Keep praising God in the dry season
Keep praising God in the dry season, because soon the rain will come, and you will be filled anew.
Like any other season, dry seasons don’t last forever. Seasons will change. You need to keep the faith and keep trusting God in the dryness. Keep praising God in the dry season, because soon the rain will come, and you will be filled anew.
The Waiting Season:
Waiting is not easy. Sometimes, facing a closed-door is easier than waiting for an answer from God. If you’re in a season of waiting, you know that it is testing your patience and your faith. You may be waiting for a prophetic word to be fulfilled, but the situation is showing you the opposite. You may be waiting for a Word of Knowledge from God for a decision you need to make, and God seems silent.
Whether you’re waiting on your godly husband, waiting for circumstances to change, waiting on something to be completed, or waiting on your purpose, waiting is challenging. Hold on to God’s promises and trust in God’s nature. You can get through this season. God has not forgotten you.
If you’re in a season of waiting, you know that it is testing your patience and your faith.
God is faithful and wise. He is planning something. In fact, in this season of waiting, He’s pruning you. God can be chiseling away what’s not needed for the next level. God is preparing you and making you ready for what is to come. So, let Him work. And however long it takes, go with His flow and grow, because Father knows what’s best (and whose best).
Since this season is still just a season, soon it will be over. A time will come when God will say, “It’s time.” Keep the faith. Do not doubt and wait with an expectant heart, just like King David when he cried out, “Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly” (Ps. 5:3). God is listening and knows exactly where you are. Just hold onto your faith.
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