Overcoming the Four Quadrants: Economics
“A lost person or article is still what it is, still valuable in itself, but in the wrong place, disconnected from its purpose and unable to be or do whatever it is intended to be or do.”
― David Winter
Power Truth
You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.
Psalm 128:2
The Business Industry
Aside from politics, it is easy to see how the business industry can be one of the most corrupt and sinful pillars of power. Some see it as a profit-driven industry. As a result, it is driven by the desire for money, which the Bible refers to as the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). This is precisely why the Lord requires Insiders in this system.
Money is not always bad. Money debates can be sacred. The Bible even promises prosperity to believers (3 John 1:2). God gives us the ability to profit.
You may say, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. (Deuteronomy 8:17-18)
Who’s the Real Boss?
The verse above may be one of the best biblical proofs that God is our Ultimate Boss because He is the one who provides us with our compensation. He is, however, superior to our earthly boss in that he allows us to earn our pay.
The passage also emphasizes our Career Covenant. God is so faithful that He gives us the ability to produce wealth. This is His covenant with us, which He is still keeping today.
Jesus spoke extensively about money management. He knew it was an essential topic for the world’s people. He had imparted valuable advice on how we should handle our money. This alone demonstrates that we do not need to avoid money or the industry that seeks to generate financial success.
Everything has a connection to God and is sacred. This includes your revenue-generating activities. Our lives were designed to bring God glory (Ephesians 1). Instead of getting people “saved,” we should focus on living a life that honors God and loves people, even at work. This emphasis will bring more people to the Lord.
Your Work is a Blessing from God
Our work is a gift from God. It is His provision in several ways. We meet our own needs through work. Work, whether paid or unpaid, allows us to use the gifts and abilities that God has given to us. Furthermore, God expects adults to provide for themselves and not be parasites.
God expects household heads to provide for their families. “Whoever does not provide for his relatives, especially his immediate family, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever,” he says. We earn money to give to others by working. We make the seed to sow into the lives of others, from which we will reap the benefits.
Business and other profit-making endeavors are not inherently evil. They are, in fact, God’s blessings. Money is a tool that God has used to further His purposes. Money is a neutral medium. The purposes for which it is used determine whether it is good or evil.
It becomes a negative channel when your love for money replaces your love for God. If you are willing to sin or engage in activities that are not pleasing to the Lord to gain wealth, you have crossed the line from being in the business quadrant to playing for the opposing team.
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