Tag Archive for: God’s Holy Work

God is Working on the Giver

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7 NRSV

“All you have shall some day be given; therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors.”

The process of building

No one builds a building overnight. It starts with the intention to build one. After which someone renders a blueprint for the building of what it’ll look like once it’s done. The blueprint would be turned into a detailed copy, with full technical specifications. Builders need to have the fund and the materials they need for construction. Building any structure requires a great cost, not just financially but in terms of time, energy, and commitment. The actual construction of buildings takes from months to years. After which, it needs to be furnished before it is ready to be occupied.

The tabernacle project God intended for the Israelites is something similar. The project started with God telling Moses that He wanted to dwell with the people. God described His dwelling place in detail. He even showed Moses some sort of prototype. He carefully explained how to build it. It took some time for the Israelites to build it. God could have built it with His word. However, He made building the tabernacle a process in which the Israelites learn to listen to instruction and to obey Him.

God wants you to contribute because you change in the process of giving.

In the context of the târumah offering, God does not need your offering to the priest. He can easily provide Himself by making things appear. However, He wants to involve you in the work. God wants you to contribute because you change in the process of giving.

In the process, people sinned. There had been unexpected delays when people sin. The people set up an alternative worship service around the golden calf. They got distracted. God still forgave their sin through Moses’ intercession. They were ready to start construction.

When we are disobedient, there are delays in where we should be in our spiritual walk. We allow ourselves to get distracted by the things of this world, when the truth is, we cannot find anything better and more significant than fulfilling the purposes of God in our lives.

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According to Exodus 25, the Israelites contributed to the holy work of building God’s tabernacle.

What is the purpose of this offering?

The Lord said, “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them” (Exo. 25:8). At the end of the day, the main purpose of the Lord is still to build a stronger relationship with His people. He wants to dwell among the Israelites. We give to God’s Holy work so that His presence can be with us, because of our obedience and faith.

When we give to the Holy work, when we support His ministers and participate in what He wants to build, God makes us His dwelling place.

God is pleased with our obedience. It is a fragrant offering to the Lord. When we give to the Holy work, when we support His ministers and participate in what He wants to build, God makes us His dwelling place. How wonderful a place becomes when God chooses to stay in it. He begins to dwell in our Church, our households, and our everyday lives.

1The Lord says,

“Heaven is my throne.
The earth is under my control.
So how could you ever build a house for me?
Where would my resting place be? (Isaiah 66:1)

God promised to be present with His people in a special way, not for His benefit, but for theirs. It is not the amount of the offering that attracts the Lord. It is the obedience of the people. God promised to be present with His people in a special way, not for His benefit, but for theirs.

When the Lord’s presence is in your life, not just your church or your household, there is blessing, peace, and joy. You want the Lord in your camp. You must do everything so that His presence dwells among you.

God wants to make His presence known, and He wants other peoples to see what it is like for a nation to have the Lord dwell with them. In the end, all glory would go back to the Lord.

Our tithes and offerings support the local church. They provide for the pastor who preaches God’s Word. They pay for the staff who teach, provide spiritual care, lead ministries, and help meet people’s practical needs.

Our giving also supports the worldwide work of missions. Your offering funds evangelists to preach the gospel, pastors to plant churches, teachers to witness to their students, and doctors to heal physical and spiritual wounds. There is much work to be done, and God is calling you to contribute and to participate in this widescale work that He is doing (and funding) in the world today.


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The heave-offering or the târumah offering is found in the Old Testament. Practicing the giving of the târumah is a spiritual exercise that trains our hearts and minds to keep an altar for the Lord. We are to set apart the târumah offering and to give it generously. The Lord is a holy God and this practice is our declaration of our obedience and trust in the Lord.

Numbers 5:9

According to Numbers 5:9, “All the sacred gifts the Israelites bring to a priest will belong to him.”  Exodus 23:19 tells us, “The choice first fruits of your soil you shall bring to the house of the Lord your God.” The heave-offering belongs to the priest.

In Numbers 5:9, the term “gifts” here is directly translated as the târumah.

Gifts are made “sacred,” not because one brings them to the priest. Instead, the gift is sacred because the giver sets it apart from his income.

Gifts are made “sacred,” not because one brings them to the priest. Instead, the gift is sacred because the giver sets it apart from his income. The first fruits of the income are set apart as tithes and offerings, as well as târumah or heave offering. The act of separating the first fruits makes the entire income holy because the giver is declaring that God is the source of the entire provision. Even when the giver is sacrificing only a portion of the income, the Lord can bless the whole lot, depending on the attitude of the giver’s heart.

Deuteronomy 12:6: In the passage below, we see that the târumah or the “special gifts” is different from the tithe.

The passage said bring your special gifts and a tenth of everything you produce. If it were the same, it would have said special gifts or a tenth of everything you produce. Thus, they are different offerings that are commanded of the people.

Take your burnt offerings and sacrifices to that place. Bring your special gifts and a tenth of everything you produce. Take with you what you have promised to give. Bring any other offerings you choose to give. And bring the male animals among your livestock that were born first to their mothers. (Deuteronomy 12:6, emphasis added)

Where you are right now, if you have peace in your heart about the local church you belong to, then this is the place God chose you to worship, and you must bring the offering here.

Different kinds of offerings are brought to God’s chosen place of worship. The Lord specifically guides the believers as to where they are to bring the offering. Where you are right now, if you have peace in your heart about the local church you belong to, then this is the place God chose you to worship, and you must bring the offering here. The people are called to sacrifice and to offer it unto the Lord as worship.

Deuteronomy 12:6 is followed by verse 7, which is a verse that speaks of joy:

You and your families will eat at the place the Lord your God will choose. He will be with you there. You will find joy in everything you have done. That’s because he has blessed you. (Deuteronomy 12:7)

Giving results in joy, not in sorrow, in the Christian life.

Out of the people’s obedience, there is a joy as a result of blessings. Joy is underlined by the fact that it appeared twice in the chapter accompanying sacrifices and offerings (Dt. 12:12; 18). Giving results in joy, not in sorrow, in the Christian life. We go back to how Paul related generosity with an attitude of cheerfulness:

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give. You shouldn’t give if you don’t want to. You shouldn’t give because you are forced to. God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

As a people, may we find joy in giving? Our offering to the Lord is not another bill to pay. It is an opportunity to express our true devotion to the Lord. It is a declaration that we treasure our relationship with God more than we treasure our earthly wealth. Moreover, it is an opportunity to experience the blessings and faithfulness of the Lord, as a direct outcome of our obedience.

There is joy when you experience the communal nature of worship life with a local church. It is important to rediscover the joy of community worship, making offerings to the Lord as God’s people. It’s one thing to be called to give individually, but to live together as a church is a whole different experience of communal worship. The early church love feasts. It is after they give their offerings as a community that they also have celebrations as a community.

It’s one thing to be called to give individually, but to live together as a church is a whole different experience of communal worship.

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