Tag Archive for: deeds

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

What is the Kingdom of God:

James tells us about the kingdom of God, the body without the spirit is dead, and so is faith without deeds (Jas. 2:26). When one is doing the works of the Father, this practice increases the deeds you do. Moreover, this also increases your faith to facilitate increased prophetic work.

There is, of course, a balance between doing good deeds and developing a relationship with the Lord. Your gift flows out of the grace of the Holy Spirit; so do your deeds. However, the scriptural pattern shows us that the more you are willing to be used for the Kingdom of God, the more your gifting will intensify.

The scriptural pattern shows us that the more you are willing to be used for

the Kingdom of God, the more your gifting will intensify. 


What are the works of the Kingdom of God that He is calling you to take part in?

What are the current good deeds that you have participated in as a fruit of your relationship with Jesus?



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