Tag Archive for: predestined

What is Your Inheritance?

what is your inheritance

“In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will” Ephesians 1:11

Inheritances are obtained when a person dies. He or she creates a will and declares what property goes to whom. So when we hear this word, we often associate it with death or a grandmother who has passed her most prized possession. But what you have to realize is that God’s inheritance is completely different. His inheritance is His purpose for your life. The power of prophecy reveals this inheritance to you and guides you on how you can fulfill it.

Before you entered into your mother’s belly God knew thee and formed you. You had a life before you came into the earth realm. It was predetermined. It was already predestined. This is God’s gift to you. How amazing is that? Getting an inheritance even before you were born! This is how much God has thought about you.

When you speak to a prophet your purpose will be revealed to you. God has already set a prophetic destiny for your life. All you have to do is receive your written prophecy and all things will be revealed to you.