-32)

The mustard seed is the smallest seed and yet it grows into a large tree. Likewise, Christianity had a very small beginning. The people of biblical times thought Jesus would come as a great king and leader. But Jesus’ Kingdom had small beginnings and yet it grows every day and is now a community of believers all over the world, producing great results.

Master Prophet believes that do not ever think your efforts to grow God’s Kingdom are insignificant, for it is the small things you do for others that reveal God’s great love. Your life is an example to others, and when you start even a small conversation with someone about God, you are planting a seed in someone’s heart that can produce great results when they are born into the Kingdom of God. One person brought into the Kingdom of Heaven is one more person saved from eternal hell, so every time someone is saved, that is a great result that brings the angels in heaven to rejoice. Even though you are one person, when we join with other believers we can accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God one person at a time.

As God Love Us

You must understand That He does not love you because you are lovely. God does not love you because you read the Bible, pay your tithes, go to church, or do our best to keep the command to love others as God love you The truth is that God love you without conditions.

“But look here: the Lord’s eyes watch all who honor him, all who wait for his faithful love, to deliver their lives from death and keep them alive during a famine, We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield.” (Psalm 33:18-20)

God show how much He love you by sending His only Son into the world so that you might have eternal life through Him. This is real love. It is not that you love Him, but that God love you and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away your sin. Since He love you that much, you surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen Him, But if you love each other, He lives in you, and God love has been brought to full expression through you.

God’s love has never been or ever will be conditional. God love us at our worst, and most church would agree with that initially. We believe we are save by grace through faith, no matter our history, but that is often where grace stops and religion starts. And religion always puts the emphasis on the external.

Bishop Jordan believes that as long as we believe with Him were judging us according to our performance, we will never fully receive God’s love. Love is a decision and He decided to love us even though we did not deserve it. There is nothing we can do to earn it or deserve it, just receive it as a free gift.

You Can Count On Christ

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrew 13:8)

It is hard to know who you can trust in this world. You look to the leaders of our country to do what is right by the people, but even they cannot keep the promises they make.And our friends too let us down sometimes when they make promises and then go back on their word. You are all just human,you make promises that you cannot keep, but if you de-friended someone every time they broke a promise or let us down then you would be very lonely people. There is however someone you can trust. Someone who stays the same, someone who always has been and always will be someone we can count on, Jesus Christ.

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan believes that Christ is our ultimate leader, the one we can trust to keep his word. He is our unchanging Lord in an ever-changing world. So whenever someone lets you down, you know you can always rely on Christ to say the right thing, to give you good honest advice. When we keep our eyes focused on Christ we will never be disappointed.

Judgment and the Love of God

The Christian servant must never forget that salvation is God’s idea, not man’s; therefore, it has an unfathomable depth. Salvation is the great thought of God, not an experience. Experience is simply the door through which salvation comes into the conscious level of our life so that we are aware of what has taken place on a much deeper level.

Never preach the experience, preach the great thought of God behind the experience. When we preach, we are not simply proclaiming how people can be saved from hell and be made moral and pure; we are conveying good news
about God.

In the teachings of Jesus Christ the element of judgment is always brought out, it is the sign of the love of God. Never sympathize with someone who finds it difficult to get to God; God is not to blame. It is not for us to figure out the reason for the difficulty, but only to present the truth of God so that the Spirit of God will reveal what is wrong. The greatest test of the quality of our preaching is whether or not it brings everyone to judgment. When the truth is preached, the Spirit of God brings each person face to face with God Himself.

If Jesus ever commanded us to do something that He was unable to equip us to accomplish, He would be a liar. And if we make our own inability a stumbling block or an excuse not to be obedient, it means that we are telling God that there is something which He has not yet taken into account. Every element of our own self-reliance must be put to death by the power of God. The moment we recognize our complete weakness and our dependence upon Him will be the very moment that the Spirit of God will exhibit His power. If you want to a Free Written Prophecy talk to Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan.

“The times has come for judgment to begin at the house of God.”(1 Peter 4:17)