Tag Archive for: Gold And Diamonds

Moving Together As One

Pain is a signal that you need someone. Just like the drug addict had to find the person who could supply him the drugs, you have to find the person who can give you the healing ingredient for your life. Sometimes your ego won’t allow you to find the person who can help you because you are determined to do it on your own. But it is going to take a prophet (a person) to get you out of the confusion that you are in and into the Divine Purpose of God. That is the Power of Prophecy!

“…Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the
sea…” (Genesis 1:26) God created man for the purpose of having dominion. If you don’t understand your purpose, you will be disillusioned and unable to exercise your true rulership, because whatever situations you don’t have control over, those situations will have control over you.


One way in which people fail to understand their purpose of demonstrating dominion in the earth is by operating out of a principle of lack. God puts your treasure in an earthen vessel. However, many people look up into the sky for a “treasure” that is hidden in an “earthen vessel.” Until you understand from where God brings the harvest, you will not work the “field.” If you want to work the “field,” then get into your earthen vessel.

Notice that treasures in the natural earth are in the deep. You have to go into the deep to find gold and diamonds. Pearls are in the deep. In order for an oyster to produce a pearl, the oyster must endure the intrusion of an irritant in its mouth. The irritant is under pressure, but in time it will become a pearl.

“…Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27)

One of man’s greatest downfalls is that we do things in isolation. God did not make man in isolation. Some people are trying to work their miracle in isolation. When Elisha told the woman to go and borrow vessels, and not just a few, she knew that she could not fulfill the prophet’s request alone. (1 Kings 4:1-6) She was sensible enough to (1) call on her sons and (2) send her sons to borrow pots from others. You cannot work miracles in isolation.

You cannot come into wealth through isolation, regardless of how tirelessly you work. Talk to any smart business person and he will tell you that he did not become wealthy independently. He assembled a team, and together they found customers and clients. They were in the business of pleasing someone else.
