STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART: As soon as Moses finished giving the instructions, they obeyed straight away and began giving.

The Israelites gave from the heart. Their repentance is true, and their response to the second time the Lord instructed them showed it. They gave what they had to give and did what they are skilled to do. They did it right away. As soon as Moses finished giving the instructions, they obeyed straight away and began giving.

They did not do many things like think about it, do an inventory first, spend time dwelling if it was something they can do.

They just obeyed. Their hearts were moved and they brought an offering to the Lord (Exo. 35:20-21).

It’s a shining moment for the Israelites. In the whole Old Testament, we see the people of God disobeying, and rarely do they obey immediately. Instead of following God’s instructions, they’ll do their own thing or complain. But this time, they did what God wanted them to do. Their obedience came from the heart. Everyone was willing to bring the Lord an offering.

More than anything else, God wants us to trust Him. We can willingly give when we have are sure that the source of everything is the Lord. God wants our hearts. When we give wholeheartedly, we offer God our hearts. No one else, not even the priest, can determine the status of your heart. God wants our wholehearted devotion to Him.


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