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955 search results for: 1


D1-6: A Discipleship Model

D1-6: A Discipleship Model Joel Comiskey, the founding pastor of a cell-based church in Southern California, has the same stand by noting that Jesus wants us to become like him. He pointed out that the Scripture tells us that we are called to be “conformed to the likeness of his Son” (Romans 8:29). He discussed […]


An Effective Model for 21st Century Discipleship

Jesus showed us how to do church and small groups Jesus modeled discipleship in a very personal and relational way without any sign of complexity. The Messiah called each disciple through a personal invitation. He only used simple words that opened the doors to a transformed life to everyone whom he invited.   While walking […]



THE RESPONSE FOR THE CONTRIBUTIONS (EXODUS 35:21–29): The response was excellent. The people immediately began bringing their contributions to Moses. Exodus 35 shows us that their hearts were stirred up, they were willing-hearted (Exo. 35:21-22, 26, 29). There were no gimmicks required. The instructions of God moved their hearts. Târumah is given from nothing. God […]