Reflections from Our Zoe Youth Leader Jordan Clarke
My experience with Zoe Ministries Youth when attending the Six Flags trip was really thrilling. Everyone was ecstatic when reaching the parking lot of Six Flags. Even though we didn’t go on many rides, I spent my time very well. The first ride we went on was the Nitro; this took about an hour just to get to the top entrance of the ride. I was beyond scared and eager as I sat on the ride. As the ride was accelerating upwards, I felt my stomach tighten up and my insides turning into jelly.
I start to say a quick prayer for surviving this huge obstacle. Once I sensed that the roller coaster was descending, I held on tightly to the handles as the air smacked my face, delaying any screams that I would’ve tried to attempt to vocalize. I was glad that I took off my glasses before the roller coaster began because I would definetly no longer own any if I hadn’t. Once and for all, the roller coaster came to an end and I was delirious to get off the ride. Though I was given the opportunity to ride the Nitro again, I wasn’t enthusiastic to take another try.