Tag Archive for: Different Ways


The self love forms the foundation of our single, most important relationship that with ourself. The strength of all our other relationship is exactly equal to the strength of that foundation. To love ourself is not just a self esteem boosting piece of advice.it is prerequisite to truly loving others.

The Golden rule tells us to love your neighbour as you love yourself. We are likely to have heard it many times, expressed in different ways, thinking it is about loving others. Look a closer though and we will find that at its very center is the command to love ourself.

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan believes that self love is not being arrogant or egotistical. It is not about comparing ourself to others to determine if we are good enough. It is not about always putting ourself at the expense of others. It is not always getting our way. It is not about always winning. It is not about only after number one. “ But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to obey his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with your heart and all your soul.” (Joshua 22:5)

To love ourself is to in awe of the miracle of our existence. It is to accept our self as weare the light parts and the dark the good and the bad, while knowing that the real us is above the perceived dualities of the physical realm. It is to be willing to receive as much as we are willing o give and do both equally. It is about knowing our values and our boundaries and honoring them. It is about teaching others how to treat us by showing them how we treat ourself. It is about being kind to ourself. Its about looking after our mind, our body, and our spirit. It is about knowing we are worth it, not because of what we have achieved or what we look like or what others think of us, but because love is our birthright no matter what.

Willingness and Availability

Willingness and availability are basic factors we must have to operate this gift. With these attitudes, Francis stressed on the following:

Believers must have the strong desire to release and to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Believers must be sensitive to God’s movement and prompting. Believers must recognize when the Holy Spirit is speaking about a certain person or matter. Believers must understand the right timing in order to make known of specific information. Believers must pray and practice ministering these words of knowledge in an edifying manner.

Believers must be willing and prepared to accept teaching, correction, and even rebuke from those God placed authority over us, to oversee our ministry. Believers must take responsibility for the effects of the words of knowledge that they have delivered or spoken. Thus, they must make sure these promptings are from God.

According to Francis, knowledge is the answer to ignorance. Paul noted on the significance of being informed. It is the same premise for this gift. In order to test that the promptings are from God, we need to make sure the words of knowledge we are speaking are aligned with God’s Word. The Holy Spirit will not prompt you to speak lies or to cause people to sin. The Holy Spirit will move you to speak words that are against the Word of God. You can test this by studying and meditating on the Word of God, as well as by seeking God.

There are different ways that a person with this gift can develop it. We are responsible for our gifts. It is our responsibility to make it grow, with the intention to use it for God’s greater glory. One of the tips involves observing other people who flow in the gift of the words of knowledge. Be an objective observant and learn from their positive and negative points. Emulate the good, and try to improve the bad with your personal growth.

We also need to have the right attitude towards such a gift. Sometimes, our attitude is, God’s sovereignty will move us to use the gift while we do nothing. While it is true that we are nothing with God’s power and without his grace, God does not overpower us and force us to move beyond our will.

God gave us free will. God is a gentle God who will not violate our will. In order for our gifts to flow, we must be willing and available to the Holy Spirit. Thus, as we receive a word of knowledge, we must make it known and we must declare that it is from the Holy Spirit.
