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What is the purpose of life for us? Finding and clarifying our life purpose and core life intentions can help us to move with greater focus and clarity every day of our life. Especially in these challenging times, setting clear intention and developing and refining you life purpose can make it much better easier to navigate stormy waters. There are many ways to both find and develop our intentions and purpose. This information are provided to inspire us to be all that we can be and lead an ever richer fuller life.

Life intentions are any numbers of profound statements about the way we want to live our life. How do we want to be act in the world right now and each moment? When we are confronted with major challenges, on what core principles do we want to base our own decision and actions. Both life intentions and purpose can be rich and valuable in helping to move through the challenges life can bring us, though some will prefer on one over the other. If we find this process somewhat challenging, we might do best to focus on one first. Choose whichever feels right and best to us.

“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me, your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. (Psalm 138:8)

Once we find and develop our life intentions and purpose, consider finding a good place to post them. Review them each day upon awakening in the morning to help us move more effectively and powerfully through the day. In difficult situations check to see if our life purpose or one of our intentions can give us direction to navigate through the stormy waters. By reminding our self of our intentions and purpose, we become more focused and effective in building a brighter future for our self and for all around us. Learn more about your life intention and purpose through the prophet. Click for your free prophecy and start understanding how canyou reach your goal in your Christian walk.


What does it take to be seasoned? How would one maintain their flavor in the  kingdom? To be seasoned to be salty is to be preserved by our Savior, and forsaking all to gain all through and by following Christ. If we have one foot on the world and  one foot in the church we cannot serve two masters, we will love one and the other  hate, in turn lose our flavor.

If we were once with God and the persecution and trials tore us down to where we lost our focus and sense of path. We have lost our flavor.  And if we follow false doctrine knowing and witnessing the truth, but still continue  on a path that is not truth, and then we have lost our flavor and our way.

In Mathew 5:13 the Lord said, ” Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his saviour, where with shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan believes that when we have made the choice to live a life that directly reflects that message we bring to the kingdom, and living  what we preach, then it is us who will have the salt given to us by God. For to have flavor is to be effective in all we do in the kingdom. To be effective is to yearn to  preserve others in all wisdom, by example of walking in a way that lead others to  Christ. To be patient and bearing to those who lack wisdom and salt of their own. To be doers of the word and not just hearers.


Prophecy is done for the service of Christ. Its messages should be aligned with the Scripture and doctrine. The children of God were given the gift of the Scriptures to spread the Good News and we can all grow from there for the glory of God. Ephesians 4:14-16 14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and from, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

Biblical prophecies are from detailed study that is well organized and thought of in each word. 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Prophetic words from preachers really help a lot for people who are lost in this world. They are the ones who have weak faith and sometimes do not even care of how the world works for them. Men should spread the Good, news based on the teachings of God. The duty of preaching should be something that is done for the love of God and for the faith that we have. If we do not have faith within ourselves, we cannot expect to preach and be followed by the people we are preaching for.

Each word in the biblical preaching matters as the original languages are exact that is based in the Word of God. It values historical, literal and grammar approach to the interpretation.


Throughout the book of Genesis the Lord makes his covenantal relationship known to several men. God has plans to bless and prosper the families of Abraham and his son Isaac then Isaac’s son Jacob. The Lord does not bring out his plan due to their immense godliness but instead God only seems to ask we would follow God leading. Abraham is promised descendants that would be as many as the stars in the sky. The ironic piece of course is that Abraham had no children at the time of blessing and would do his best to take matters into his own hands rather than trusting God.

Bishop Jordan believes that imagine God leading us in a particular direction and we believe a place to be at the end of this road, maybe not riches, maybe not fame, but BLESSING. As we head off in this direction none of the blessing ever comes. And maybe just tiniest foretaste of the blessing. This is the reality Abraham, Isaac and Jacob live everyday. The Lord is good but maybe not in every way we had dream of.

The Lord intends to bless us like He did with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. While this may be true consider what exactly is being said when we believe we have entered into the kind of relationship the Patriarchs had with God. It is one of the blessing but maybe not in our lifetime. The Lord has promise us many things but have we ever stopped to consider whether the fullness of those could come after our life have pass?

“And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature ans escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.” (2 Peter 1:4)


As Bishop Jordan taking a break from working on the website today, he decided to go out on the balcony and people watch. Across from him is a laundry mat for the community where he lives. He heard a loud stereo and it caught his attention, he watched the car pull into the laundry mat and stop.

While the lady was unloading her clothes to be washed, her son was out running all over. The mother went inside and the little boy disappeared somewhere. A few minutes later a little boy came in running back to where his mother was walking out from, he was screaming that another child had hit him.

The mother then seemed very angry with him and began yelling and telling him that he should have hit the other child back. The boy stood there with a frightened look on his face as his mother continues to yell at him, repeating the same thing over and over. Needless to say, this is not the correct advice to give a young child. Then I was led to wonder, how could God have made this situation better? Then the idea came to mind of “Children’s Ministry”.It is has belief that if there were a child present who attended a children’s ministry locally, that child could have stepped in and offered proper guidance, prayer, and a peaceful resolution.

He believe that child could have prayed during the incident and already had the power of God moving within them whenever they stepped in to correct the situation. This would have done more good then we all actually know or are even aware of. These children of today are not always receiving the best of lessons in life. More and more children are pushed to being violent because of the parents and of course their environments as well.

Zoe ministries can make a ton of difference and they should be at every church. Do you know whether your church has a children’s ministry? If not, there are traveling ministries that actually help you set one up at your church and train you to run it. Of course there is more than just setting one up, there is funding, attracting people, having people to work there, etc. It is still a good idea to push when everyday there is another generation being brought up full of hate and facing a lack of guidance and resources! God bless you all.

To know more about God’s purpose for you and the power of prophecy Speak to Bishop Jordan he will guide you in your quest.


When we think about coming to church, what aspect do we look forward to the most?

Some of us might say that teaching keeping us coming back each week, some of us because of music and others believers say it might be the deep relationship with others, that they find their churches, a relationship that they cannot cultivate elsewhere. Some others might just appreciate the temporary relief from the pressure of life, work and the world.

Bishop Jordan believes that God’s word clearly teaches us that our giving is actually a direct pipeline to God’s blessing. And in fact there is two simple statements from the Lord ought to make every Christian are eager and thrilled for opportunities to give. If the Bible had nothing else to say about giving, if it was only these two promises from God, it should be still be enough to compel us to line up and give generously, sacrificially and abundantly.

As abundant as His blessing are in our life, and what we give away results in even greater blessing, this concept counterintuitive to our societies mindset, we were encourage to accumulate and save as much as we can. But His word is clear that believers are to avoid the love of money. And this promise from God is consistent with those exhortations.

“NO one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the others; you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”  (Mathew 6:24)

That does not mean we should recklessly give away everything that God’s word clearly advocates wise management of our money and if we were going to store up treasure, we ought to store it in heaven, where no thief is comes near nor does moth destroy. Give generously and count on the Lord to be generous with us.