The Promised Salvation

Most of us come to fear that we may not receive salvation but God has promised us salvation. The promise that was given to us will always be granted as long as we do the right thing. God has given us the gift of life with His Grace, Blessing and Promise. Some are reluctant of the promise of salvation to us.

We must always remember that God has given us His promise but we also need to do our thing in return. We must do what we were told to do for us to have the gift of salvation from God. If we do not do the right thing and what God has taught us, we still cannot have the salvation that we want.

So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath,  18  so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.  19 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,  20 where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. – Hebrews 6:17-20 17

Salvation is one thing that we all want and we need it all for us to have at the end of our lives in this world. Bishop Bernard Jordan is an instrument on how we can be sure that we will have salvation. He offers free written prophecies that can help you achieve the promised salvation. If expect salvation from God but we continue on doing things that are worldly, bad, can hurt other people and is against God’s teachings, we still cannot have the true salvation that our Lord has promised us.

Family versus God

So there we are, the only believer of Jesus in our whole house. None of our family wants to experience Jesus as their Savior, even after we have ministered to them time and time again. They clearly see God working in our life, they see him answering our prayers and blessing us, but still will not turn away from their sinful life style and follow Christ. Over a period of time hatred begins to build within the home and it is focused at you but not on us.

We see, it is the God in us that sinners hate, not necessarily us, but we still face the persecution. Now the house feels like it is divided, the believer and the non-believers. We begin to feel smothered, choked out, like our zeal is literally being drained being around them. Here is what we do, keep praying for their salvation. Surround our self with fellowship by mingling with the body of Christ.

Master Prophet said we have to depend on our brothers and sisters in Christ to stay afloat in a home like this until our family finds salvation. Keep an open hot line to God going 24/7, open prayer. Pray under our breath if we have to. The key is persistence, continue to maintain our walk in Christ and be an example of the believers we need to be one day. Pray, pray, pray! Let God have that door to move in and make a difference in the lives of those we love. Eventually something will click inside of them and they will be standing beside us praying for the salvation of the rest of the household. To learn more about Zoe Ministry and God’d will for you. Talk to Master Prophet Bishop Bernard Jordan now.

“Listen my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.”
(Proverbs 1:8)

Experience Enlightenment About Yourself with Your Free Prophecy


And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28, NIV

Do not allow other people dictate the person that you should be. Be happy with the person that you are today. If you look closely, there are probably a million things that you can be grateful for. You only need to embrace the life that was given to you. The more you love yourself, the more you can relate with and follow through with your vocation.

Do not let hurtful words and discouraging events let you think badly about yourself. Everybody is unique. You are blessed with your own set of capabilities. For example, your sister might be known for her brains, but you might be blessed with more athletic features.

Do not hate yourself because you are different from the people around you.We are all special beings that God wishes the best for. Embrace the person that God made you to be and appreciate the life that you have. If you are unable to accept yourself for who you are, you will not be able to follow a higher calling.

Learn to accept yourself because God made you that way. Let your personal prophecy show you how God specifically designed you for a purpose! The power of prophecy will help you understand God’s plan and destiny for your life.

Prophecy Can Help You Eliminate Problems

1Everybody has his or her own set of problems. Whatever challenges that come your way, it is always about how you deal with them that counts the most. The power of prophecy can help you with that! You must confront your problems before they grow into bigger ordeals. You cannot eliminate your issues by running away from them.

Accepting a higher calling is about cooperating with the wakeup call that God is sending. You must rise from your fear and anger and deal with things the best way you know how. Pray for enlightenment, address your issues and you will feel more like yourself –rather than plagued by negative energies that just won’t die down.

When you are able to ward off your demons it will be easier for you to accept a higher calling into your life. Learn to deal with issues as they come and you will be better equipped at accepting your vocation. As you go about accepting your higher calling, you will be tested by different events. The better you are able to deal with them with poise, grace and honesty, the smoother your path towards your calling will be.

Learn how you can ward off those demons through the Word of God. Let the school of prophets guide you and help you towards your purpose. Click here for your free written prophecy.


Abundance through Christ

zoe ministriesThe keys of heaven and earth had been given to Christ our Lord. He sit on the right hand of God almighty making intercession for us. What does this mean? Why is He praying for us? God is making intercession back and forth for us so that we will know what to do.

What is miraculous about the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven is that God is omnipresent. He can deal with all of our problems all at the same time in different areas of our life. We say that we do not hear from Him. He speaks to everybody. We are just dull of hearing.

Bishop Bernard Jordan believes that Jesus was talking about men who went into the synagogue daily and read from the Scripture. We knew the word given in the Old Testament. We know the prophecy of Isaiah referred to it but we don’t know Christ.

It is easy to get religious that we lose sight of who we are serving in our life. We can get proud haughty that we start to look down at everyone else in the world who has not receive salvation through the grace of God. We can become callous and dull of hearing that we cannot interpret one thing that God is doing because we are judging it with physical eyes. We do not judge everyone around us by what is happening in our life. This may cause us to be snarled quickly and blinded fast that we will walk around like the blind leading the blind.

“and the disciples came and said to Him, why do you speak to them in parables? He answered and said to them, because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.” (Matthew 13: 10-11)

The Power of Forgiveness

Are we someone who has suffered emotionally and physically at the hands of others? Have emotion such bitterness, revenge, anger, resentment and hate entered our hearts and mind? And have we filled with an unforgiving spirit?

The Unforgiveness can be a hidden culprit. It can make us a prisoner within our self.  And an unforgiving spirit lives inside us; it is not bothering those who have wronged us? They have gone on their way. But, still holding onto something that has taken control of our thoughts, words and action. It eats away at us just like a poisonous cancer, and we will find our self bound, with no peace and in the reality we are punishing our self.

Bishop Jordan believes that to forgive in our own power becomes futile, it is because our hearts must first be cleansed of all that the things that unforgiveness creates. And only God can make it happen. God laid it down His life and shed His blood to give us the gift of salvation and clean up our hearts. And through Him there is freedom and victory.

Choosing to forgive is a choice of our will, when we make that choice our hearts is then open and ready for the Lord’s cleansing. By not choosing to forgive is also a choice of our will, but the door of our hearts is then shut down and God will does not do His cleansing work.

“Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give rest.”(Mathew 11:28)

Are You Growing In the Right Environment?

1When you plant a seed, it either grows beautifully or dries up and dies. This is because how a plant grows and develops completely relies on where it is planted and its environment.

A weed is a seed in the wrong place. A weed can be a rose seed that is planted in an orange grove. Roses are beautiful when they are in their own arrangement. But if the rose seed gets over into an orange grove because somebody wanted to see roses and oranges grow together, the rose seed will start to choke out the orange seed because it doesn’t belong in that environment. The orange seed contaminates the environment, and the seed is not able to grow properly.

The reason you are in the situation that you are in is because you have a seed that is a good seed, but it is in the wrong environment, and the time capsule has broken. It is time for that thing to be born. That seed is looking for sunshine in New York, and you have it somewhere in California sitting. So it is just cracking your cement. And you wonder why the foundation of your house is coming apart. You have your seed in the wrong environment. When you have your seed growing in the wrong spot it will cripple your condition. A seed in the wrong area becomes a destructive force.

Grow your seed in the right place and your personal prophecy can help you do so. Let the Word of God be your guide to know where you should be planting your seeds! Receive your free prophecy today by clicking here.

How to Make your Marriage Last Lordship

Bishop Jordan is my best friend. I do not have a lot of friends, but I have one good friend. He is my best friend, and that is my husband because we can laugh and we can talk. I am going to tell you a secret. We are just friends. We do what friends do. I can remember the time we went back to college and we took a class and I said to him, “This is the game plan; we are not going to tell anybody we are married, we are just friends.” Sure enough, the first day of class introducing ourselves, Bishop Jordan began to tell everyone.

He cannot keep a secret. I said, friends are supposed to keep a secret but we had fun in life and in our relationship as friends. Sometimes, you might not be able to see eye-to-eye as a husband and wife, but as a friend to a friend, you can begin to talk about it.

Now I (Bishop Jordan) am going to say this, let me backup for a moment. As the husband, I have to be the protector, a husband- man, a farmer, and the one that provides. I would always say to my  wife coming up early in the marriage in the first couple of years that we were married I would say, “Honey, Sarah called Abraham, Lord.” So I would say to my wife, “You need to call me, Lord.”

My wife would call me Lord. But then, there was a little struggle. There was a struggle because of my (Debra’s) religiosity and ideology; I begin to say, I call no man Lord. I only called Jesus Christ Lord, because he was the one that died for me. I got all religious on that. However, the Holy Spirit began to tell me, “Do you know what the Lord is? You are just honoring your husband. A lord is someone that has gained, that has real estate, so you are not doing anything. You are not dishonoring me; you are honoring me while you are honoring him.” It was easier to consider him lord. The lord also means provider. When I gave him that honor and that respect, I knew that I was also honoring and respecting our Lord Jesus Christ.

See Your Life’s Abundance Through Prophecy

1“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him…” Revelation 1:7

You can only “be” to the degree that you see. The Lord made the seeing eye only to see how much good you can spot for yourself, or how much evil you choose to spot for yourself. Where are you in the picture of life? That is the story of your life.

Your personal prophecy can help you see the good instead of the evil. It will reveal God’s plans for you to become prosperous in life and have abundance.

Proverbs 22:9 says, “He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed…” If you do not have a bountiful eye, then you have a poverty eye. Not all healing happens instantly. That is not the normal process. There is a process to healing. A woman doesn’t have a baby instantly; she must go through a process.

You must determine where you want your reality to be. Do you want your reality to be in real time or in God’s time? Your disease will always get you back into real time. You will start seeing those numbers flashing at you saying, “Look at what age you are and look at what you have not accomplished yet.”

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)

Be still and be whatever you are recognizing at that moment. The Amplified Version reads, “Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God.” Let be and be still. When something is not manifesting, there is something you’re not recognizing and understanding. The Bible says, “Get wisdom, and with all of thy getting get understanding.” Get an understanding. You can have wisdom, but you must know how to apply it for your thing. If you’re chasing things, it means that you can’t let be and be still. Sometimes God will keep you without just to see if you can let be and be still. However, anything you want to manifest just tap the invisible prophet within you. That’s the power of prophecy!

Experience abundance and a bountiful life by choosing what you see around you. Let your free prophecy reveal the abundance! Click here for your free written prophecy today!

Get What You Want Through Prophecy

wantThere is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” 1 John 4:18

Sometimes, what you need to do in order to get what you want is to simply stand up and go after it – it doesn’t get any simpler than that. If you want something done you have to make concrete steps towards it. You must act on your intuition in order for you to actualize that positive energy. Your intuition is a synergy of the different aspects of your personality. Take that potent combination and apply it in your daily life. Let the power of prophecy help you in learning more about your intuition.

If you are too afraid to try it out it will never grow and you will never learn from it. Give your intuition a real chance to develop by actually trying out what it has to say. Forget your doubt and just go for what you feel most strongly about. Your intuition will always push you in the direction that it sees best fit for you. Often times you might question your intuition several times before you actually act on it.

Make it a point to actually follow through with the things you feel a more “right” for you. If you’ve never actually taken the effort to act on your instinct, now is the time to do so. Your intuition can do so much for you if you allow it to influence you in the right way. Without over thinking it, act on your intuition and look forward to positive results.

Let Bishop Jordan and his school of prophets give you a free prophetic reading and find our more about yourself! Click here to speak to a prophet today.

How to Make your Marriage Last Friendship in a Marriage? 

When two people are friends, it is important to have a friendly relationship. The Bible reveals the importance of friends for human beings. If there is so much emphasis on friendship in Scriptures, we can assume that a marriage covenant is supposed to include friendship. The power truth above shows that a friend is someone who will love you at all times (Proverbs 17:17).

In any weather in life, good or bad, you can expect a friend to be there for you. King Solomon describes a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). Your spouse, even if you are not related by blood, if you are friends, you are closer than a brother. This means a friendship between two persons means a bond that is thicker than blood.

What do you expect in a spouse? Do you expect someone who will be there for you at all times? Do you want someone who will be there for you for better or for worse? Do you want someone who will love you no matter what? This is what we find in a friend. These are qualities of a friend. This is what we can expect in a friend. We want our spouses to be our friends.

When someone is your friend, the presumption is he or she is on the same side as you. Otherwise, the person who is not on your side is your enemy. We have mentioned before that sometimes, the spouse becomes the enemy. This should not be the state of a marital relationship. You must make sure your spouse is the friend, and not the foe. You are a team. You must be on the same side. A friend would defend you. A friend has your back. A friend is someone you can turn to in times of trouble. When you are in a marriage, you need your husband or your wife to be your friend, your best friend.

When you become one with someone, you want to have a united relationship. The husband and the wife must be the ones who support each other. It is not only in the serious matters, such as one’s career moves, family matters, and health. It is also in the little things, such as one’s hobbies, interests, and sports. The recreational value that friendship offers is also included in the appeal of friendship.

Sometimes, men and women enjoy time with their friends, more than they do with their spouses. They enjoy the company of their other friends and look forward to it more than they do their spouses. How come? This should not be the case for married couples. The problem is they have been caught up in the realities and frustrations of everyday life that it sucks the joy out of their marriage. In short, their friendship is taken for granted to cater to the responsibilities of married life.

Experience the Power of Prophecy with a Free Written Prophecy

powerI can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13, NIV

Intuition is a very powerful thing. Sometimes when we are stuck deciding, we use our intuition to help us decide the right thing. Your intuition can make up a lot of theories in your mind. It doesn’t mean that every single one of them is absolutely, spotlessly correct. If everybody’s intuition was always right, then everybody would be paying more attention to it automatically; the fact is that you also need to guide your intuition by carefully examining what it suggests you to do.

After you’ve heard out what your intuition tells you, look at your situation. Does it suggest the right option according to the facts and opinions that you have collected yourself? Imagine the outcome that can arise from you listening to your intuition.

Think about how it affects others and assess whether it has a positive effect on your life in the long run. If all the factors ‘click’ into place then you know that you’re intuition is advising you to do the right thing. You’ll know that your intuition is most probably right when it stands out and you feel strongly about it compared to the rest of your options. Always trust yourself and your intuition. Stop second-guessing and starting trusting! Learn more about yourself and how you can fully trust your intuition through the Word of God. Click here to get your free prophecy.