The second river of prophecy flows through established leadership, or a position of authority in the Body of Christ. This person is placed in an office that gives him access to a different level in the prophetic realm. He taps into it correctly, and unintentionally, like a high priest, similar to what we see in John 11. Caiaphas uttered a prophetic word, not because he believed in Jesus, but because he was in a position of authority. Caiaphas was not a man who was filled with the Holy Spirit. He did not understand or believe in Jesus. However, he was in a position that Jesus and God recognized when it comes to the nation of Israel.
Even though the organized Jews did not accept Jesus Christ, Jesus did not oppose them. When the lepers were healed, Jesus even instructed them to go and show themselves to the priest. Jesus respected the authority of the office of the temple in his time. Being a high priest, by virtue, allowed him to tap into a river of prophecy.
You do not understand that it is better for you
to have one man die for the people than to have
the whole nation destroyed.” He did not say this
on his own, but being high priest that year he
prophesied that Jesus was about to die for the
nation, and not for the nation only, but to gather
into one the dispersed children of God. (John 11:50-52, emphasis added)
As the high priest, he was anointed for that moment to speak out what was going to unfold. He may not have intended it the way God intended it to happen; for Jesus to die for the salvation of the entire nation and humanity, and that Jesus would resurrect from the dead. From his perspective, it was either Jesus goes, or the Jewish nation would go. Nevertheless, John recorded his statement and recognized a prophetic flow, coming from the position of the high priest as noted in the emphasis given in the passage above. Caiaphas prophesied about the death of Jesus on the cross. His motivation and purpose for uttering the prophecy was different from what it was supposed to be; nevertheless, this prophecy came forth, and it flew from the river of established leadership.
When you are in a particular church and you are given authority, you are in a position to receive a prophetic word regarding your church. This is true regardless of what others think of you or whether others agree with your word. You are actually obligated to follow this prophetic flow, along with other people in the church, whether you like it or not.
If you are not a member of church leadership, do no prophesy in public. First, write down your prophetic word and submit it under church authority. Let them do what they want with it. Your duty as a prophet and as a member of the Body of Christ is done.
Your responsibility is not to overtake your leaders. Apostles and prophetic leaders establish leaders in the local church for a reason. A position of leadership is not established overnight. It takes years for a person to be in an established position of leadership for a reason—access to this level of the prophetic realm.
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