Prophetic Office or Spiritual Gift
There is a heavy line between having the spiritual gift of prophecy and being called to the office of the prophet. You cannot merely grow into the office of a prophet the way you can grow into a prophetic ministry or receive a portion of the prophetic anointing (mantle). The office of the prophet is a calling. It is a life mission.
In short, it is not through the development of a spiritual gift that one becomes called to this office. According to the Apostle Paul, the office of the prophet is a special governmental gift given by Christ (Eph. 4:11-12). It’s a special calling that not all believers receive. The Office of the Prophet means that a believer is under a particular spiritual gift or office that has been recognized by the church and its elders about how a person is authorized to engage in open ministry centered around the prophetic gift.
In order to possess this office, a person is required to have a sovereign calling, extensive training, and multiple encounters with the presence of God. Moreover, their credibility is founded on their long track record of accurate prophecies. These people are not infallible, instead their words are to be taken more seriously than those of other prophets. Prophets in the office are able to move in the spirit, the gift, the ministry, and the mantle, and so
much more. They are gifted by God to give personal prophetic words. They see deeply the motives of people’s hearts—the secret things. However, their job is not to humiliate or to judge, but to show and encourage people to do what God wants them to do. A person who is not called to the office of the prophet, but moves in this manner, can be dangerous. Imagine, a scalpel in the hand of a murderer can cut or kill. However, the same scalpel in the hand of a surgeon can heal. The prophetic has great potential for building and destroying, depending on the skill, training, equipment, and motivation of the one prophesying.
The office of the prophet is a trans-local ministry, it’s not just confined to the local church. The prophet in the office is usually called to travel all over the world with the same church movement or with another church movement. The Body of Christ is united and the office of the prophet serve the Body of Christ—not just the local church. The office of the prophet expands his influence and activity through relationships, by developing other prophetic ministries, as well as by finding opportunities to share the Word of God on a larger scale (i.e. church planting and world missions).
Is there anything in your heart that you need to confess to preserve the integrity of the prophetic ministry and office?
I want to personally invite you to our LIVE CONFERENCE CALL and get exclusive access to our prophetic conversations.
1) Call 515-604-9266
2) Go to, and use the login: BishopJordan
Do you see yourself being called to a trans-local ministry?
There is a heavy line between having the spiritual gift of prophecy and being called to the office of the prophet. You cannot merely grow into the office of a prophet the way you can grow into a prophetic ministry or receive a portion of the prophetic anointing (mantle). The office of the prophet is a calling. It is a life mission.
In short, it is not through the development of a spiritual gift that one becomes called to this office. According to the Apostle Paul, the office of the prophet is a special governmental gift given by Christ (Eph. 4:11-12). It’s a special calling that not all believers receive. The Office of the Prophet means that a believer is under a particular spiritual gift or office that has been recognized by the church and its elders about how a person is authorized to engage in open ministry centered around the prophetic gift.
In order to possess this office, a person is required to have a sovereign calling, extensive training, and multiple encounters with the presence of God. Moreover, their credibility is founded on their long track record of accurate prophecies. These people are not infallible, instead their words are to be taken more seriously than those of other prophets. Prophets in the office are able to move in the spirit, the gift, the ministry, and the mantle, and so
much more. They are gifted by God to give personal prophetic words. They see deeply the motives of people’s hearts—the secret things. However, their job is not to humiliate or to judge, but to show and encourage people to do what God wants them to do. A person who is not called to the office of the prophet, but moves in this manner, can be dangerous. Imagine, a scalpel in the hand of a murderer can cut or kill. However, the same scalpel in the hand of a surgeon can heal. The prophetic has great potential for building and destroying, depending on the skill, training, equipment, and motivation of the one prophesying.
The office of the prophet is a trans-local ministry, it’s not just confined to the local church. The prophet in the office is usually called to travel all over the world with the same church movement or with another church movement. The Body of Christ is united and the office of the prophet serve the Body of Christ—not just the local church. The office of the prophet expands his influence and activity through relationships, by developing other prophetic ministries, as well as by finding opportunities to share the Word of God on a larger scale (i.e. church planting and world missions).
Is there anything in your heart that you need to confess to preserve the integrity of the prophetic ministry and office?
I want to personally invite you to our LIVE CONFERENCE CALL and get exclusive access to our prophetic conversations.
1) Call 515-604-9266
2) Go to, and use the login: BishopJordan
Do you see yourself being called to a trans-local ministry?
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