According to Exodus 25, the Israelites contributed to the holy work of building God’s tabernacle.
What is the purpose of this offering?
The Lord said, “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them” (Exo. 25:8). At the end of the day, the main purpose of the Lord is still to build a stronger relationship with His people. He wants to dwell among the Israelites. We give to God’s Holy work so that His presence can be with us, because of our obedience and faith.
When we give to the Holy work, when we support His ministers and participate in what He wants to build, God makes us His dwelling place.
God is pleased with our obedience. It is a fragrant offering to the Lord. When we give to the Holy work, when we support His ministers and participate in what He wants to build, God makes us His dwelling place. How wonderful a place becomes when God chooses to stay in it. He begins to dwell in our Church, our households, and our everyday lives.
1The Lord says,
“Heaven is my throne.
The earth is under my control.
So how could you ever build a house for me?
Where would my resting place be? (Isaiah 66:1)
God promised to be present with His people in a special way, not for His benefit, but for theirs. It is not the amount of the offering that attracts the Lord. It is the obedience of the people. God promised to be present with His people in a special way, not for His benefit, but for theirs.
When the Lord’s presence is in your life, not just your church or your household, there is blessing, peace, and joy. You want the Lord in your camp. You must do everything so that His presence dwells among you.
God wants to make His presence known, and He wants other peoples to see what it is like for a nation to have the Lord dwell with them. In the end, all glory would go back to the Lord.
Our tithes and offerings support the local church. They provide for the pastor who preaches God’s Word. They pay for the staff who teach, provide spiritual care, lead ministries, and help meet people’s practical needs.
Our giving also supports the worldwide work of missions. Your offering funds evangelists to preach the gospel, pastors to plant churches, teachers to witness to their students, and doctors to heal physical and spiritual wounds. There is much work to be done, and God is calling you to contribute and to participate in this widescale work that He is doing (and funding) in the world today.
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