Artificial Intelligence: A Prophetic Perspective on Disruption & Multiplication

Artificial Intelligence: A Prophetic Perspective on Disruption & Multiplication

By Bishop-Elect Joshua N. Jordan, M.Div & Prophet Jessica V. Jordan, M.Div


Dear Company of Prophets and Prophetic Community,

As we celebrate the birthday of our esteemed Grand Master Prophet, it is fitting to reflect on the rapid advanceme

nts that have shaped our society in recent years. Dr Jordan has recently done a teaching that from 2000 

to 2016, we witnessed a century’s worth of progress, and experts predict that the next two years, from 2024 to 2026, will bring about another 50 years of advancement, largely propelled by the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Though a disruptor, artificial intelligence has become increasingly more of a multiplier.

AI has emerged as a disruptive force, challenging traditional paradigms across various industries, from digital ecclesiology to cashless payments and self-driving vehicles. While much attention is given to the disruptive nature of AI, it is crucial for us, as prophetic voices, to recognize and emphasize the multiplication potential that it holds.

The Bible provides compelling examples of disruption leading to multiplication. In Jesus’ first miracl

e at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11), the six stone pots used for foot washing were disrupted from their original purpose when Jesus instructed the servants to fill them with water. This disruption led to a miraculous multiplication as Jesus transformed the water into wine, not just for a day, but for the entire duration of the wedding feast.

Similarly, the story of the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:25-34) demonstrates how a disruptive touch of faith can lead to the multiplication of wholeness and healing.

As prophetic voices, we must heed the words of our master prophet, who wisely stated, “Your enemy is not the devil; it is the ignorance of the current.” In the context of AI, ignorance and fear of the unknown can hinder us from embracing the opportunities it presents. It is our responsibility to stay informed, understand the current state of AI, and provide prophetic insight to guide its development and deployment in alignment with biblical principles.

AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, improve efficiency, and unlock new frontiers of innovation. Just as Jesus transformed water into wine and brought wholeness to the woman with the issue of blood, AI can bring about transformative changes in various sectors, from healthcare and education to finance and beyond.

As prophetic voices, we must discern the times and speak forth the multiplicative potential of AI, encouraging its wise and ethical application for the betterment of society.

As prophetic voices, we must discern the times and speak forth the multiplicative potential of AI, encouraging its wise and ethical application for the betterment of society. However, we must also exercise discernment and ensure that the development and deployment of AI align with biblical values, promoting justice, compassion, and stewardship. As prophets, it is our responsibility to provide prophetic guidance, navigating the disruptive landscape of AI while maximizing its multiplicative effects.

In conclusion, AI presents a significant opportunity for disruption and multiplication in our rapidly advancing society. As a company of prophets and a prophetic community, let us embrace this technology with wisdom, understanding, and prophetic insight. May we be like the sons of Issachar, discerning the times and knowing what to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). By staying informed and proactive, we can shape the future and witness remarkable transformations, just as we see in the biblical examples of water turned into wine and the woman with the issue of blood finding wholeness.

As we celebrate the birthday of our Grand Master Prophet, let us commit ourselves to be prophetic voices that speak into the disruptive power of AI, guiding its development and deployment for the multiplication of blessings and advancements in our world. May our prophetic insight and wisdom illuminate the path forward, ensuring that AI is harnessed for the greater good and in alignment with God’s purposes.

Happy birthday, Master Prophet! May your prophetic voice continue to guide us as we navigate the exciting and transformative times ahead.

Prophetically yours,

Bishop Elect Joshua N. Jordan, M.Div
& Prophet Jessica V. Jordan, M.Div