Tag Archive for: E Bernard Jordan


The self love forms the foundation of our single, most important relationship that with ourself. The strength of all our other relationship is exactly equal to the strength of that foundation. To love ourself is not just a self esteem boosting piece of advice.it is prerequisite to truly loving others.

The Golden rule tells us to love your neighbour as you love yourself. We are likely to have heard it many times, expressed in different ways, thinking it is about loving others. Look a closer though and we will find that at its very center is the command to love ourself.

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan believes that self love is not being arrogant or egotistical. It is not about comparing ourself to others to determine if we are good enough. It is not about always putting ourself at the expense of others. It is not always getting our way. It is not about always winning. It is not about only after number one. “ But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to obey his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with your heart and all your soul.” (Joshua 22:5)

To love ourself is to in awe of the miracle of our existence. It is to accept our self as weare the light parts and the dark the good and the bad, while knowing that the real us is above the perceived dualities of the physical realm. It is to be willing to receive as much as we are willing o give and do both equally. It is about knowing our values and our boundaries and honoring them. It is about teaching others how to treat us by showing them how we treat ourself. It is about being kind to ourself. Its about looking after our mind, our body, and our spirit. It is about knowing we are worth it, not because of what we have achieved or what we look like or what others think of us, but because love is our birthright no matter what.

Spiritual Art of War

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. -Amos 3:7

God is thinking of you, what has he told his trusted Prophets about you?

I am pleased to welcome you to the beginning of your new life and prosperity. You have entered the right place for the secrets of God’s divine plan for your life to be revealed. You have just been given a remarkable gift from God to come across the path of God’s prophets. I, Master Prophet Bishop E.

Bernard Jordan, am your most trusted name in prophecy, after over 35 of experience in the prophetic I have raised a company of prophets that pray and fast on the mind of God. We speak the mind of God into millions of lives; therefore we have built the continuing relationship with God as his loyal and faithful servants the prophets. We carry the accuracy of the prophets of old, because we are constantly in the deep study of God’s laws and principles.

We offer you the opportunity to hear God’s mind for your life, after we minister the word of the Lord to you there will be no doubt that you have come to the anointed prophets of God, in which he revealth his secrets to. We will also over deliver, whenever we minister into the lives of the people it is our goal to make sure you receive more than you have come with.

We have seen the power of prophecy bring miracles into the lives of many while we minister change, restoration and healing into the lives of each partner one by one. We make that personal connection that you need in your life so that we can be the vessels God has called us to be in your life to lift you out of the lack, pain, and confusion of your life.

We know that if we speak just a word in your life it will bring change for years to come, just imagine if we became your life line to the mind of God. We are here to break the yokes and the back of lack in your experience, although it takes a desire for change from you. We love God’s people in the same way that we love to prophecy the word of the Lord. Now is the time to enter your Zoe Ministries prophetic experience….Click here for your free written prophecy.

Bishop E. Bernard Jordan is not only your most trusted name in prophecy, he is also a New York Times bestselling author. As the leader of Zoe Ministries Bishop Jordan empowers the people of God to fulfill the purpose God has placed in your lives. Amidst the changes that are happening in today’s economy there is a need for a word from God.

It is times like this that God begins to reveal his prophets. The Prophet comes with the exit strategy. Elisha said to the widow woman, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few… Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest. (2 Kings 4:3,7). This was the exit strategy.

You are here because you have cried out for a solution and God has answered with the remedy by way of his servant the prophet. Bishop E. Bernard Jordan has written the exit strategy straight from the mind of God in his latest work, The Laws of Prosperity: Building a Divine Foundation of Success.

Learning and cultivating the understanding of the Laws of Prosperity, will allow you to uncover the new ability to renew your Mind to emit the exceptional abundance and wholeness God has established for your life. You shall …

  • Destroy your financial anguishes.
  • Transform your life experience.
  • Become divinely entangled with your true purpose.
  • Reveal your true values in life.


…I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. –Isaiah 48:17

Don’t you see that it is time to learn the mysteries that God has prepared for your wealth and success? You can begin to learn how it feels to be in the divine path God has mapped out for you. The Laws of Prosperity will allow you to hear the voice of God through the writings of his prophet so that you too can profit in a time that God has called you to do so.

Just like you, the Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan has weathered the storms of life that makes prosperity seem to be a far off. However, Bishop Jordan has delved into the mind of God to master the storms and come out victorious. Are you ready for victory? Are you ready to master your own storms? Are you ready to receive the truth of God’s plan for you? Well you have entered the place called there….Click here to order your copy of The Laws of Prosperity.