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Priests had a legal right to receive restitution. When it comes to this restitution payment in the Numbers 5 passage, it is an additional payment on top of their ram of atonement offering.

The ram offering is given to the injured party or his relatives. However, if the injured party died and has no near relative, the restitution is given to the priest. The restitution is in addition to the sacrificial ram that the priest performs a purification ritual for.

It’s not to add to what Jesus did on the cross. However, additional restitution is to make amends for something one has done to contribute to the liveliness of the priests.

In the modern-day, the blood of Jesus Christ is enough restitution for our sins.

However, as in Number 5, the penalty to be paid is in addition to the sacrificial lamb of Christ. It’s not to add to what Jesus did on the cross. However, additional restitution is to make amends for something one has done to contribute to the liveliness of the priests.

Numbers 5:9-10 underscore that the priests play a vital role in reestablishing the ceremonial purity of the people. In this way, the livelihood of the priests is also upheld. In the verse, special offerings to the Lord belong to the priest. Târumah or offering is translated as a gift or donation that goes to the priest. Holy things are holy in the sense that they are offered to the Lord. When they are offered to the Lord, they go to the priest for their provision and portion.

When they are offered to the Lord, they go to the priest for their provision and portion.

The Hebrew practice is this: “When someone makes an offering to the Lord, he hands it over to the priest. Whatever someone gives to a priest belongs to the priest.”

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Those responsible for pastoral compensation need to understand it is unbiblical to “keep a pastor poor to keep him humble.”

Different passages instruct the churches to encourage their pastors through fair compensation. Many American churches undercompensate their ministers. Unfortunately, many families have had to struggle through years of financial hardships. This poverty that pastors experience is not because of God’s will for them to experience financial hardship, but it’s because church members are not generous.

Those responsible for pastoral compensation need to understand it is unbiblical to “keep a pastor poor to keep him humble.”Such a view is damaging and divisive for the church community. Paul wrote about how the church must care for certain Christians.

17 The elders who do the church’s work well are worth twice as much honor. That is true in a special way of elders who preach and teach.

18 Scripture says, “Do not stop an ox from eating while it helps separate the grain from the straw.” (Deuteronomy 25:4) Scripture also says, “Workers are worthy of their pay.” (1 Timothy 5:17-18) Notice how Paul quoted the Old Testament (Dt. 25:4) and the New Testament (Lk. 10:7) in this passage. In Galatians 6, Paul instructs: “Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor” (Gal. 6:6).

Failing to provide a fair wage to our pastors damages their ability to care for their own families (1 Tim. 5:8), and the Lord will hear their cry (Jas. 5:4).

Why would anyone in the church believe that the pastor is required to work under poverty-level wages for the Kingdom of God? Do you think it is God’s will for His ministers to suffer like this when He made ways to provide for His priests in the Old Testament? The biblical pattern is already clear.

Sometimes, it is the insecurity and distrust of today’s society that corrupts the system and makes the church community uncomfortable with blessing the pastor. The local church must encourage their pastors not only by submitting to their biblical leadership (Heb. 13:17) but also by suitably compensating them for the care they take over the souls of the church.

The biblical pattern is already clear. Sometimes, it is the insecurity and distrust of today’s society that corrupts the system and makes the church community uncomfortable with blessing the pastor.

Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. Join our LIVE Conference Call!

1) Call 515-604-9266

2) Go to startmeeting.com, and use the login: BishopJordan

Your Life Plan

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

How are things doing in your life? Are things coming together as planned? We usually make our life plan as early as high school. We think of which college we want to be in, what major to take and then we see ourselves being part of our dream company. Not only do we think about our career, but our future family as well. And then we realize that we have so many bills to pay, mortgage to take care of. We lose track of our dreams and eventually end up in a rut and work the rest of our lives trying to get out of it.

Some people might panic and react extremely badly about this situation. But when you have God in you, and you know how much He loves you, you’ll find peace in the midst of the chaos. This is why most Christians don’t seem too worried when they encounter struggles in their lives, you often hear them say that God will take care of them. They say this in confidence because they love and know God so deeply that they know He has a purpose for them. They know that there is a reason behind the struggles.

How are you handling your life plan? It is going according to how you thought it would go? The power of prophecy can help you in getting out of that rut that you’ve created. Speak to a prophet today and realize how much God loves you and wants you to be happy in life. Let things work according to His purpose.
